Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

What parts per gallon do you mix that Ms.V ?
How often should cal/mag be used in general feeding when everything is going right?
is once a week too mich?
How often should cal/mag be used in general feeding when everything is going right?
is once a week too mich?
In coco, i use it in every feed, generally every 2 days. But, I only use 25% dose as a "preventative". I can increase as i see deficiency.
Thanks, Preston and Shed.
so me giving them 3cc/gal once a week is not abuse. They have a special glow and leaf reach within hours after they get their special treat.
Thanks Ms. V for the loan of your thread. :green_heart:
Thanks, Preston and Shed.
so me giving them 3cc/gal once a week is not abuse. They have a special glow and leaf reach within hours after they get their special treat.
Thanks Ms. V for the loan of your thread. :green_heart:
No problem I was napping..... I guess. I don't remember falling asleep.
Good morning fam!
It's gonna be a fun day! The kids are leaving in an hour and will be gone for four days. After they leave I'm going to start an olive oil extraction. Gonna make some edibles while listening to the new Tool album that was released last night. Stoked!!!!!

Got a couple of quick pics of the plants. GZ may be a tad bit darker today, not sure but she really isn't any worse. I'll add some epsom on the next feed as well.

I also experienced the gorilla part of the plant when my hair got stuck to it. As I was trying to untangle myself I got hair caught in my light as well. The qbs do get hot enough to singe hair. I decided that maybe a bandana and hair tie are mandatory. I've actually caught my hair in my light more times than of like to admit. SMH. I need to be more careful, these quantum boards have a shock warning on them.

It hit around 50f last night so it should be awesome for a fire tonight.
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