
I left my plants overnight because I attended a party outoftown. The lights stayed on all night but that's ok.

This is a Xhosa dagga pipe gifted to me today. It's fully functional. I accidentally left it behind but I will get it next time.

This is Luwak coffee. Now I can say I've had it. There is nothing that justifies the expense IMO, 😆

Well the party was fun for the first half and stressful for the rest. I pulled out the party favours and a guy I just met had a terrible reaction to the weed. He couldn't stand, got severely paranoid and was dissociating. I was worried that he may need a trip to the ER, because it went on for a couple of hours. He's a practicing psychologist so we were able to have a fairly high level conversation and he was objective enough to know that it would pass. However he needed me to sit it out with him. I gave him some cbd drops for dogs and offered him alprazolam which he declined. We had breakfast together this morning, a few of us and I was relieved to see him recovered. That was pretty scary 😨

Happy Monday and have a lekker week.
Plants are looking spectacular Carmen, Lol! must be some good shit if it knocked him on his ass, & pass on the coffee
Plants are looking spectacular Carmen, Lol! must be some good shit if it knocked him on his ass, & pass on the coffee
Thank you Con.
Nice buds being built on those plants. :green_heart: 🍋
Thank you Keith.

Here are some close ups

Highya Carmen,

Congratulations on getting your seeds!! Finally! Now, I'm glad to go to the post office to pick up mail (except bills). So sorry for the postal system and electric grid problems you have. A song says "you don't know what you have until it's gone", but you've made me appreciate all we do have!!
Your ladies look really nice! Mac is still packing on weight! She looks like she'd smoke very well!! Mimosa and Blue Dream look very nice in their own way, also! So good with less than ideal circumstances!
I'm surprised a psychologist would be paranoid smoking cannabis. I would think they would be stronger mentally. Glad you were there to reassure him. Also, love the fingernail polish. Good measuring!! Happy Smokin'
Thank you Con.

Thank you Keith.

Here are some close ups

Beautiful Carmen🥰😍👊. You are really killing it this grow!

Kinda funny about your phsycologist friend, not really, but kinda.

Thats what happens when I pull out a 1oz cannagar at a party. Everyone jumps right in screaming Yeah Baby!, then 30 minutes later I'm somehow the A-hole🤣🤣🤣🤣

Again.... Your plants look spectacular!😍
Highya Carmen,

Congratulations on getting your seeds!! Finally! Now, I'm glad to go to the post office to pick up mail (except bills). So sorry for the postal system and electric grid problems you have. A song says "you don't know what you have until it's gone", but you've made me appreciate all we do have!!
Thank you for thinking on that Bode. It's all relative eh, just like in the Desiderata. It's good to consider things and appreciate what we have for as long as it lasts.
Your ladies look really nice! Mac is still packing on weight! She looks like she'd smoke very well!! Mimosa and Blue Dream look very nice in their own way, also! So good with less than ideal circumstances!

I'm surprised a psychologist would be paranoid smoking cannabis. I would think they would be stronger mentally. Glad you were there to reassure him. Also, love the fingernail polish. Good measuring!! Happy Smokin'
I think that the chemical reaction was causing him to have mild psychosis. He'd had a lot of wine too.
Beautiful Carmen🥰😍👊. You are really killing it this grow!

Kinda funny about your phsycologist friend, not really, but kinda.

Thats what happens when I pull out a 1oz cannagar at a party. Everyone jumps right in screaming Yeah Baby!, then 30 minutes later I'm somehow the A-hole🤣🤣🤣🤣

Again.... Your plants look spectacular!😍
l've seen your cannagars LOL! Woohoo! Thank you :)
Congratulations on the seeds and the LSD!
:) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :)
Thank you, that cracked me up, and in fact it still does and is. She says breathlessly with a belly full of mirth! :laugh:
Weekly Update: Day 63

Screenshot (88).png

There's not a lot going on. The buds are thickening and the frost is showing. I'm alternating a kelp and potassium feed with fish ferts and potassium. They will get Nourish for their next feed in two days time, and myco the one after that.

Thank you for following and have a great weekend.
You're slaying Carmen! :Rasta:
Weekly Update: Day 63

Screenshot (88).png

There's not a lot going on. The buds are thickening and the frost is showing. I'm alternating a kelp and potassium feed with fish ferts and potassium. They will get Nourish for their next feed in two days time, and myco the one after that.

Thank you for following and have a great weekend.
They look great, that MAC cola is impressive!
nice pics, contest quality
Thank you Con! I think the same about your pics in your tranquil oasis by the lake.
Beautiful plants you have Carmen, they have grown a lot since I’ve seen them last
your pics are very crisp ,they look so tasty
Thank you SniperX! My jars are emptying as we speak so I will be very grateful for this harvest. Your outside autos are looking like jewels they are so green.
You're slaying Carmen! :Rasta:
Thank you GDB! I hope one day I can measure my success by floppage 😀
Beautiful plants Carmen. :thumb: 🍋
Thank you Keith! Exciting times. Yours are about to start the flowering magic too :passitleft:
Fatter and fatter! Ooh i bet they smell nice!
Thank you Otter, they are getting fatter, especially the MAC#1 auto. I got some pics with the flash on, that always shows the buds nicely. The Red Mimosa XL auto is a couple of weeks behind the MAC#1 and the Blueberry is about a week behind that. I'm hoping they will pack on the weight too. The Red Mimosa certainly is frosting up.
They look great, that MAC cola is impressive!
Thanks G, the smell is pretty awesome too.

Moisture Update:
Thanks to this very useful gift I am able to see exactly how moist the plants like their pots to be. Here are some pics of optimal soil moisture and present status. It's great to be able to see this and know what to aim for.

Previously my plants in the 20 L (5 gal) pots would take about 2 L of water each time and require watering more frequently. Now these plants only take 1 L at a time. I put this down to the light control. I wonder if that can be.

Perhaps when I was running the lights too hot and for too long that may have sped up the transpiration. Now that I am keeping DLI within the suggested range, at 45, with much lower ppfd, I feel my plants have a better chance at remaining healthy and bulking up. @Gee64 do you think this is a thing?

For the purposes of clarification, I am keeping the lights at 100 % power, raised quite a distance from the plants, for better penetration. I think if I had the lights closer and at lower intensity, the penetration would be less but I am not sure.

Highya Carmen,

I salute your dedication to growing as well as possible!! Your dedication shows up in your autos with gorgeous bud-filled colas . Looking so nice in there, Carmen!! Much fun when all goes well! Happy Smokin'
Highya Carmen,

I salute your dedication to growing as well as possible!! Your dedication shows up in your autos with gorgeous bud-filled colas . Looking so nice in there, Carmen!! Much fun when all goes well! Happy Smokin'
Thank you Bode! Growing at this time of year is fairly plain sailing on the tabletop. It gets cold but I think Ruderalis can cope. The bugs prefer the warmer weather. The cold makes it easier to dial in other factors. The one that fluctuates the most is the RH. Right now it is 47 but most of the time it is 74 ish! That's because we have winter rainfall and the windows are sealed at night. During the day I keep about a dozen layers of clothing on and all the windows open to dry things up. Presently it is 14 C and will be going down to 7 C today. However, the soil meter tells me it is 18 C in the pots, which is not too bad. I'm told the colas should get nice and hard from the cold. I'm looking forward to seeing if the changes in my grow style amount to bigger, harder buds. Happy smoking too :)
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