Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Damn...I feel like such a "non-real-life canna chef".

Maybe a bit of a "loose cannon" but I'm still pretty solid when it comes to edibles...

Hit me up if you ever have a Q.... I'm generally hangin' out, bored, anyhow...

Damn...I feel like such a "non-real-life canna chef".

Maybe a bit of a "loose cannon" but I'm still pretty solid when it comes to edibles...

Hit me up if you ever have a Q.... I'm generally hangin' out, bored, anyhow...

Thanks P. I certainly will.
I decided that maybe a bandana and hair tie are mandatory.
Ok, I'm going to do an oil infusion. Do I want to use Extra virgin or regular olive?
Ok, maybe another question. It doesn't say when to add the lecithin. I'm doing it in the MB2.
What double H said. After, according to @Cannasavvy's testing. Then overnight in the fridge (ideally) to let the lecithin do its thing.

There's a lot less oil in an edible than in a capsule, so keep that in mind when deciding how strong to make it.

:goodluck: and congrats on the kid-free weekend!


What double H said. After, according to @Cannasavvy's testing. Then overnight in the fridge (ideally) to let the lecithin do its thing.

There's a lot less oil in an edible than in a capsule, so keep that in mind when deciding how strong to make it.

:goodluck: and congrats on the kid-free weekend!
Thank you Shed. I really needed a weekend where I can act like a adult. You know, listen to loud music and eat some "candy", maybe do some swearing while I'm at it.
Hmmm....I was going to follow Amy's oil in a jar recipe. She says to cook at 160f for 6-8 hrs. My ovens lowest setting is 180f. Should still work right?
Absolutely! Decided that you didn't need two cups worth for the MB?
I did the Himalaya Gold in the MB. I only have 15 grams of popcorn and sugar leaves from the other plant. I didn't think it would be enough for two cups of oil.
Lol, just wait til you try butter! ;)
I've made butter before but never in the machine. I use the double boiler method.
Hmmm...perhaps I should have worn gloves. So how much do you think that can effect me if I had it on my hands for half an hour?
I should have waited to dose then. This should be interesting.
Himalaya Gold makes a pretty good tasting oil. It tastes kinda like walnut oil....yes, very nutty indeed.
Did the cops have to come and quiet you two down?
I ended up dosing by myself. Mr.G said I was too stoned to be on the forum and he took away my kindle. It was really fun. Most of the time I just rolled around on my bed like a cat.

I am doing some baking today. I only tried the oil on some bread last night. Today I'm making Lemon Og Candy with Meyer lemon bars and Himalaya Gold triple chocolate cookies.
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