Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Beautiful Spears! Nothing compared to what our Penny wannabe could grow though. ;)

Just read page 1 but I like how Hempster was trolling the whole time! She's lovely and I'm sure she and Chris will get along famously :cheesygrinsmiley:.
I dunno. She has pretty skinny arms and looks petite. That bud wouldn't look as big against a man's arm or even my big guns ( kisses the pythons) for that matter. I've seen 2 liter sized buds here so I don't know what she's spewing on about.
The genetics do most of the heavy lifting anyway.

You missed Pbass then. I liked the beginning of his post a lot. Lol.
Just read it. You guys are too kind! I never feed a troll unless they're in my thread. :)

Imagine how much better it would have been if she got zero replies.
If I only had the will power. Alas, I'm a mere mortal.
I plan to do another slurry test in a few days. Directions say it can take around a week for the lime to work.

I'm super curious. I've been pHing my nutes a bit higher as well.
I noticed a bit of ego pumping so I left.
A bit. Lol..
But you'll miss out on all of the knowledge bombs.

Probably for the best that you didn't stick around. It turned into a fight between her and Em.

It's like a car wreck.... I can't look away. I need some distraction and I should probably unwatch that thread ASAP. Lol
I noticed this post regarding LED's. I'm sure someone will disagree. It is good to know the industry standard now though. Her reply (tagged) was to someone from dec 2009 :hmmmm:

Is this your attempt at distracting me? Lol.
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