ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

One more word about my friend Cronichemphog. Not only does he grow an amazing amount of buds in his small space, but it is some of the best buds I have ever smoked and I have been around a long time. His ChemDawg is easily the best I have ever smoked.:high-five:
One more word about my friend Cronichemphog. Not only does he grow an amazing amount of buds in his small space, but it is some of the best buds I have ever smoked and I have been around a long time. His ChemDawg is easily the best I have ever smoked.:high-five:

:Namaste: Thank you Kindly Buddy

Congratulations on your harvest!

:thanks: KJC :high-five:
ok on to the update
I am still on the fence about just canning the last soil plant the ogk mom
I hacked it up just so I don't have as much to check over :rofl:

ok lets get rolling

BCN Diesel








so this would be the unknown plant I cloned for the cs seed project im gonna use the first one pictured the one in the solo 2 gallon bucket to be sprayed with the cs
I threw it in the separate area as of today and started spraying today
I noticed the 3 in the 6 gallon tub were getting some deficiencies compared to the one in the 2 gallon bucket
if you was reading before you would know they are on 2 different nutes
so I switched the one in the 6 gallon today to the same one im using in the 2 gallon
if you read you know which one im not gonna use seems to be lacking something for hydro use






and no the pic is what the plant looks like
its why im switching nutes










ogk mom the one im on the fence about



the Critical Sensi Star


ok on to the group shots










ok the rest ok the Afghan Kush Skunk that I cut today and the ones I took out of the closet and into the jars
wont get a weight till the ones that are hanging have been dried then ill get a total weight





oh btw since the tent is semi empty I decided to take everything out and do a thorough cleaning






ok that's it for today Have a Great Week everyone :thumb:
Congrats on the harvests Cronic...
One more word about my friend Cronichemphog. Not only does he grow an amazing amount of buds in his small space, but it is some of the best buds I have ever smoked and I have been around a long time. His ChemDawg is easily the best I have ever smoked.:high-five:

Bumpalicious!! :yummy: I am betting that Cronic is easily one of the best growers in all of Hawaii... he's the indoor specialist. And you (OMM) are the outdoor specialist of Hawaii :cheer:

What an honor it is to cruise through the sea of time with you gentlemen! :passitleft::circle-of-love:
Good morning weed Brotha cronic. Beautiful ladies and a nice harvest. Looking good my friend. Happy Tokerday
Cronic congratulations
that,s some harvest you pulled from that girl mate,, I am sure one of those bud,s winked at me:bravo::bravo::bravo::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

Thanks Brother yea it did :thumb:

Congrats on the harvests Cronic...

Thanks BAR :Namaste:

Bumpalicious!! :yummy: I am betting that Cronic is easily one of the best growers in all of Hawaii... he's the indoor specialist. And you (OMM) are the outdoor specialist of Hawaii :cheer:

What an honor it is to cruise through the sea of time with you gentlemen! :passitleft::circle-of-love:

:Namaste: Thank you Brotha theres a lot of journals that I feel that way about and yours is one of them

Congrats on your harvest Cron, superb like always. :D and 4 oz dried beautiful numbers broda


BTW I wouldn't mind sampling that Chemdawg :surf:

Thanks Dani hell if you was here id gladly share :thumb:

Nice harvest. You liking the DWC's?

when I first came here and started growing again I went with the dwc buckets
I thought of nft flood and drain etc, but with the limited amounts of plants they allow you and to get a steady harvest
I went with the individual dwc buckets as going any other way with hydro I would have a bunch on the same schedule
and to be able to run different strains kept on the same schedule is almost but not impossible
if you run things that have similar timelines, so for what im doing yea I love em
I can keep all my plants 3 weeks apart have a steady harvest every 3-4 weeks everything on their own schedule its slightly more work but it aint much if you have limits, if I could do a lot more than id probably think of doing 3-4 sets of
rdwc then I can have a bunch on the same schedule but a few other sets on their own
if you get what I mean, but since im limited and to get a steady harvest this is the way I went

Dont know about Chronic, but i sure love my DWC's!


Good morning weed Brotha cronic. Beautiful ladies and a nice harvest. Looking good my friend. Happy Tokerday

same to you Brotha :high-five: and Thanks

Yeah! What Bee said! Happy Tokerday and Aloha Buddy :ciao: :surf:

Thank you too Brotha and Great day to you both :thumb:
ok so I finally took the ak x s out of the jars for a weight
108 g
or 3 oz 24 g well fell 4 grams short of my 4 oz lol
no biggie lots of jars full atm
Great Day To everyone
Wish I could say that. Not bravo; I can say that, the part about having lots of jars full atm I can say that too but I'd be lying :)
It's all because of those super size joints; One jar, two joints. And then you try to smoke the whole thing in one sitting Chimp.
Hey man. I accidentally unsubscribed and just now realized it. Awhile ago I cleaned out inactive journals and I must have checked yours as well. your plants look amazing. You are doing wonderful. How have you been?
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