Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I had a dog years ago,and he looked pretty good with the fur, so I just left it on...
Lol. Goofball.
I've given that dog every haircut he's ever had. Wondering how he came up with the brilliant idea to shave him in my bed? To most people it would seem like a really bad idea....
To most people it would seem like a really bad idea....
it is..nobody shaves the dog in the same place they drill their pots. It's just not right...
Things are stacking up nicely VG! I hope the new feed works too ;) I couldn't help but notice the verdant is viridescent on many of those leaves. Nice work :)
Undeniably verdurous!
OK I got this... I break it down into parts now.
Verd = green
ur = er
ous = us

So yes we know you live in a greener US, so what?
I just thought that you would like a new word. You seem kinda irritated though.

I just call stuff green from now on.
I fed the Blue Shark today. I should note that here.
The Haze will need feeding tomorrow and hopefully the GZ will be dry enough for some as well.

I haven't tried the Himalaya Gold oil yet. I'm going to do that tomorrow while the kids are out of the house.

I expect these to be a lot stronger than the Lemon Og ones were. I can't find a reliable thc content on the HG. It says between 12-25% depending upon which source you'd like to believe. I used 14gr/ cup. I have no idea...
No I don't. I never trim my dogs. Their not that kinda dog. And they don't get on my bed. Ever.

Who would want to snuggle with a big hairy beast anyway? Certainly not your dog. ;)
I see the "angry bits",but the parts that matter in the end still look very happy!
I heard from Teddy. I DMed him a few days ago. It turns out that he made a few itty bitty mistakes concerning the OTM packages. I think it was only between @carcass and mine. Enjoy your perfect pipe my friend.
Teddy is ironing things out. He's such a nice guy.
Enjoy your perfect pipe my friend.
Well,hell-If I'd of known it was yours,I would have sent it back.
I hope they're going to send you one-if not,I'll send you one (they sent two,and I only need one)
Well,hell-If I'd of known it was yours,I would have sent it back.
I hope they're going to send you one-if not,I'll send you one (they sent two,and I only need one)
Lol. I told him not to worry about it. That you're a close friend here and that I would share with you anytime. :love:
I won one already for NOTM. I think he's still going to try to send me one from the way it sounded.
Thanks,VG !
Do you use yours?
I've been using it exclusively since I got it-I got way too stoned the first time,because I thought it didn't hold enough to really do much...I was pretty wrong-I haven't been that high in a lonnnng time.
Thanks,VG !
Do you use yours?
I've been using it exclusively since I got it-I got way too stoned the first time,because I thought it didn't hold enough to really do much...I was pretty wrong-I haven't been that high in a lonnnng time.
I use mine a lot. If they are being cleaned I use my chillum. If you're using them correctly and grinding your herb, they have deceptively large bowls.
I used mine while I had a cold and it was much easier to tolerate than my chilly.
I went overboard the first few times as well. It was fun!
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