All sorts of things don't happen down at 15ºC as described in this post:
I knew this about the cold. Great article, thank you.
I'm at my limit for use of electric.
You're hovering down near the lowest temps that cannabis is fond of, ruderalis or no. :)

I know there's nothing to be done about the temps, but it's possible that throwing nutrient boosters may not be helpful if the soil is below the range that the roots can take them up.
You might be right. Today the soil is up at 20 C and Gee has suggested that I warm their water slightly. I will try the calmag anyway and hope for the best 🤞
I knew this about the cold. Great article, thank you.
I'm at my limit for use of electric.

You might be right. Today the soil is up at 20 C and Gee has suggested that I warm their water slightly. I will try the calmag anyway and hope for the best 🤞
Looking good Carmen
These are a couple of shots of the Blueberry auto buds. See how small.

Then here are some shots of the Red Mimosa XL auto. Also small.

No worries love, they'll bulk up more as they mature. 🤞🏻It'll get bigger 💚
That sounds like a good try Carmen! No one like s cold feet. A warm bath could make at least a temporary time for them to feed. I've had this in my grows. Lately tapeing heat mats to my hard pots is helping not that you can with cloth and the electric issue.
Thanks Otter. I didn't warm the water after all. It was too complicated and this morning the room temp was reasonable. They got fish ferts today and MAC #1 the calmag too.
No worries love, they'll bulk up more as they mature. 🤞🏻It'll get bigger 💚
Jiggi I love your optimism. I'm gonna hope that too.
What Jiggi said! And maybe they're really dense buds and are full weight in small packages? :)
I hope so Otter :)
Screenshot (93).png

These plants are finishing off now. They're frosty but not very bulky. I'm going to put that down to very cold weather and slow metabolism for the moment.

I continue to alternate kelp and fish ferts with watering. I gave myco and I treated the Blueberry with K, and the MAC with calmag and K.

I lowered DLI to 40, which meant lowering the intensity of the lights to 75 %. I will lower DLI further as the plants finish.

Thanks for following along :)

Screenshot (93).png

These plants are finishing off now. They're frosty but not very bulky. I'm going to put that down to very cold weather and slow metabolism for the moment.

I continue to alternate kelp and fish ferts with watering. I gave myco and I treated the Blueberry with K, and the MAC with calmag and K.

I lowered DLI to 40, which meant lowering the intensity of the lights to 75 %. I will lower DLI further as the plants finish.

Thanks for following along :)

Beautiful colors Carmen!
Screenshot (93).png

These plants are finishing off now. They're frosty but not very bulky. I'm going to put that down to very cold weather and slow metabolism for the moment.

I continue to alternate kelp and fish ferts with watering. I gave myco and I treated the Blueberry with K, and the MAC with calmag and K.

I lowered DLI to 40, which meant lowering the intensity of the lights to 75 %. I will lower DLI further as the plants finish.

Thanks for following along :)

Beautiful plants Carmen
Highya Carmen,

Can you stand another compliment? Love the colors in the Blueberry lady! Happy Smokin'
Fish ferts day here today too! They love that!
They do and I now have a decision to make re droughting potential! I need advice from those in the know ;) Please see notes at end in response to Shed. I'd like the droughters to weigh in pls.
Beautiful colors Carmen!
Thanks 024! Genetics and winter to thank for that :)
Beautiful plants Carmen
Thank you SniperX
Highya Carmen,

Can you stand another compliment? Love the colors in the Blueberry lady! Happy Smokin'
Always Bode, thank you. I love compliments :) I was waiting for the Blueberry to change colour. It's so fun when they do it. I thought the Red Mimosa would go red but only the sugar leaves are turning slightly. I still think its flowers are beautiful as they are that bright white.
They're all looking great and there's still time for those thinner ones to pack on some heft before harvest! I figure MAC to come down's it smell?
Thank you Shed, how long would you give them? The MAC is still covered in white hairs. They'll turn in a few days but I find it hard to judge finishing times. They smell gloriously dagga-ish. I often get a coffee aroma coming through but that may just be a coffee aroma lol. I was thinking I might not give the MAC any more water. Let it starve till harvest. In fact I was thinking of leaving both the Red Mimosa and the MAC without water until harvest, and doing a normal pre-harvest drought and replenish with the Blueberry. Do you think I am tackling droughting at the right time in the plants' lives? Blueberry is dry today. They other two are still moist to wet after two days.
Highya Carmen,

I don't know how big they are, but the frost production is going overtime to produce that much, especially on the MAC. They do look like they're on the latter end of the grow. I'm like you, I can't judge how much more time to wait, but you'll know when they're ready!! At least, I always do. They all look gorgeous!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Carmen,

I don't know how big they are, but the frost production is going overtime to produce that much, especially on the MAC. They do look like they're on the latter end of the grow. I'm like you, I can't judge how much more time to wait, but you'll know when they're ready!! At least, I always do. They all look gorgeous!! Happy Smokin'
Thank you so much Bode 🥰
Loving the buds! :love: In the final phase:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Thanks gwhunran :) Hahahaha, I got half way through my reply and my mind drifted onto harvest prep. I must buy some more hangers.
I wait for them to be fat enough, meaning are they up to their potential bud development? That's a hard question sometimes. In the last few weeks of life is what I try for I think for droughting.
Ok, these buds have yet to reach their potential. Thanks Otter. How do you do your droughting? Do you reach a point of readiness and stop giving water altogether, or do you give rescue drinks after a limited time? Do you look at leaf wilt angle or what, for signs of being done?
Harvest prep:

I'm in winter atm and it rains a lot. The RH in my living room fluctuates between about 57 and 77 each day. Overnight it gets super humid and then I open up the place to breathe during the day. The external temps are sitting between 6 to 20 C but my living room tends to stay at about 17 C.

I was going to hang the bud on a clothes horse in the living room, then cover top and sides with black bin bags to keep it dark in there. There'll be air flow from the bottom. Do you think they need a fan in that environment, or will a fan dry them too fast? I ask this because I am going away for a few days and they may have to hang unsupervised for up to 4 days.
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