Closet Farmers 1st Soil Grow - White Ruski

Just a quick note......I have found 2 seeds so far on my harvested White Widow. Of course I am saving to grow later. It is a very strong smoke and had a good yield!! Pennies from Heaven!!!!
How did seeds get on your plant?..

I do not know Miwa!! I did let the plant flower for longer than the recomended time. The plant produced seeds and I would love to make it happen every time. From what I understand the seeds are 95% likely to be female because the plant did not have any male pollen sacs. This White Widow is a very strong head and body high. I really like it. I hope I find more!!!

CF you're kickin ass n takin....uh, bong hits!!:high-five: The girls are loving it in there, keep up the good work!
I use FFOF too, and yes its a little hot, but has never failed me. Much better than the crap MG sells. I actually just got my first bag of FFHF, (Happy Frog) and must say I'm equally pleased with it. So hats off to FF soils all around! I think I'll pick up a bag of the FF Light Warrior for my upcoming seedlings.....Anyway, great journal brotha, 5 stars and + reps....
CF you're kickin ass n takin....uh, bong hits!!:high-five: The girls are loving it in there, keep up the good work!
I use FFOF too, and yes its a little hot, but has never failed me. Much better than the crap MG sells. I actually just got my first bag of FFHF, (Happy Frog) and must say I'm equally pleased with it. So hats off to FF soils all around! I think I'll pick up a bag of the FF Light Warrior for my upcoming seedlings.....Anyway, great journal brotha, 5 stars and + reps....

Thanks Quixilvir!!! I really appreciate the reps and the stars!!! :thanks:

I was very surprised on how much better the FF is over the MG. My plants really appreaciated getting away from the MG overdose.
You are correct about the bong hits!!! :high-five:
seeds can form even with no pollen, make sure you squeeze em to make sure that they are strong shelled still!!! a female cannabis plant will try to produce seeds always, most of the time, if there has been no major shocking going on to them, they can herm themselves just to keep the life cycle alive, and thus, it produces seeds!!! I had my Afgoo do that also, I only got 3 out of her!!! 2 no good, and 1 my brother lost when we were doing the harvest!!!

seeds can form even with no pollen, make sure you squeeze em to make sure that they are strong shelled still!!! a female cannabis plant will try to produce seeds always, most of the time, if there has been no major shocking going on to them, they can herm themselves just to keep the life cycle alive, and thus, it produces seeds!!! I had my Afgoo do that also, I only got 3 out of her!!! 2 no good, and 1 my brother lost when we were doing the harvest!!!


Hey Astronr420!! Thanks for your response. You are so spot on! So far I have found about 6 seed type casings. I thought 2 were good. After reading your response I checked both seeds and only one is good. The one on the right crushed with a little pressure. The one on the left is rock hard and looks like a perfect seed. I still have several ounces to go through. I hope to find more.

Good growing bro everything looks super healthy, Nice nug looks frosty :morenutes:

Yes, That is the white widow from my last grow. It is great smoke. Really strong high!
It is exciting to converse with a fellow grower from a different Country!! Glad you stopped by!! :thumb:
This is a classic Marijuana song. I am sure most of you have heard it. But with the photos it is Hilarious!!! Wildwood Weed Was first written in 1962!
Hey closet farmer. Nice ww bud. After taking a close look at it i believe i saw a dried up male flower. My plant did the same only found one male flower hopefully i get a few seedss!
Thanks 12/12!!! After reading about trimming from some very respected members on this site. I decided to trim my plants. I trimmed mainly the centers of the plant so light can get to main stem. I have to admit. After pulling about 20 leaves I started feeling queezy! This goes against my grain. But I am willing to try anything new that is proven to work. I could have pruined more but this is all my comfort level would allow for now.

I trimmed one of mine day 23 flower after i topped her in 8 places. Stunted growth for about 3 days then it took off. Im a believer in defoliation now for sure.
Closet Farmer, nice work! You could have trimmed a little more on the ones in the back but at least you tried something different. I like it... I think you'll be pleased! They look great!

Thanks Buddy!!! After I took those pictures I went back and trimmed some more on the back ones. I just took off the major leave blocking the light. If you think I can get away with it I will trim more. How much can you trim and get away with it? I get to trimming and I am afraid I will end up no leaves at all!! :high-five:
I trimmed one of mine day 23 flower after i topped her in 8 places. Stunted growth for about 3 days then it took off. Im a believer in defoliation now for sure.

Thanks for your comment Gator1!! I am starting to think I will be doing more trimming in the future too!!
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