Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I went to cooking bags and 5 gallon buckets with gamma lids for curing and storage. I had around 3 lbs of stash at one time and the number of jars in my closet was ridiculous. Buckets saved a lot of space.

That was and still is my issue


I've invested part of my retirement $$$ in Canning jars


I accidentally removed this when I edited.

Fun morning reading, eh?

That guy is my hero

I'm in man crush mode

Someone must be hitting the cookies for breakfast

Church of the NFL at 7am today
Oh ya......

BeerOclock soon

Get errrrrr DONE!!!
I think my girls are seeing a bit of a turn around. Way less damaged leaves and the buds have swollen noticeably. The Blue Shark is really kicking it into gear.
Her buds are about the same size as the G13 now. She has about two weeks to go yet so I can see her surpassing the G13 pretty easily. Every stalk needs its own stake now. There is just too much weight on her buds.

I went to cooking bags and 5 gallon buckets with gamma lids for curing and storage. I had around 3 lbs of stash at one time and the number of jars in my closet was ridiculous. Buckets saved a lot of space.
All the jars are a pita. I bought a lid after our conversation months ago but haven't yet used it. Soon.
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