Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

@StoneOtter Damnnn bro, fantastic harvest congratulations! :welldone:

How big was the tent that she was in? 2x2? I saw you said you might try the 4x4 next time and ngl when I read those harvest numbers I thought you were already in a 4x4 :rofl:
That's a BIG trunk holding Monster buds, they look nice and RIPE... I always feel like it's VICTORY going in the jars, but chop is a great start (slow dry). Nice plant, I have a few Sip'N away myself. Cheers friend. :volcano-smiley:
You're absolutely right! It's only a true win when they get to 58 to 62% jarred with a nice cure!
Hey, SO, glad you are happy to have given it a try.

Now that you have your first SIP grow under your belt, think you'll change anything for your next go?
I couldn't be happier Azi!
One thing is I'll continue to use cal/mag through the whole grow in my waterings.
Another is I'm adding auto watering. Just because it exists.
Also, if I use regular seeds I'll start them at 12/12 for the first 10 days to encourage early sexing.
If I'm able to go from the water cloner to the pot that will save time.
I'll put more soil in the pot. In the end the soil level was an inch down. Slight mounding for me!
I used no spikes in this one. I may put a couple in.

I'm curious to see how they respond to my regular lst method of top and wait for a flat canopy.
Nice takedown Stone! I like purple. :)
I'm still chuckling for not seeing that! Bright light!
Just Gorgeous!! Happy Smokin'
I can't wait for her treasure to hit my head!
Beautiful buds, and plenty of 'em!
Nice work, Stone.💚
Purple? I didn't see that coming, but it sure looks good!👀
Hehe. how much time did I gaze at her looking for everything else! Not looking for purple!
Congratulations on your harvest bro, looks mighty tasty too. CL🍀
Hey Cap'n. That short vape of scissor hash sure was!
Congrats Stone, that's incredible. :yahoo:
She is an absolute Beast, or should I say was. Hehe
Gret work as usual my friend, well done. :bravo:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hey Bill! This was one of those grows that held me at attention the whole time!
Beautiful work, Otter. Congrats on the take down and haul. Just lovely.
Thanks Carmen! I'm only days away now from a taste!
Daaaym. That's a fine haul. Looks top quality. Showroom condition.
This SIP and LOS is a sweet combination for the tent! Next up is something from Table Mountain.
Which would you suggest gives the most head and least body stone affects?
@StoneOtter Damnnn bro, fantastic harvest congratulations! :welldone:

How big was the tent that she was in? 2x2? I saw you said you might try the 4x4 next time and ngl when I read those harvest numbers I thought you were already in a 4x4 :rofl:
Hi Weffalo, she was in a 3 x 3 tent. 40 inches square really so + sized a little. She filled it pretty good. My 4 x 4 is 4.5 x 4.5 too. I'm putting 4 in there next! I like it tight in there!
Crazy good work man, there's enough space at the sides that I reckon you could squeeze close to those same numbers from a 2x2 probably? I've got a 2x2 I'm not using that's all so your efforts have piqued my interest :rofl:

Can't wait to see what you do with 4 plants packed into the bigger tent :reading420magazine:
Crazy good work man, there's enough space at the sides that I reckon you could squeeze close to those same numbers from a 2x2 probably? I've got a 2x2 I'm not using that's all so your efforts have piqued my interest :rofl:

Can't wait to see what you do with 4 plants packed into the bigger tent :reading420magazine:
Fire that 2 x 2 up Weff!

Good day to you! It's different hanging out today! The mistress of the house says it's too stinky to dry upstairs like I do normally because Sunday is Easter and we're having people for a get together.

Plan B is to tent them up. I have the extraction running at 60 volts and have moistened air coming in from a humidifier at the inlet. So far so good:bitingnails:. My clip fans are running on low in there. No smell at all now.

Late with the grats but a jaw dropping drooler for sure! Learned so much watching this grow. Thanks for the excellent show SO! Beautiful damn job :green_heart: :cheer: :thanks: :drool:
Late with the grats but a jaw dropping drooler for sure! Learned so much watching this grow. Thanks for the excellent show SO! Beautiful damn job :green_heart: :cheer: :thanks: :drool:
Love to hear that Auto naut! Thank you for saying so!
Excellent Harvest Stoned !! And the weight WOWO Fine looking Buds ! Thanks for having me for this grow enjoyed it very much ! OH I guess this is not the seeded plant ?
Thanks Smokes! This is seeded on one bud. I'll see how it did in a few days of drying.
One thing is I'll continue to use cal/mag through the whole grow in my waterings.
I remember you saying this. Please remind me why. I have had some cal/mag issues of my own and I did use cal/mag from the beginning in this last grow. I didn't have the cal/mag issue this time around. I think I made my decision based on something I misunderstood from what Gee talked about but it worked anyway maybe.
I'm curious to see how they respond to my regular lst method of top and wait for a flat canopy.
How does this work?

I'm dying to know how you enjoy cob! I am so turned onto it by Stunger's tutorial a year or two ago.
I remember you saying this. Please remind me why. I have had some cal/mag issues of my own and I did use cal/mag from the beginning in this last grow. I didn't have the cal/mag issue this time around. I think I made my decision based on something I misunderstood from what Gee talked about but it worked anyway maybe.
A couple of reasons Carmen. First, my LOS soil needs a little help there. I may or not have that perfect at this time. Probably not looking at history :p . Second, I think this SIP method just made it different to uptake for some reason. She told me she needed more calcium several times before I started to use it on the regular. That's not something I've ever seen in my tents. When I did she stopped her asking. I use ro water.
How does this work?
I top and wait for the two shoots to make a few inches, then train them flat horizontal and keep them there until most of the rest of the branches top nodes are that height. When that happens it's time to clean up and flip the light.
Edit: That's the fast read on it. The rest is waiting for the next nodes down to come up and tie them horisontal with the tops. Then the third set of nodes down etc.
Good morning Mr Oh Oh Oh!

Nice take down bruv!
Thanks Tra! I hope they're ok in the tent drying! I never use a tent for that! The meter says they are so I'm believing it! :nervous-guy:
Indoors if you want something heady the. LC-18 or Wild lady. They most likely won't finish outside. Outdoors go with Iklwa. X
Growing a few one bud wonders and they are all done in 9 weeks give or take a few days
Perfect! Just what I needed! Thanks!

Another beautiful day here at the farm! I was able to look at the SIP pot and contents. What a horse of a different color!
I gave the trunk a slight pull from side to side and look what happened. The original 1 gal pot shape came to surface!
Then feeling around I found the top 6 inches of soil to be rather rootless! Very surprising that she got all her nutrients from below that level! So I took it all off with my fingers.
Then cut at the bottom of the 1 gal pot and removed it. That is where the very compact root section started.
Then I cut the bottom of the root ball in half and quarter.

It's tight in there!
Here's what I found under the platform between the soil and water hanging over the rez.

In my hand it was feather light!
All in all this plant grew dense dense roots in the lower section of soil.
Dem Bones
I hope you have a great day!
Your roots may have run away chasing moisture or air pruned themselves from the dryness (I believe you said you drought them). It doesn't matter at the end of the cycle; your last pic shows gorgeous feeder roots and over and inch thick(looks closer to 1.5) trunk. And of course... you have ROOTS everywhere... she was happy. Thick mains thick buds and the most important... Huge healthy roots BIG fruits. I can't wait to see your dry weight. :meditate:
Your roots may have run away chasing moisture or air pruned themselves from the dryness (I believe you said you drought them). It doesn't matter at the end of the cycle; your last pic shows gorgeous feeder roots and over and inch thick(looks closer to 1.5) trunk. And of course... you have ROOTS everywhere... she was happy. Thick mains thick buds and the most important... Huge healthy roots BIG fruits. I can't wait to see your dry weight. :meditate:
The upper half had roots that were very thinly populated but they were there. I don't fully understand the whole science of this yet but it's coming! I think if one were to be running out of nutes I'd water the top and get it fed that way in a pinch.? We'll see how close my calc comes to 10.5 zips.
Congrats on the take down, Stone! How does this yield compare to previous yields pre-SIP?
I gave the trunk a slight pull from side to side and look what happened. The original 1 gal pot shape came to surface!
Then feeling around I found the top 6 inches of soil to be rather rootless! Very surprising that she got all her nutrients from below that level!
Well that's an interesting bit of info! :thanks:

I wonder two things: if the result would be different if you started directly in the SIP, and if the top 6" of that soil ever was regularly damp. With the cover on the whole time you never had a chance to check.

Not that it slowed down that monster!
Everyone else sees this bald grey root eating muppet too aye….?

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