Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Not to worry- I'm pretty sure she'll be smokin' hot when she gets a little older ;)
Not to worry- I'm pretty sure she'll be smokin' hot when she gets a little older ;)
I have an actual late bloomer in that tent . Lol
Not sure about what to do with her yet either.
I'm only signed up for one growers email, it makes it easy to pop online.
BTW, is there an app for this site, than I won't sign up for any emails.

Yeah when I set up my account it asked if I wanted email notifications as well, I said sure. But boy did I regret it! Turned that off after a few months of it haha.

There is an app but I’ve never used it and I don’t think it works. I just use the website.

Lol @carcass months ago I would find 50 sum notifications only click on the bell uptop and miss a bunch because it only went so far. Now I open it completely and the notifications go as far as the non highlighted notifications. I was thinking damn! I missed a lot!! Lol

To everyone,

I found, when I got to someone’s journal and I like a couple things but not say anything, I think it removes your “following thread” option for some reason. I’ve noticed a couple times that it’s done that. That’s why I try and comment every time I go to someone’s thread. That way it constantly gives me notifications. Ever since I started I’ve been able to follow along pretty good.

I also normally just watch the what’s new board. I click on the lightning bolt on the top right corner and anything new that gets posted is on there.
It is hard to see VG. Since you don't have any Calmag handy, bump up the feed to 6g MC on the GZ only. Let her go for a feed or two at that and keep an eye on the new growth for tip burn. The old growth we don't wanna look at since it's already there. She's not going to plummet on you at 6g/gal. Some plants will use more Ca, so really the best way is Calmag if you see tip burn.
It is hard to see VG. Since you don't have any Calmag handy, bump up the feed to 6g MC on the GZ only. Let her go for a feed or two at that and keep an eye on the new growth for tip burn. The old growth we don't wanna look at since it's already there. She's not going to plummet on you at 6g/gal. Some plants will use more Ca, so really the best way is Calmag if you see tip burn.
ShouldI I bring her pH up toward 6.5. I have been doing around 6.2-6.3. Or just stay the course and not change too much you said?
Still no pistils on the Blue Shark?
Here's an article from the RQS blog,recommending adding a little red light if your plant just refuses to flower:
Maybe a single red led bulb over that one plant?
ShouldI I bring her pH up toward 6.5. I have been doing around 6.2-6.3. Or just stay the course and not change too much you said?
You can if you like. In FFOF I run at 6.2 for the most part and deviate the odd time to 6.5 and down to 6.1. You're spot on at 6.2-6.3.
Still no pistils on the Blue Shark?
Here's an article from the RQS blog,recommending adding a little red light if your plant just refuses to flower:
Maybe a single red led bulb over that one plant?
No, she's stubborn. I'll try to find a light or black her out somehow. Thanks for the article.
I'm also going to look around at other Shark diaries and see if anyone else is having this problem with her. She's getting tall and isn't fully in flower stretch yet.
It is hard to see VG. Since you don't have any Calmag handy, bump up the feed to 6g MC on the GZ only. Let her go for a feed or two at that and keep an eye on the new growth for tip burn. The old growth we don't wanna look at since it's already there. She's not going to plummet on you at 6g/gal. Some plants will use more Ca, so really the best way is Calmag if you see tip burn.
Once again, following MrS around saves me typing. Your pH is fine, just up the MC would my suggestion.
Yay pistils boo spots!

Feeling all better?
Yes! I'm almost back to my"normal".

Thank god that I didn't get on the forum after taking a bunch of meds ,and say a bunch of weird stuff.
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