Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

It won't let me view it

Not enough Internet POOP out here in the boonies I guess

I'll set up my phone booster soon...just set up my TVs for football

Ya know...the IMPORTANT stuff

It won't let me view it

Not enough Internet POOP out here in the boonies I guess

I'll set up my phone booster soon...just set up my TVs for football

Ya know...the IMPORTANT stuff

It will be waiting for you. Lol.
Even though I had to skim read my way through it still took me two joints, two cups of coffee and almost an hour to catch up. So much has happened I don't know where to begin lol. Never miss a week on VG's thread. That doesn't apply to you. Hope you're well today VG :hug::green_heart:
Even though I had to skim read my way through it still took me two joints, two cups of coffee and almost an hour to catch up. So much has happened I don't know where to begin lol. Never miss a week on VG's thread. That doesn't apply to you. Hope you're well today VG :hug::green_heart:
Hi Prof.:love:
I'm doing well, thank you.
I guess I can be a bit talkative sometimes. Lol.
That was a lot of time spent catching up. Geez, hope you were at least mildly entertained. If nothing else you smoked a bunch. Lol.
Even though I had to skim read my way through it still took me two joints, two cups of coffee and almost an hour to catch up. So much has happened I don't know where to begin lol. Never miss a week on VG's thread.
This ^^^ !
Teddy contacted me again. My Perfect Pipe and my geopots are on the way. Still waiting on most everything else except my Dope Seeds.
Neat. I just got my mail that came yesterday. Perfect Pipe and my geopots and Terpinator.
That's encouraging news! What month did you win those prizes? I'm still waiting for my July POTM (2nd place) prizes. I got the Dope Seeds winnings right away, but nothing on the other stuff. I didn't want to bother Teddy, since he's probably getting swamped with the same questions.
I have a gift certificate... When it gets here anyway.
I'm supposed to have a $50 certificate, but no word on that either. Does it come directly from Seedsman or does 420 send it? :hmmmm:
Dope Seeds was great. They contacted me within a day or two. Jim was very responsive.
I got the 10g
Probably never use em....
I actually used mine (won them last year) for tomato plants this summer. They worked out really well. :)
This ^^^ !

That's encouraging news! What month did you win those prizes? I'm still waiting for my July POTM (2nd place) prizes. I got the Dope Seeds winnings right away, but nothing on the other stuff. I didn't want to bother Teddy, since he's probably getting swamped with the same questions.

I'm supposed to have a $50 certificate, but no word on that either. Does it come directly from Seedsman or does 420 send it? :hmmmm:
Dope Seeds was great. They contacted me within a day or two. Jim was very responsive.

I actually used mine (won them last year) for tomato plants this summer. They worked out really well. :)
Beez, just drop Teddy a line or you may never get your stuff. You can contact the Seedsman rep here. He's trying to figure out why no one has contacted me yet. I just shot him a DM yesterday. I can always mention it to him if you don't want to. I love bugging people!

Tomatoes. Ugh. I should maybe try once more. I have some blight in my soil. I've had problems with them for the past three years. Before then I had nine foot plants. Got new soil this year and still had problems. Everything else looked ok but I didn't have resistant genetics with my tomatoes. Stupid heirlooms. They are so delicate sometimes.
Beez, just drop Teddy a line or you may never get your stuff. You can contact the Seedsman rep here. He's trying to figure out why no one has contacted me yet. I just shot him a DM yesterday. I can always mention it to him if you don't want to. I love bugging people!
Thanks for the advice! I'll send them a PM. :thanks:
Tomatoes. Ugh. I should maybe try once more. I have some blight in my soil. I've had problems with them for the past three years.
I have the same issue. My veggie garden soil is depleted, so this year I'm giving it a rest. Instead, I just placed a bunch of the 10 gallon fiber pots on top of the garden soil. Filled them with fresh bagged soil - even used FFOF for one of them to see if there was a difference - small, but not worth the cost. Best tomato season for me in a long time! I even used my homemade calmag solution on them. Oh, and Terpinator too! :cool:
I have the same issue. My veggie garden soil is depleted, so this year I'm giving it a rest. Instead, I just placed a bunch of the 10 gallon fiber pots on top of the garden soil. Filled them with fresh bagged soil - even used FFOF for one of them to see if there was a difference - small, but not worth the cost. Best tomato season for me in a long time! I even used my homemade calmag solution on them. Oh, and Terpinator too! :cool:
One thing that I didn't add this year that I was regretting was steer manure. Tomatoes absolutely love the stuff.

The best tomato plant that I ever grew was inside of a hay bale. I wonder how well it would work for cannabis?
The best tomato plant that I ever grew was inside of a hay bale.
Would that be like growing in Coco? LOL.

I'll probably try the steer manure for over-wintering in the garden this fall. My past experience with it was that it had too much nitrogen. Lots of leaves, but little flower/fruit. That was a long time ago so maybe I'm remembering wrong.
Would that be like growing in Coco? LOL.

I'll probably try the steer manure for over-wintering in the garden this fall. My past experience with it was that it had too much nitrogen. Lots of leaves, but little flower/fruit. That was a long time ago so maybe I'm remembering wrong.
I think that I add 1 bag of manure per 10 cu. ft of soil. I have it written down somewhere. Needs to be well composted manure
You shouldn't be able to smell very much when you open the bag. It definitely shouldn't smell "fresh from the cow" Manure when composted loses up to 50% of the urea in it.
Can't understand why some people will freak out about using urine for an N source but they will use steer manure that contains urine without much thought. Stoned rambling.. Sorry.
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