Closet Farmers 1st Soil Grow - White Ruski

I still have not watered my plants since moving to the air pots 11 days ago. The leaves are still very happy looking with absolutley no droopage. Yes, me and my plants woke up this morning all stiff and erect!!!! LOL!!!

I am totally sold on dirt over hydro at this point. I love the less maintainance. I am also using less nutes than I normally would use. When I first started growing weed a few years ago. I thought I should get the most tech advanced growing contraptions. And I am going to end up growing in dirt instead. HA!!!

Here are how the plants looked 11 days ago when first repotted in the air pots.

Here is how they look today, No water or nutes yet.
Thanks BAS and Miwa!!!! I am just surprised at how little work I have done so far compared to what I would have normally would have with hydro. I honestly hope I can nute in a few days. I have the nutes all aireated and ready to go!
Hey Closet Farmer! I love how clean your place is. Your plants are still looking awesome! Grow! Grow! Grow! :cheer:

Thanks 420!!! I keep a clean grow room. I wish I could say the same for other areas of my home!!!!

Love those airpots. The 3gal is best for moms. Not too big or small. Soil require less nute and watering for sure! I would go back to soil but every bag of soil I get have thrips in them so I'll stop using it for awhile (a year or two).

I am totally sold on the air pots. I hope not to have the thrips. I had them 2 grows ago with my hydro! :high-five:

No thanks needed. It's all well deservesed! :circle-of-love:

Love the new sexy avitar!!! :love:

Hey CF !:cheer:

Looking absolutely terrific. :bravo:

We soil growers have to stick together.....we seem to be a dieing breed. I love soil and how forgiving it is. That is some beautiful growth you have there.:thumb:

My good friend OMM!!!! Yes we will stick together. I am one of your biggest fans!!! :high-five:

Can we make it a threesome?? I will never leave my soil... :love::circle-of-love:
I love your mind!! Of course we could make it a threesome. You are a fun dirty little pothead!!! :thanks:
This journal is the place to be... Damn! You got, everything going on in here.... Lots of love, People sticking together, Sexy avatars, threesomes, dirty little potheads, and rodeos! What else could you possibly want!? Don't forget the weed of course ;-) +Reps for the extra fun :popcorn: :tokin: :party: :yahoo:
This journal is the place to be... Damn! You got, everything going on in here.... Lots of love, People sticking together, Sexy avatars, threesomes, dirty little potheads, and rodeos! What else could you possibly want!? Don't forget the weed of course ;-) +Reps for the extra fun :popcorn: :tokin: :party: :yahoo:

Well said! Great thread and a lot going on here. You're rockin' the dirt thing, and your plants sure look lovely. Lots of ways to grow good meds, some of us just like to complicate it a bit!

Buncha dirty potheads. Huzzah for hydro! ;)
This journal is the place to be... Damn! You got, everything going on in here.... Lots of love, People sticking together, Sexy avatars, threesomes, dirty little potheads, and rodeos! What else could you possibly want!? Don't forget the weed of course ;-) +Reps for the extra fun :popcorn: :tokin: :party: :yahoo:

Thanks for the + Reps!!!!!

I aim to please!!!
Well said! Great thread and a lot going on here. You're rockin' the dirt thing, and your plants sure look lovely. Lots of ways to grow good meds, some of us just like to complicate it a bit!

Buncha dirty potheads. Huzzah for hydro! ;)

I really am loving the dirt. It is alot less maintainance!! :thumb:
Thank you Leaflady!! I certainly will post more pics!! :welcome:
Wow CF! thats incredible! 11 days and no water is crazy enough, but the growth spurt just adds to the excitedment... good work buddy!

I am not used to this lack of maintainance!! I am now on 13 days without water and the plants are happy as ever. I am going to wait till I see any sign of wilting and I will nute asap. I have a batch that has been ready for over a week now!!!
My plants wilted today. They got their first BPN nutes. Hey there Leaf Lady! I promise I will post some picks tomorrow!! We need more Lady Growers on this site. :thumb:
Here is how they looked this morning after thier first dose of BPN nutes yesterday!! These plants are loving the nutes. I think I will be switching to 12/12 in a few weeks!! Thanks to the FIM technique that OMM showed on his site. These plants have a lot more tops!!! I am glad I fimmed instead of topped!!

Awesome, looks like the FIM worked great for you. :yummy:

Thanks Xlr8!!!! Yes, I am very pleased with it. I will never ever, ever go back to topping. I really think I am going to get a bigger yield because of the FIM! :high-five:
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