Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Sounds like a bunch of bull shit... :laughtwo:

And yes, I am 12 years old forever.
Can you imagine if we ever met? The hilarity and stupidity that would ensue would be breathtaking.
Yeah, lol I didn’t eat a cookie!! Can you guys believe this chick? - didn't even share her HG cookies! ;) Just come to the west coast, we’ll work it all out from there. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I would share. The two I ate this morning on an empty stomach have been nice.

I'm getting old though. I'm thinking about putting this stuff in bran muffins instead.

#regularityhasitsmerits #pooplikeachamp
Omg, you’re gonna be lit! Cookies, breakfast of champions. Mr H made some cookies last night, so I just ate half of one to start.
Gonna be? I'm vibrating already. What's next!?! :goodluck: VG!
Closet Farming With Barneys Gorilla Zkittlez G13 Haze Triple Cheese and More

So this must be the "more"?
Now that you pointed that out....yes, it must be.

I at one time assumed that it was just more strains but that sounds boring now.
Your journal is never boring-but the "more" makes it even better!
Your journal is never boring-but the "more" makes it even better!
Hey bud. I was taking a cookie nap I guess. I don't remember falling asleep.

If they knock me out this bad ,maybe I don't want to mix them with bran. Lol.

Glad you find my little journal fun. You guys do most of the heavy lifting.
You're not answering my pages VG so I'm bringing the paging system to you...

It's OK, I completely understand. Ahoys before boys.
Gosh, then I ran out on you again. Sorry Sauga. I assure you that I was very busy and would have answered if I wasn't tied up.
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