Thanks gwhunran :) Hahahaha, I got half way through my reply and my mind drifted onto harvest prep. I must buy some more hangers.

Ok, these buds have yet to reach their potential. Thanks Otter. How do you do your droughting? Do you reach a point of readiness and stop giving water altogether, or do you give rescue drinks after a limited time? Do you look at leaf wilt angle or what, for signs of being done?
I stop water. Now in SIP's I suck the rez out on the day I begin day one. Then wait for the big droop.
Harvest prep:

I'm in winter atm and it rains a lot. The RH in my living room fluctuates between about 57 and 77 each day. Overnight it gets super humid and then I open up the place to breathe during the day. The external temps are sitting between 6 to 20 C but my living room tends to stay at about 17 C.

I was going to hang the bud on a clothes horse in the living room, then cover top and sides with black bin bags to keep it dark in there. There'll be air flow from the bottom. Do you think they need a fan in that environment, or will a fan dry them too fast? I ask this because I am going away for a few days and they may have to hang unsupervised for up to 4 days.
I keep a fan running in the area. Not on the buds but the air moves on them indirectly. Your coolish temps will offset the slightly moist conditions you get intermittently I'm thinking.
I stop water. Now in SIP's I suck the rez out on the day I begin day one. Then wait for the big droop.
Then what? 😄 Do you let that go until harvest?
I keep a fan running in the area. Not on the buds but the air moves on them indirectly. Your coolish temps will offset the slightly moist conditions you get intermittently I'm thinking.
Thank you.

Am I glad I hung onto the damaged leaves from earlier in the grow! The plant is fading and yellowing. I realize it is late in the grow. Is there anyone awake who can advise me? @Jon remembers Blueberry being a nitrogen hog. I've seen this plant being a potassium hog. How can I green it up, or should I not worry at this stage?

By the way, I broke a branch two days ago and the plant seems to have weathered that well. I taped it up and braced the branch. It seems to have worked thank goodness.

Thanks for following.
I keep a fan running in the area. Not on the buds but the air moves on them indirectly. Your coolish temps will offset the slightly moist conditions you get intermittently I'm thinking.
Keep in mind my rh will be about 70% or less first couple days then I move it down to mid 60's where I kind of keep it until jarring. my target for jars is 60 to 62%. If your rh is much higher the fan may want to be direct.

Then what? 😄 Do you let that go until harvest?
Sometimes yes. Trichomes tell me if a rescue water will come and quench their thirst or not.

Am I glad I hung onto the damaged leaves from earlier in the grow! The plant is fading and yellowing. I realize it is late in the grow. Is there anyone awake who can advise me? @Jon remembers Blueberry being a nitrogen hog. I've seen this plant being a potassium hog. How can I green it up, or should I not worry at this stage?

By the way, I broke a branch two days ago and the plant seems to have weathered that well. I taped it up and braced the branch. It seems to have worked thank goodness.

Thanks for following.
The yellowing at this time seems very normal to me Carmen. With just a couple of weeks left in those pots some would call it a perfect fade to finish.
Keep in mind my rh will be about 70% or less first couple days then I move it down to mid 60's where I kind of keep it until jarring. my target for jars is 60 to 62%. If your rh is much higher the fan may want to be direct.

Sometimes yes. Trichomes tell me if a rescue water will come and quench their thirst or not.

The yellowing at this time seems very normal to me Carmen. With just a couple of weeks left in those pots some would call it a perfect fade to finish.
Okay, thank you Otter. The plants are due a feed of Nourish in 2 days and I was wondering whether to bring that forward in the case of the Blueberry... Any input on this would be welcome!

Am I glad I hung onto the damaged leaves from earlier in the grow! The plant is fading and yellowing. I realize it is late in the grow. Is there anyone awake who can advise me? @Jon remembers Blueberry being a nitrogen hog. I've seen this plant being a potassium hog. How can I green it up, or should I not worry at this stage?

By the way, I broke a branch two days ago and the plant seems to have weathered that well. I taped it up and braced the branch. It seems to have worked thank goodness.

Thanks for following.
If you are, strain dependant of course, within the last 10-21 days of life then this fade, known as senesence, is a natural part of LOS.

It is usually in combination with a noticeable drop of water consumption.

She is no longer using nitrogen very much, she is pulling every mineral she can from her leaves to push it to the calyxes.

She spent her whole life stockpiling those minerals for this. Let her finish. Let the leaves fall off on their own, or only remove them if the gentlest touch knocks them off. It's her autumn colors coming in would be my guess.

You can feed her if you like. If she doesn't eat it all then it goes into the recycle for next grow.

She is still eating small amounts, she just requires those minerals to push resin to the calyxes.
If you are, strain dependant of course, within the last 10-21 days of life then this fade, known as senesence, is a natural part of LOS.

It is usually in combination with a noticeable drop of water consumption.

She is no longer using nitrogen very much, she is pulling every mineral she can from her leaves to push it to the calyxes.

She spent her whole life stockpiling those minerals for this. Let her finish. Let the leaves fall off on their own, or only remove them if the gentlest touch knocks them off. It's her autumn colors coming in would be my guess.

You can feed her if you like. If she doesn't eat it all then it goes into the recycle for next grow.

She is still eating small amounts, she just requires those minerals to push resin to the calyxes.
You make it sound like poetry Gee man. Thank you!
That's the difference between saying it like you know what you're talking about, noting facts etc. and what I said Carmen. :) Gee has polished knowhow he thankfully shares! Thanks GeeMan! Science and nature rules!
You made it sound pretty darn good too, Otter! The fade to finish. I love that. Also poetry.
That's the difference between saying it like you know what you're talking about, noting facts etc. and what I said Carmen. :) Gee has polished knowhow he thankfully shares! Thanks GeeMan! Science and nature rules!
🙏Just passing along what was passed along to me, but of course you are welcome😊
Happy Monday friends :)

Here's some early trich porn and a good dancing song. I used to hang at the ice-rink as a teen. We'd be speeding around the rink until the lights went low and the love songs played. Then there'd be a scramble for hands and you'd hope one of the cool boys would ask you to slow skate. Bee Gees were stock favourites.

Some nice colors happening on that bud there Carmen
Happy Monday friends :)

Here's some early trich porn and a good dancing song. I used to hang at the ice-rink as a teen. We'd be speeding around the rink until the lights went low and the love songs played. Then there'd be a scramble for hands and you'd hope one of the cool boys would ask you to slow skate. Bee Gees were stock favourites.

Happy Monday friends :)

Here's some early trich porn and a good dancing song. I used to hang at the ice-rink as a teen. We'd be speeding around the rink until the lights went low and the love songs played. Then there'd be a scramble for hands and you'd hope one of the cool boys would ask you to slow skate. Bee Gees were stock favourites.

Thats a beauty!🥰
Sorry, the Olympics were on!

Thank you Shed, how long would you give them?
Until they really slow down drinking, along with macro trich shots.
Do you think I am tackling droughting at the right time in the plants' lives?
Timing the drought the first time you grow it is always a guessing game. 14 days before chop gives you time to drought and rescue if you go that route. Normally I'd start from fully watered but with your cool temps and high RH I'm not sure that's the best idea.
Do you think they need a fan in that environment
Absolutely. And at 70% RH you could have a fan on them 24/7 and not over-dry them. so pointing one at the space under the skirt would be a good idea. Botrytis grows in cool temps and high RH. Source
a good dancing song.
Dat butt-pat in the opening seconds doh. :laugh:
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