Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Ewww . . . Yuck.
anything like sasperala?
Sorta. I think they make a sarsperillilla and a rootbeer. It's Clays brand old fashioned candy. The wild cherry is excellent.
It's really bitter. Not for everyone. They sell it at Menards.
Howdy fam.
I got some drilling done this morning. They all have speed holes now. I took a couple of pics of the Shark and the Haze while I had them out of the tent.
I was also able to smell them for the first time. The Gorilla Zkittlez has always overpowered them.
The Haze smells amazing. Drop dead gorgeous.:drool:I could drink her in all day. I had to add some supports to her. She has some big tight buds for only being half way through flower. These are going to surpass my Lemon Og Candy for size easily. There was a lot of stress on her branches so I figured that the time is now.

GZ getting some nice buds on her and she stinks the most if any plant that I've had so far.

And the Blue Shark. Looks like I'll get some nice flower out of her. She's showing damage up top. I hope the new feed helps her.

Yay!! Glad to hear the holes are helping. Nice looking ladies VG! :thumb:
Having a good morning?

I made an insane mess making those holes. I knocked the Haze over and dirt went all over my bed. Lol. Nothing was broken and the buds weren't damaged...I think.
well. Beds are a great place to do your drilling,
Yes,yes they are. I find drilling while standing really tiring.
you can just change the sheets when you make a mess.
Yesterday I found Mr.G shaving my dog in my bed. You can imagine how perplexed I was. There couldnt have been any other possible place to do this? Like outside or in the kitchen or bathroom? No, my bed.
I think that Mr.G is trying to get under my skin.
My bed's a waterbed,so I keep sharp stuff away from it (drillbits,etc.)
The sofa works much better for drilling stuff, because you have something to lean the pot against so it doesn't fall over...

Yesterday I found Mr.G shaving my dog in my bed.

I had a dog years ago,and he looked pretty good with the fur, so I just left it on...
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