ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

looks great... seeds to ya!
Your nugs are so dank :circle-of-love:

Mahalo Brotha :high-five:
Have a Great Day :thumb:

Tats weird, I'm 38 and school doesn't feel over 20 years ago, 5-6 years ago sure but not 20+ lol

lol shit in my late 20's it still felt like I just got out from high school :rofl:
I think I was in my 30's before that feeling went away now its like shit im getting old fast lol
when your a kid its like I wanna grow up and people tell you enjoy your childhood
only when you get old you start thinking they was right life was a lot easier and simpler then :rofl:

Congratulations on the harvest my friend. Hey just my 2 cents about future pollination. When I pollenate a bud, after I hit the bud with pollen, I place a white legal sized envelope over the pollenated bud and staple the end loosely. Paper lets a bud breath but won't let pollen out. Acouple days after I apply the pollen I remove the envelope and spray with water. Worked fantastic for me.
GL and Keepem Green

that's a good idea I read about baggin it before :thumb:
last time I pollinated I just left it for a couple hrs and spraying it down with water
im gonna try it tokers way and place a flower on a bud

Hey bro, I'm slowly getting the new journal up.

Perpetual Pics

:surf: :420:

Ill be there :thumb:

Happy growing my good sir

Thank you Sir :thumb: and you keep em Green and dank too :high-five:

Motorcycle is out and polished and ready to go so think I will wake and bake and go ride the Parkway.. :yahoo: It's going to be a wonderfully green day....:circle-of-love:

High Dennise hope you have/had a Great Ride :circle-of-love:

looks great... seeds to ya!

Hey Buck Thanks man :thumb:

Congratulations on your harvest!

Thank you KJC :Namaste:

everyone have a great Sativa/Shatterday :peace:
T-minus 18hrs
One of my stupid questions...If you were do it again (construct a functional grow tent indoor grow room), would you pay the extra for more Advanced HML's or do think the 3-watt Diamonds offer enough canopy penetration?

Most likely I'll be going to Top LED's MARS II's with 5 watt diodes.

You produce great bag appeal. As I have not grown under LED, and am potentially "in the market", I'm curious to your expert opinions.
Good morning Cronic and

Got a question regarding Molasses... I keep seeing post about adding it to the feeding schedule to increase bud size. I'm in mid flower (day 15). I'm using GH's nutrients and nothing else. Micro hydro setup. So how do I introduce molasses and to what measurement? How much per gallon?

Thank you in advance....
T-minus 18hrs

hey BAR ill try not sure if I can I have to step out today after res change

Hey Brother, Just wanted to wish you and yours a wonderful Saturday Night :thumb:.

Have a great one and Much Aloha :passitleft:


Aloha to you too Brotha Hope your having a great Skunkday man Mahalo for dropping by :thumb:

One of my stupid questions...If you were do it again (construct a functional grow tent indoor grow room), would you pay the extra for more Advanced HML's or do think the 3-watt Diamonds offer enough canopy penetration?

Most likely I'll be going to Top LED's MARS II's with 5 watt diodes.

You produce great bag appeal. As I have not grown under LED, and am potentially "in the market", I'm curious to your expert opinions.

im using 2-100 watt diamond series and 2-150 watt diamond series with cree xml and I just looked at their site and seems they updated the xml's a bit still basically the same just some small changes like drivers
been using the 2- 100 waters since my second grow in conjuction with some litro flouros
then a good friend was kind enough to lend me 2 of his 150 watt xml with cree and have been using those ever since
they are a sponsor here so theres a link around if you wanna see their page and what they got going on
the 2-100 watt diamond series I purchased first was at a discount because someone returned them nothing was wrong with it but it was a return so I got it a bit cheaper than new, all you gotta do is ask if they got any like that and they still will honor their full warranty
for me part of the problem was led's at the time was already better but the led reputation was already bad at the time because of
when it first came out it wasn't optimized. but now everyone sees that the led age has arrived, I also went with this particular company because I didn't want to have to deal with the problems that may occur dealing with non us companies.
lets put it this way check Fr3ds journal and youll see what I mean. and I also believe in made in the us for certain products
I have found over my lifetime so far that most of the time you do get what you pay for and even if you gotta pay a little extra to get a better product or better customer service.
I will however say that the one you mentioned might not be bad at all as that company I have not heard of any problems with their product or customer service, if you check fr3ds journal youll know who to avoid.

Good morning Cronic and

Got a question regarding Molasses... I keep seeing post about adding it to the feeding schedule to increase bud size. I'm in mid flower (day 15). I'm using GH's nutrients and nothing else. Micro hydro setup. So how do I introduce molasses and to what measurement? How much per gallon?

Thank you in advance....

don't add any sugars to a hydro system is my advise or youll end up with a big foamy mess
you can add to soil np
ok ill get my update up sometime today not sure if before or after I leave I didn't think I had much to do but I just noticed I have to trim my moms down again its a weekly thing I usually do that part on sat but I forgot
and apologies if you all have been noticing me not stopping by your journal as of late
its just been a downer for me lately every time I think a job is coming it falls through
but ill be around gotta keep my girls going :thumb:
Age is a state of mind :thumb:
took me almost till 40 before I stopped feeling like high school was yesterday :rofl:

mr. cronic,
Didn't take me too long to forget about high school. Spent 2 tears in `nam, tends to change your life and thoughts.
T-minus under an hour until Show time.

Join Judge John, Moderator Cannafan, myself and the rest of THE REPS ARE RIGHT team at exactly 6:00 PM EST on my thread for the long awaited 11th episode.
Yeah I blocked off comments and star rating, and youtubes messaging goes through Google + now so I got the whole youtube crowd locked out, and am just using it here to post my 420 videos. :)

Did you see my new video?

I'm the news anchor for WEED USA. lol


Thanks Toker69, after seeing Chronic's balls I needed a good smile. lol

Very nice sacks Chronic, later in life I plan on doing this and will have your great journal here to help me.
Not sure how I will reply when one of our 420 Lady's grows some sacks, well, we'll see because I'm sure one or more will be trying it soon.
ok ill get my update up sometime today not sure if before or after I leave I didn't think I had much to do but I just noticed I have to trim my moms down again its a weekly thing I usually do that part on sat but I forgot
and apologies if you all have been noticing me not stopping by your journal as of late
its just been a downer for me lately every time I think a job is coming it falls through
but ill be around gotta keep my girls going :thumb:
I feel your pain brother Cronic, you are not alone, lost my job 3 years ago and haven't found anything yet! But at 61 years young I don't think there is much out there for me,haha. Don't want to be a greeter at Wallyworld :laughtwo:
You got some mad growing skills and I hope to one day achieve the yields that I see you and other get. Keep em growin green! :peace:
Thanks G I gotta try and do update tomorrow im having trouble uploading atm
Looking forward to some more pics Mr hemphog
Morning Brotha. I'm sending positive vibs your way. Have a great day my friend
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