Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Troll is gone. Not even rubble where the bridge used to be.
Can you believe I came running here for a touchstone to ground me when I saw the world go mad - :laugh: - thanks to you guys for keeping this place cool:cool:
I'm trying to assist a grower that can get their plants to flower even at a mature age for veg plants. I told him to try 10/14 or 11/13 to try to induce flower. I also gave 48 hour light deprevation as an option.

They were going to trash the grow out of frustration so I figured that this is what I would do and have done to get my stubborn plants to flower.
Troll is gone. Not even rubble where the bridge used to be.
Can you believe I came running here for a touchstone to ground me when I saw the world go mad - :laugh: - thanks to you guys for keeping this place cool:cool:
Awww. I'm going to miss her. I was hoping that she would have stuck around. Was looking forward to a grow-off.:confused:
Cheese and rice!

Something really wrong with that person. I couldn't read it. I got about half way through and realized how much of a waste of time it was. I like how they bring Nevil Schoenmakers up but butcher his last name. Wasn't even close.
RIP Nevil.

Looks like her hubby is exactly as dumb as she is. How does that work? They perfectly contradict eachother and everything.
Greetings fam.
I have a quick question for ya. What lighting schedule do you use for flower?

When my Blue Shark wouldn't flower I cut her back to 11/13 to get her going. It worked and I just left it on that schedule.

I've been doing some light reading this morning and of course I'm seeing a lot of stoner science.

I have seen something pop up a couple of times. It has to do with blooming hormones inside of the plant. These growers were stating that the longer the dark period the faster, bigger and denser the bud will be because of the hormones building up in the plant that are directly responsible for bud growth. Anecdotal evidence is all we have to go on unfortunately.

Anyone have any thoughts on this topic?Is it hogwash?

I don't think there is anywhere in the natural world that gets 12/12 lighting.

I personally like having my lights off the extra hour. It adds up over time and I need to keep my grow as cheap as possible.
My buds are a very nice size but without a control group I have nothing to go on.
I wish I had room. I'd love to compare lighting schedules.

I've been running 10/14 for my last 3 grows

For sure speeds up the flowering time. My Amnesia Haze was supposed to be a 12-14 week girl, and all three went only 10 weeks

As far as denser buds, not sure it's any better, but for sure isn't worse. A few Strains I'd grown before looked identical to the ones grown in 12/12

So I'll be running 10/14 always I think

Two thumbs up from me

Our friend the QUEEN grower got booted

So did I win, since she didn't last two days

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!

Our friend the QUEEN grower got booted

So did I win, since she didn't last two days

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!
It would appear so. What did you win!?!

It was my own guess I win by not loosing

I gave you a chance. I was going to suggest playing for seeds but you really don't need anymore now do you?
D'oh! I'm on my last J of my Himalaya Gold. It looks like I have 12 grams of Lemon Og Candy left and a little bagseed shake.
Ok. This kinda sucks. I'm going to be smoking some harsh, uncured stuff. Not the first time. I really hate the idea of smoking black market shit and will do just about anything to avoid it. This includes a TB. I'll have to take time off from the forum for that. I turn into a MEGABITCH when I'm off the wagon and don't want to ruin my relationships here.

I do have quite a bit of oil yet to help but I prefer smoking.
Wherever you are on earth, if you do get 12/12, you only get it for a day. So anything less than 12 hours of light just makes the plant think it's closer to winter which, as Chris said, will speed up flowering.

I don't think it increases the size of your buds though. I would think in a lab you would get smaller buds because of the less time in flower. In our grows it might be tough to tell the difference.

I turn into a MEGABITCH when I'm off the wagon and don't want to ruin my relationships here.

I do have quite a bit of oil yet to help but I prefer smoking.
I pick oil over MEGABITCH if I have the option :).
Wherever you are on earth, if you do get 12/12, you only get it for a day. So anything less than 12 hours of light just makes the plant think it's closer to winter which, as Chris said, will speed up flowering.

I don't think it increases the size of your buds though. I would think in a lab you would get smaller buds because of the less time in flower. In our grows it might be tough to tell the difference.

I pick oil over MEGABITCH if I have the option :).
Me too. I don't like that other girl. She crabby. Lol
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