Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I got bit by a dog a few years ago after trying to get a another dog off mine right after I had smoked a joint. Had to drive myself to the hospital cause my wife was out of town and didn't have anyone else around to help me. That was definitely a pretty crazy experience dealing with all that while being ripped lol.
Wow. Something very similar happened to me but it was my little dog that got messed up worse. Pitbull grabbed him by the neck. My dog is 15 lbs and the bull was huge. It took five or six people to get him away from him. I had my hands in its mouth while someone else was strangling it and everyone else was kicking and punching it. Cut my hands up bad.
Took him to the vet and then had to go to the hospital myself. I think being stoned helped with the shock of the whole ordeal. It's still pretty vivid in my mind.
Wow Vg that's a crazy story. Ya the dog that attacked mine was a bull mastiff a huge thing at least 130 lbs mine was a rottweiler about 90 lbs. The mastiff had lunged at my dog before but didn't get him. The day of the fight I was just about to take him for a walk the two saw each other and it was on. the owner of the mastiff was hanging on to it's leash but was no help at all so I had to get between them to separate them it was pretty scary.
Wow Vg that's a crazy story. Ya the dog that attacked mine was a bull mastiff a huge thing at least 130 lbs mine was a rottweiler about 90 lbs. The mastiff had lunged at my dog before but didn't get him. The day of the fight I was just about to take him for a walk the two saw each other and it was on. the owner of the mastiff was hanging on to it's leash but was no help at all so I had to get between them to separate them it was pretty scary.
Dang! Those are both really powerful dogs. My close friend has a Bull Mastiff. He's a big dumb lover and manages to hurt people just from being big. I really wouldn't want to be where you were but I know that part of your brain shuts off and you just respond. Who in their right mind would do what we did?
I was walking on a sidewalk and over a 3 foot fence jumps two beautiful irish setters. They both bit me in the cheeks of my ass and jumped back before any thing more happened. I was a kid and went on my way thinking, What did I do? Hehe they were some beauties though. Someone took good care of their coats. Not so much the brain.
Maybe they thought you had honey buns in your pockets. I got bit because of a honey bun.
Many grandpa had one and he was a gorgeous dog. His name was Sky king after some obscure 50s-60s flying cowboy western.
Glad the PT went well,VG!
Houston, we have a cadet.
I also got a "little" stoned this am, before Mrs.C reminded me that she was out of gummies...
Going to the dispensary stoned wasn't too bad...It must've been Senior Citizens day or something-I think I was the youngest one in there-except for the budtenders- they all look about 16 or so- but at my age,everyone under 30 looks about 16 or so... :)
Glad the PT went well,VG!

I also got a "little" stoned this am, before Mrs.C reminded me that she was out of gummies...
Going to the dispensary stoned wasn't too bad...It must've been Senior Citizens day or something-I think I was the youngest one in there-except for the budtenders- they all look about 16 or so- but at my age,everyone under 30 looks about 16 or so... :)
I was pretty nervous going but I can usually hold it together pretty well. He gave me a very nice massage.

Do they give senior citizens discounts at the dispensary?
Yes they do! us old codgers get 10% off-
The savings usually pay for a couple tacos and a shake on the way home...
Yes they do! us old codgers get 10% off-
The savings usually pay for a couple tacos and a shake on the way home...
Sweet I'll have something to look forward to once I hit codgerhood.:thumb:
Oh,that's just the tip of the old-age iceberg..more perks can be found here
Chickie report.
Everyone is looking good except the GZ. She hasn't gotten to much worse. Just some crispy tips. They are due for feeding tomorrow. They are on the same watering schedule which right now is every third day with an occasional little extra for the top of the soil.
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