Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Just the tops too. Almost like light bleach.

And your pH meter has been calibrated recently? I know you have a nice kit so I don't mean to offend you if you do this regularly. Still in the 6.2-6.5 range?
More blotchy with rust spots between the leaf veins.

I can certainly check my meter again, it's no trouble since I do it every two weeks anyway.
I had a problem with my last grow. The tops of the plants got really crispy. The buds were ok. I just assumed it was all light stress related. I think I was 8-10" away. I did have the lights lower at about 80%.
I didn't have this problem with my first two grows.
I was in fabric bags for the first and the second was in my blue buckets.
I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
My rh is high again. Fans are on high. I don't know.

Maybe I need to check my source water. My town gets its water supply from three different locations. I know that the main one is from a limestone aquifer. I'm wondering if I check the pH of my water over a 48 hour period what I will see for drop? I had problems a few years back with a fish tank that I set up. PH kept dropping for no apparent reason. Everything that I had for substrate was inert so I knew it had to be the water. I faught pH for about two months before it just magically returned to normal. I haven't been letting my water sit out as long and sometimes use it as soon as a couple of hours from the tap.

I'm obviously driving myself mad thinking about it. Those wheels in my head are just spinning away. Ugh.

Oh, I found my bug source last night. They are coming from my peace lily.
She just got a bunch of h2o2 dumped on her. They aren't on the clones right next to the plant that I can see but everyone is getting treated. If it doesn't suffice I will clone again or do some other crazy crap to try to get rid of them.

I can't get rid if the peace lily. It's from Mr.Gs grandmas funeral. I got it from his mom with one leaf left on it. She's actually pretty healthy yet .
Everthing I look up points to nute lockout or pH issues(related). Some of your plants have the leaf serrations curling up, which is a sign of heat stress(amongst other things) so there's a couple of things going on. How long is the water sitting for? Chlorinated?
Everthing I look up points to nute lockout or pH issues(related). Some of your plants have the leaf serrations curling up, which is a sign of heat stress(amongst other things) so there's a couple of things going on. How long is the water sitting for? Chlorinated?
I was leaving it out for three days prior. Lately I have been using it within 12 hours from the faucet.
And I think 8-10" is too close for yer lights, even at 80%
Yes, I know it was. It was my gigantic plants Hempy grow.
Blue Shark is 14" away. GZ and the Haze are at 20" away.
chloramine won't go away with simply leaving it out.

either ro to have complete god like nutrient control muwahahaha (oops evil)
or add a couple airstones to your water and bubble the chloramine out over 12 - 24 hrs.
My water is 450-600ppm, literally are fish and rocks in it
pH is 8+

RO Buddy takes it to 26ppm and around a 7ph
mine is everywhere from 350 - to 700 spiking in summer.

i have an older hydrologic which gets me a consistent 8 ppm and ph 7 in all conditions.
don't recommend newer hyrdrologic as apparently the ro membrane is sealed and non-replaceable, forcing you to buy a more expensive proprietary cartridge.
chloramine won't go away with simply leaving it out.

either ro to have complete god like nutrient control muwahahaha (oops evil)
or add a couple airstones to your water and bubble the chloramine out over 12 - 24 hrs.
H2o2 and vitamin C work as well. Just super broke.
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