Closet Farmers 1st Soil Grow - White Ruski

not stupid at all brotha!!! the finger trick is the way to know for sure how much moisture is in the soil!!! its my method!!! I don't have any gauges for that!!! its the finger or the lift method!!!

Cool very nice man, yeah I got the first grow from the completed section, Im new to 420 so I was just going through reading the journals, so I can learn as much as possible. Thanks for the invite and I will pull up a stool if ya dont mind;)
Thanks for stopping by GeorgeV! Glad to have you follow! Pull up a stool!!!

I am glad you found 420! There are a lot of really cool people here that have a lot of knowlege and aren't afraid to share it. You will learn a lot here. :thumb:
CF - those ladies seem to love their new home. Looking good! I'm proud of you for making so much progress with your smoking cessation. It's a freakin' tough mofo to accomplish, too. :bravo:
We all help everyone here!! That is true.

Thank for the encouragement XLR8. It is very hard to quit but it is easier as time goes by!:high-five:
After FIM Pics.... I am noticing a lot of new exciting growth!!



The best way I have found is to actually pick up the container and feel how heavy it is. pick it up after watering and feel the weight. I usually let my soil get really dry in between waterings and when I pick it up, it is much much lighter than before. MJ loves to have dry feet from time to time.

This might sound like a very stupid question. How often do you water/nute your plants?

I was just going to go by putting my finger into the soil about an inch or two. If it is dry....water if not leave as is.

Does this sound like the way to do it? :scratchinghead:
The best way I have found is to actually pick up the container and feel how heavy it is. pick it up after watering and feel the weight. I usually let my soil get really dry in between waterings and when I pick it up, it is much much lighter than before. MJ loves to have dry feet from time to time.

Thanks for the tip. That sounds like a great way to do it. Looks like I might have a few days before the plants will get the BPN nutes. I am not going to be in a hurry . However, I am really looking forward to get your superiour nutes to work!!!

I have already mixed up a batch of nutes that is being airated now. It is from your seedling recipe mixture. They will have to patiently wait till my soil is dry. Before I water, I am going to pick up to get a feel of the difference from when after I water.

If light enough. I might do a Sisco dance with my plants!! I am not sure if I will record though. I am not a good dancer like him. And I don't have a cool mask either. :thumb:
OMM!!! I absolutely LOVE the airpots. They are well made and look like they will be very easy to clean and reuse!!! Great advise!!!

18 days now without a cigarrette. Today is my first day without the patch. I am almost totally nicotine free! :thumb:

Hello CF ! :high-five:

Looking good....going to have many tops on the those girls soon. Some one already answered the watering question. I do the pick up the pot thing to know when to water, but most of the time I can tell by just looking at them.

Great on quitting! I think this is 4 days without now.....I just don't smoke anymore at all, so I quit counting.

!!!Good on Both of US !!! We did it !!!
Hello CF ! :high-five:

Looking good....going to have many tops on the those girls soon. Some one already answered the watering question. I do the pick up the pot thing to know when to water, but most of the time I can tell by just looking at them.

Great on quitting! I think this is 4 days without now.....I just don't smoke anymore at all, so I quit counting.

!!!Good on Both of US !!! We did it !!!
We both did it buddy!! I have even stopped counting now. I just don't have constant craving any more. I am sure glad you shared your story and pushed me over the edge to quit. :high-five::love:
I will never top again!!!! From now on I will FIM!! Every one of my plants are showing 4 new tops that are all comming out at the same height. I think FIMing is less stressful too. Because after I did it the plants did not even stop growing for a second from the stress. Plants are really showing great growth !!!



For soil I use a waterstik meter for moisture. The device blinks in color code; blue means overwatered, green just right, yellow water soon, and red water now! So no need to stick my fingers or lifting the pot. Not sure how secure the bottom of your airpots are, but when I lifted mine the bottom fell out (due to the weight of the plants) and it was a mess. I then learn to secure the bottom with cable tides just for security when handle. The finger test into the top layer should also work.

Great work on FIMming the plants. They're looking good.
For soil I use a waterstik meter for moisture. The device blinks in color code; blue means overwatered, green just right, yellow water soon, and red water now! So no need to stick my fingers or lifting the pot. Not sure how secure the bottom of your airpots are, but when I lifted mine the bottom fell out (due to the weight of the plants) and it was a mess. I then learn to secure the bottom with cable tides just for security when handle. The finger test into the top layer should also work.

Great work on FIMming the plants. They're looking good.

I just stuck my finger in the soil again. The soil is still moist. It looks like I will be watering tomorrow. Plants are really liking the new soil!

I did lift up the plants with no problem with the pots. That would be a mess if the pot became disconnected!!

I like your idea of a waterstik meter. I will look into that! :thumb:
That is awesome Sisco!! I can sure tell these nutes are good by the strong smell!! My soil is still a little moist! The plants are loving it! :high-five:
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