Coffee Returns To The Grow! Featuring Plant Of The Grapes

Wait you don’t want to watch two sweaty guys beating themselves up?
ieww no...unless maybe its Chris Hemsworth and Jason Mamoa....
We try to I had Scarlet walking around today holding on to her obviously she was loving it then got super mad at me when we sat down. Dante and I went to Walmart today in the rain was awesome kids a trooper watching out for the coyotes lol last weekend we had one slip right by us so now we are very aware of our surroundings at all times
Coyotes oh man I don't miss Coyotes. Had those in Indiana. I remember first time I saw one on the main road, wandering.
He most definitely is we had our moments but we get a long quite well now and he’s great with the grand kids obviously haha
As much as we may have had it out with our parents, the grandparent love just negates it (for the most part)
Jersey you have ink work? Tell TK to watch out cause I think 🤔 I’m in love 😍. lol Too bad about that Indica deal though. Lmao 😂 CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::cheesygrinsmiley:
:rofl: :rofl:I just died. Lol I do, you have to have seen some of my ink on some posts. At least one of my forearms? I have 7 total but like I said, planning on the 8th. This relationship is hard enough, if you think I'm going to battle a long distance one, you must be smoking some heavy indica :rofl: nothing but love though my Irish buddy
I have my back done and next to the elbow bone that was definitely a 10 on the pain scale. I have my daughters name and in a heart on my chest and that wasn’t bad. My bro that did a lot of my work has EAT tattooed on his Johnson and he has ink head to toe. But if you ask him about his EAT if it hurts he’ll tell ya that it started off to say EAT ME. Lmao CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::cheesygrinsmiley:
Psh what’s wrong with indica brrrrro lol
See! He hears it from everyone. Save your breath 12!
Chris Hemsworth
Just Chris all day drools lmao
Coyotes oh man I don't miss Coyotes. Had those in Indiana. I remember first time I saw one on the main road, wandering.
They are beautiful just prefer them at a distance lol not with Dante in my arms or worse Scarlet

As much as we may have had it out with our parents, the grandparent love just negates it (for the most part)
For sure I just don’t like the filling with sugar and sending home part haha
Psh what’s wrong with indica brrrrro lol
Don’t like feeling like I took Thorazine but if you know any that’ll just put me to sleep that’s something I would try. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Psh what’s wrong with indica brrrrro lol
If I want to feel tranquilized I get some from my Doctor but not from my bud. It would also be hard to wake n bake if I’m falling asleep 💤. I don’t know what you people see in it but to each their own. CL🍀
Don’t like feeling like I took Thorazine but if you know any that’ll just put me to sleep that’s something I would try. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:

If I want to feel tranquilized I get some from my Doctor but not from my bud. It would also be hard to wake n bake if I’m falling asleep 💤. I don’t know what you people see in it but to each their own. CL🍀
I take a med called Zopiclone for sleep it’s a benzo been trying to get off them
I'm mostly over insomnia now - hated zop so turned to herbal valerian, hops n stuff
Took a while but it helped me sleep sober eventually
There is a grower here with horrible insomnia and what he does is grow an indica and let it ripen 3 weeks beyond when anyone would normally harvest. That should create a lot of CBN, and if you dry and cure in the hot sun it should be even stronger. Make oil from that and you might be able to kick the meds.
I’m gonna have to get some Indica beans 🫘. I’d try it in a heartbeat if it just made me sleep. CL🍀
Yeah I don’t want anything else to be addicted to, been there done that. No mas. CL🍀
I didn’t either got to the point where I was sleeping only 2 hrs a night takes a toll on your mental health after a while.
There is a grower here with horrible insomnia and what he does is grow an indica and let it ripen 3 weeks beyond when anyone would normally harvest. That should create a lot of CBN, and if you dry and cure in the hot sun it should be even stronger. Make oil from that and you might be able to kick the meds.
I think I’ll give that a shot with one of the plants! I tried a CBN joint and it knocked me on my ass imagine what homegrown will do :)
I'm mostly over insomnia now - hated zop so turned to herbal valerian, hops n stuff
Took a while but it helped me sleep sober eventually
What does did they have you on? I’m at 15mg only take 10 normally tried going down to 5 last weekend just can’t do it with work on the next day not to worried about not sleeping it’s the withdrawal.
I didn’t either got to the point where I was sleeping only 2 hrs a night takes a toll on your mental health after a while.

I think I’ll give that a shot with one of the plants! I tried a CBN joint and it knocked me on my ass imagine what homegrown will do :)

What does did they have you on? I’m at 15mg only take 10 normally tried going down to 5 last weekend just can’t do it with work on the next day not to worried about not sleeping it’s the withdrawal.
Think you just gotta get used to lower doses - tough it out
ieww no...unless maybe its Chris Hemsworth and Jason Mamoa....

Coyotes oh man I don't miss Coyotes. Had those in Indiana. I remember first time I saw one on the main road, wandering.

As much as we may have had it out with our parents, the grandparent love just negates it (for the most part)

:rofl: :rofl:I just died. Lol I do, you have to have seen some of my ink on some posts. At least one of my forearms? I have 7 total but like I said, planning on the 8th. This relationship is hard enough, if you think I'm going to battle a long distance one, you must be smoking some heavy indica :rofl: nothing but love though my Irish buddy


See! He hears it from everyone. Save your breath 12!
I don’t remember seeing any ink on you cause if I had I’m sure I would’ve commented on it. So whatcha got planned for your next one? I think 🤔my next one will prolly be either a Celtic Cross, Ireland 🇮🇪 or that little fighting Irish ☘️ Leprechaun. CL🍀
Nice Julia is going to start selling some prints of her work one of my friends at work his girlfriend just started a apprenticeship as a artist been meaning to pick her brain on it :)
If she can do me a drawing of 3 bees, I’ll buy it.

I’ll pay $50au.

We can set up an eBay purchase.
I didn’t either got to the point where I was sleeping only 2 hrs a night takes a toll on your mental health after a while.

I think I’ll give that a shot with one of the plants! I tried a CBN joint and it knocked me on my ass imagine what homegrown will do :)

What does did they have you on? I’m at 15mg only take 10 normally tried going down to 5 last weekend just can’t do it with work on the next day not to worried about not sleeping it’s the withdrawal.
I guess I’m just crazy then because I’ve only been getting 2-3 hours a night for the last 10 years. CL🍀
Think you just gotta get used to lower doses - tough it out
That’s fair just don’t want to be off balance and all that when playing with molten metal, we are going to try when we go on vacation least I won’t have to worry about getting up. In terms of addiction I don’t believe I’m addicted mentally just worry about the physical withdraw
If she can do me a drawing of 3 bees, I’ll buy it.

I’ll pay $50au.

We can set up an eBay purchase.
For sure is there anyway you want it drawn do you have ideas for concept or did you want to leave it to her imagination? I’ll send you a pm when we get home to figure it out and thank you this will mean the world to her <3
I guess I’m just crazy then because I’ve only been getting 2-3 hours a night for the last 10 years. CL🍀
By the tail end of it I ended up having a complete mental break down think I was doing it for almost 20 years but I was also really messed up now I’m stable and chill :)
I don’t remember seeing any ink on you cause if I had I’m sure I would’ve commented on it. So whatcha got planned for your next one? I think 🤔my next one will prolly be either a Celtic Cross, Ireland 🇮🇪 or that little fighting Irish ☘️ Leprechaun. CL🍀
I have 3 hounds with their legs intertwined like knotwork on my chest. It's from the Book of Kells.
For sure is there anyway you want it drawn do you have ideas for concept or did you want to leave it to her imagination? I’ll send you a pm when we get home to figure it out and thank you this will mean the world to her <3
My son and my two grandsons are my 3 favourite bees.

So biggest, medium and small.


Just A5 and in pencil, signed by Julia. I’ll frame it and think of your family every time I look at it.

We can set up an eBay purchase so I can pay you.
My son and my two grandsons are my 3 favourite bees.

So biggest, medium and small.


Just A5 and in pencil, signed by Julia. I’ll frame it and think of your family every time I look at it.

We can set up an eBay purchase so I can pay you.
Sorry I didn’t get back to you was a day yesterday, I think she is going to start on the weekend as the two don’t give her anytime during the day while im at work and thank you again <3

Update will come later!
Hey @Trala Julia asked me to show you this
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