Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I'd never ground my weed till I got that pipe,so It was a learning curve to find out
what amount I need to get "there"-I've got it figured out now,and in that pipe it takes a ridiculously small amount to do the trick.
My weed's going to last forever now,instead of just a really long time...
Actually,I give most of it away...I'm a real lightweight compared to most.
Ms. V sure is quite, I wonder if you're right about the crown? Hummmmm

Hi VG!
How are you and the girls doing today? Are you seeing any positive signs since the speed holes and feed was adjusted?
You've been quiet today. Did that Crown find it's way out of storage again?
I've got my flask with me today. Wollowing in my own crapulence.

The plants...I looked at them briefly this morning before I left and they looked about the same as yesterday.

I'm currently in Minnesota. Its my dad's 80th birthday party. I'm coming back tonight I guess. The plan was to stay over night but the kids have school and I have plants and pets to care for.

I am going to be traveling back and forth all week. I got some bad news and will be going back sometime this week (I think) for the funeral of good friend.

I actually don't know when the funeral is yet. I'm still waiting on that info.

Just thought that I should probably clue y'all into what's going on.
I'm so sorry to hear of the news VG. Kind of mixed emotions I guess with it being your Dad's birthday as well.
Take care. I'll be thinking of you guys.
Thanks dear. The last 24 have been really rough. I'm still in denial and shock.
Sorry to hear of your friend's passing,VG
My condolences to your family and theirs...:hug:
Good morning fam. Hope you are having a beautiful day.
A quick update on the girls. They look about the same as a few days ago. I barely found any dead leaves this morning. Four I think. It had been a good handful every two days.

Going back to Minnesota today. The memorial/ funeral is Tuesday morning.

Mr.G is going to have to feed these girls. I feel super duper confident that nothing will go wrong. Lol.
Two things. First and foremost have a safe trip. We'll be thinking of you :hug:

Second, the plants look no worse for wear. Even though you see that damge on the GZ I think that's unrepairable, but the buds just keep getting better and better in my opinion. The Shark, is the color fading stopped or continuing at the top?
The Haze looks like it's stablized and the buds look friggin awesome as well.
I will be careful. I'm under strict orders from one of the members here. He made me promise to let you know when I get there. Lol.
The Shark is a little pale but didn't really look noticeably worse.
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