Highya Carmen,

Love your training job! Looks very professional! From looking at the pictures, looks like they all have pistils. What I didn't know is that they could be trained even with pistils. You don't think they're done stretching? Very confusing, but then I'm a stoner! Happy Smokin'
Happiness x 3 there Carmen! Sweet growing!
Thank you Otter!
They look great, but since you haven't topped the MAC I would push the lower branches up rather than tying them out. There's plenty of room for them to get light if that was your thinking by flattening them, but the buds should get bigger the closer they are to the top.
Thanks Shed. This is the first plant I haven't topped. I'm finding my way and I will leave them to go vertical now that they are level with one another.
Highya Carmen,

Love your training job! Looks very professional! From looking at the pictures, looks like they all have pistils. What I didn't know is that they could be trained even with pistils. You don't think they're done stretching? Very confusing, but then I'm a stoner! Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode, thanks! I go on training as they mature. They respond well in my experience. I think they've got quite a bit of growing still to do. I never know when the stretch part starts and finishes.

The training is here if you missed it :):
Thank you :)

It's an attention grabber, that's for sure and as such it's a testament to how few people enter my private space! Despite recreational use being legal there is still a stigma.


Happy Saturday!

The girls look great! I would absolutely love to come have coffee at your table. I also do not allow many people to know that I partake and grow this fantastic plant even though it's legal. It's a shame because I love talking, reading, growing weed and it's become my favorite hobby lol.
The girls look great! I would absolutely love to come have coffee at your table. I also do not allow many people to know that I partake and grow this fantastic plant even though it's legal. It's a shame because I love talking, reading, growing weed and it's become my favorite hobby lol.
You're welcome to have coffee at my table anytime g-one-three! Thank you :)
They look great, but since you haven't topped the MAC I would push the lower branches up rather than tying them out. There's plenty of room for them to get light if that was your thinking by flattening them, but the buds should get bigger the closer they are to the top.
I’ve been thinking about this since I read it and I have come to agree with @InTheShed on this one. Especially after closely seeing the pictures again. I think you have plenty of length on the MAC side branches now. And you’re stretching right? I’d release those binds holding them to the side, and use some form of small skewer or whatever to prop up those branches as high as you can get them. Where a leaf joins the stem makes a good anchor point for this. Then you’ll have a nice ring around that apex cola that will be significantly closer to the light. Translating scale, if you did that it would be like me gaining a foot in height or more, lol, which is only to say that the difference will be dramatic. I may have at first thought to leave it and stay your course, so if I told you that this is an addendum. Lmao! It’s gonna work great regardless at this point. But if you stay this horizontal course, I’m pretty sure whatever you may develop down there will not be as much yield as if you let them go up and vertical. They’ll end up much closer to the apex cola that way. Anyway, fwiw!
I’ve been thinking about this since I read it and I have come to agree with @InTheShed on this one. Especially after closely seeing the pictures again. I think you have plenty of length on the MAC side branches now. And you’re stretching right? I’d release those binds holding them to the side, and use some form of small skewer or whatever to prop up those branches as high as you can get them. Where a leaf joins the stem makes a good anchor point for this. Then you’ll have a nice ring around that apex cola that will be significantly closer to the light. Translating scale, if you did that it would be like me gaining a foot in height or more, lol, which is only to say that the difference will be dramatic. I may have at first thought to leave it and stay your course, so if I told you that this is an addendum. Lmao! It’s gonna work great regardless at this point. But if you stay this horizontal course, I’m pretty sure whatever you may develop down there will not be as much yield as if you let them go up and vertical. They’ll end up much closer to the apex cola that way. Anyway, fwiw!
I don’t have much to do anymore here but think about other people’s grows now @Carmen Ray. Lol! Sorry if I was long winded there.
I’ve been thinking about this since I read it and I have come to agree with @InTheShed on this one. Especially after closely seeing the pictures again. I think you have plenty of length on the MAC side branches now. And you’re stretching right? I’d release those binds holding them to the side, and use some form of small skewer or whatever to prop up those branches as high as you can get them. Where a leaf joins the stem makes a good anchor point for this. Then you’ll have a nice ring around that apex cola that will be significantly closer to the light. Translating scale, if you did that it would be like me gaining a foot in height or more, lol, which is only to say that the difference will be dramatic. I may have at first thought to leave it and stay your course, so if I told you that this is an addendum. Lmao! It’s gonna work great regardless at this point. But if you stay this horizontal course, I’m pretty sure whatever you may develop down there will not be as much yield as if you let them go up and vertical. They’ll end up much closer to the apex cola that way. Anyway, fwiw!
Done! I'll take pics soon. I am thinking that by doing it this way I should remove the tertiary branches as larf? What would you do @Jon? and @InTheShed? Others? Wait for the pics :)
I don’t have much to do anymore here but think about other people’s grows now @Carmen Ray. Lol! Sorry if I was long winded there.
You are most welcome to hang around here, have a drink and get as long winded as you like :)
Blueberry Training:

Can anyone help me to identify the cause of this discoloration?

I snipped a couple of fingers of the top fans to allow the tertiary branches to see the light. Lots of tucking too.

MAC #1 Auto Training:

I followed @InTheShed and @Jon's advice and released the restraints on this plant. I have pushed all branches up the apical cola to try to get them as tall as possible.

Should I remove these side branches? Will they become larf? They are in the dark.

MAC #1 Auto Training:

I followed @InTheShed and @Jon's advice and released the restraints on this plant. I have pushed all branches up the apical cola to try to get them as tall as possible.

Should I remove these side branches? Will they become larf? They are in the dark.

larf removale yes & looks like you spilt a bit of nutes on that leaf
Shed thank you. Please will you look at my Blueberry plant carefully and tell me if you'd be removing the little branches on nodes two and three. I'm leaning towards removing them and pulling these branches back up again instead of outwards like this. They don't seem to be growing very much and the apical stems are towering above them. @Jon, what would you do? Con?
larf removale yes & looks like you spilt a bit of nutes on that leaf
Thank you. It does look like a chemical burn. I don't use nutes, so I don't know where this came from. I don't have any contaminants in my grow area.
It's hard to see all of it but I would definitely take this and if the same is on the corresponding branch opposite:


It's already in flower so you can pretty much tell what will produce and what won't from your experience. Also, as I always mention when I'm talking #nolarf, I have no proof or claim that removing larf will increase total harvest weight. Jon's sense is that it does but it's almost impossible to test the theory. I do it because I want the biggest colas at the end of my branches, not smaller ones running down the length.
It's hard to see all of it but I would definitely take this and if the same is on the corresponding branch opposite:


It's already in flower so you can pretty much tell what will produce and what won't from your experience. Also, as I always mention when I'm talking #nolarf, I have no proof or claim that removing larf will increase total harvest weight. Jon's sense is that it does but it's almost impossible to test the theory. I do it because I want the biggest colas at the end of my branches, not smaller ones running down the length.
Thank you, yes that is the MAC #1 and I had already removed that larf!

I am inquiring about my Blueberry plant. It is lights out now so I will have to refer you to these earlier photos. Please look very carefully as it is the Blueberry plant I referred to when I posed the question. Thanks Shed.

Shed thank you. Please will you look at my Blueberry plant carefully and tell me if you'd be removing the little branches on nodes two and three. I'm leaning towards removing them and pulling these branches back up again instead of outwards like this. They don't seem to be growing very much and the apical stems are towering above them. @Jon, what would you do? Con?
i'd remove the lower ones which would amount to not much and for the discoloration its just the one leaf tip? its probably a overacumulation of stored nutes (possible PH related i'm not to familier with organics) just keep a eye on it & see if it spreads or more leaves get infected, i'm sure others will have a better explanation but thats my guess
Sorry, lost track. After looking as carefully as I possibly can...


This ↑ and anything equally far down on one of the first two nodes. The others seem to be just one node from the end so I would definitely leave those.
Thanks. It's a shit photo. I only noticed just how shit once it was posted. I'll get a better one in the morning. It is those branches I am referring to, but the node two and three ones. You have circled the node one branches. Hopefully I can catch you before you hit the sack tonight, my morning and lights on for the plants. Thanks Shed!
It's more about how far down along the branch they are for the lower nodes, but once you move up the plant you need lower branches of each upper node to fill in the center of a trained-wide plant. It's the lower growth on the top two or three nodes that makes up the entire middle here:

Without that you end up with a caldera.
Thank you. I think I know what you mean.

This is what I am working with.

The secondary branches are very short atm and I don't know if they can even grow long enough to contribute to bud making. I am concerned that in trying to spread the auxins I am actually stunting the branches and I should rather snip off the secondary branches and release the restraints.

In this final photo you can see the distance between the third node secondaries, and the tops.
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