Week 4 Update:

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I have observed that the two plants directly under the lights seem to swoon and droop about an hour before lights out. The ppfd is a little high according to my DLI charts and I think I will turn the lights out an hour earlier, giving them a 17 / 7 cycle at 620 ppfd. I imagine that the swoon occurs because they have maxed out their DLI. What do you think?


I have not had to water the plants yet. I have literally just wet the surface with two small top waterings, and I mist the surface twice a day. The Gee64 method really works for me and as such I'd like to promote it far and wide. I prefer it 100 % to the Emilia method. In fact the Emilia method will come into play when I actively begin watering to run off, but until then, I have no need to concern myself with the drastic shifts in wet / dry cycle. The Gee64-ol-lady squeeze test is a winner! To reiterate, keep your soil moist to the point of a wet squeeze with a single drip. This keeps the micro herd active even in fallow soil, and ensures good tilth etc for transplanting seedlings.

Week 4 Update:

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I have observed that the two plants directly under the lights seem to swoon and droop about an hour before lights out. The ppfd is a little high according to my DLI charts and I think I will turn the lights out an hour earlier, giving them a 17 / 7 cycle at 620 ppfd. I imagine that the swoon occurs because they have maxed out their DLI. What do you think?


I have not had to water the plants yet. I have literally just wet the surface with two small top waterings, and I mist the surface twice a day. The Gee64 method really works for me and as such I'd like to promote it far and wide. I prefer it 100 % to the Emilia method. In fact the Emilia method will come into play when I actively begin watering to run off, but until then, I have no need to concern myself with the drastic shifts in wet / dry cycle. The Gee64-ol-lady squeeze test is a winner! To reiterate, keep your soil moist to the point of a wet squeeze with a single drip. This keeps the micro herd active even in fallow soil, and ensures good tilth etc for transplanting seedlings.

How is the soil surface when they dry down on top Carmen?

Is it crusting at all?

Have you finger tilled the top inch yet?

If not, try it when the surface is dry and till it to about an inch deep. Be gentle and watch for roots.

Go all the way out to the edge of the pot and then smooth it out perfectly when you are done. It will help with water penetration and air intake.
Highya Carmen,

I didn't know you have another journal going. I've been really busy with spring and didn't even notice. Well, I'm here for the duration. I read your first post, and all three strains sound very nice. I'm going back to read and catch up as I find the time. Happy Smokin'
Highya Carmen,

I didn't know you have another journal going. I've been really busy with spring and didn't even notice. Well, I'm here for the duration. I read your first post, and all three strains sound very nice. I'm going back to read and catch up as I find the time. Happy Smokin'
Bode! Yay! I'm glad you're here. How was spring? Did you get your list ticked off? Happy smoking :)
How is the soil surface when they dry down on top Carmen?

Is it crusting at all?

Have you finger tilled the top inch yet?
Yes, a few times and it feels good to me.
If not, try it when the surface is dry and till it to about an inch deep. Be gentle and watch for roots.

Go all the way out to the edge of the pot and then smooth it out perfectly when you are done. It will help with water penetration and air intake.
It's like sweeping a Zen garden :meditate:
Looking good btw 😍🥰👊, but blueberry looks a bit wet again. Maybe She likes things on the drier side.
Thank you! :)

What are you seeing in the Blueberry that indicates to you that the pot is too wet? I noticed a slight curling of the leaf tips and possibly some swollen capillaries and I have to admit I was surprised. That means the plant really does prefer dry conditions, but tough luck, it must get water from time to time. In fact I gave it a liter today because I don't want the pot to dry out and become hydrophobic. I can tell the bottom of the pot is still moist. By this afternoon BBa had perked up and is praying with the other two, so no harm done.
Highya Carmen,

I'm not sure what list you were talking about. I make lists a lot, and finish them; so I would say yes without knowing, lol!!

We had a great spring, and so far a great summer. Hopefully it will be a banner year for outside harvests. Must be getting chilly there? :( I guess it has to be somewhere. I'm starting to go back and read through your journal. Happy Smokin'
Highya Carmen,

I'm not sure what list you were talking about. I make lists a lot, and finish them; so I would say yes without knowing, lol!!

We had a great spring, and so far a great summer. Hopefully it will be a banner year for outside harvests.
Fingers crossed the season continues in this vein. It sounds like it will be a good one :)
Must be getting chilly there? :( I guess it has to be somewhere.
It is but today was relatively warm in the sun! I enjoy these rare, sunny and windless winter days here.
I'm starting to go back and read through your journal. Happy Smokin'
Thank you for your interest Bode but don't feel you have to read it all.

I've had run without incident so far.
Doesn't look like anyone missed those big top fan leaves!
I have observed that the two plants directly under the lights seem to swoon and droop about an hour before lights out. The ppfd is a little high according to my DLI charts and I think I will turn the lights out an hour earlier, giving them a 17 / 7 cycle at 620 ppfd. I imagine that the swoon occurs because they have maxed out their DLI. What do you think?
I think that if that's your theory then I'd say you'll get more growth by turning down the light a bit and leaving it on longer than giving them fewer hours of light.
Doesn't look like anyone missed those big top fan leaves!

I think that if that's your theory then I'd say you'll get more growth by turning down the light a bit and leaving it on longer than giving them fewer hours of light.
Thanks Shed. I'll take some photos to show you the swoon. To me the plants are saying they don't want any light but I that's just a guess. To me they are shying away from the light that they have been praying to earlier in the day. I tried to google this but came up with nothing.
The whole "praying" things seems to be a construct of the amateur cannabis grower community. Watch any stop motion video of cannabis over a 24 hour period and you will see the leaves rise and fall during both light and dark periods.
This is bloody excellent! I love a construct that is easily deconstructed! I shall do just that Shed! So do you think I should just stick to the chart and ignore the swoon, continue with 18 / 6?

I found this video and it really looks to me that the swoon happens at lights out. I think I will stick with the 17 / 7 because because 🤷‍♀️ for experimental purposes, unless more of you agree with Shed about extending hours and dropping intensity, and disagree with the 17 / 7 approach.

The whole "praying" things seems to be a construct of the amateur cannabis grower community. Watch any stop motion video of cannabis over a 24 hour period and you will see the leaves rise and fall during both light and dark periods.
Agreed!! 100% I call it the ballet 🩰:love:🦢 the leaves go up and down as it grows, it's truly remarkable
This is bloody excellent! I love a construct that is easily deconstructed! I shall do just that Shed! So do you think I should just stick to the chart and ignore the swoon, continue with 18 / 6?

I found this video and it really looks to me that the swoon happens at lights out. I think I will stick with the 17 / 7 because because 🤷‍♀️ for experimental purposes, unless more of you agree with Shed about extending hours and dropping intensity, and disagree with the 17 / 7 approach.

Agreed w Shedster. :Namaste:
Does droop mean they stop growing, or does it just reflect the plant changing the position of their leaves as a result of different transpiration needs? If they "pray" during lights off does that mean they're asking you to turn the lights back on?

And wouldn't a plant whose leaves are "praying" be getting less light than a plant whose leaves were horizontal?

I'd find the DLI number that works for you and your electric bill and work with that. If plants are getting too much light (stress) I don't believe they wait 17 hours to tell you.
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