Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Ahoy me brother,
When I visit your garden I am always jazzed that you took the time to say hello and made me your friend. I know that you take time and say hello to a lot of new members, but to me it was special. Here was this awesome gardener on the world's foremost MMJ website talking to me about cannabis. I was stoked. (still am)

Then you helped me realize that @InTheShed was not just hating on me, but actually trying to help me learn the craft. I remember watching and trying to learn your clever ways of avoiding confrontation during online disagreements and such. How many times was I going to quit 420 because folks had the audacity to doubt me.

Since then, I have learned that others will ask for my opinion if they want it. As you know most of my work has always centered on replicating the species survival response that droughting can sometimes produce. It has become my opinion that HYBRID crosses between Sativa and Indica do not have the same ability to react in predictable time frames, compared to more pure forms of Sativa or Indica strains. Northern Lights is a good example of truly predictable drought responses, it will run 10 to 11 days and hit SSR. Now then, you cross it up with some Sativa genmoes and there went your predictability. The strain you are running is going to respond according to its DNA. When you are breeding seed stock you are creating new DNA trains that will control how the plant reacts to stress.

When a drought fails to generate SSR it is usually because the plant did not have time to adjust the hormonal levels indicative of SSR as this is not a simple on/off switch. The plant must produce (synthesize) a hormonal cocktail that will agitate the JA pathways of the GRN. The agitation of these JA pathways is our Key.

LOL I am doing it agoin... sorry
Thanks for adopting this Polish refugee.
You have made me look good, that aint to easy. :love:
I know you used the MeJA I sent you. We must look at doing that again. I have gotten real close to saying that MeJA will trigger SSR in cannabis without the need of actual drought.

We need a source of MeJA as the big pharma folks have caught on and are securing all access to MeJA so us home runners cannot get any. I have about 3/4 of a gallon remaining.

One application in late stage bloom can trigger SSR. now I have said it. hehe
About leaf posture (LWA)

"Turgor loss point (πtlp, MPa), the leaf water potential at which leaf wilting occurs (Bartlett, Scoffoni, Ardy, et al., 2012), has emerged as a promising physiological trait that can be used as a proxy for plant drought resistance (Bartlett, Scoffoni, & Sack, 2012; Sun et al., 2020). Turgor loss point is related to a suite of physiological mechanisms relevant for maintaining critical functions under drought, including the water potential at stomatal closure and the vulnerability to xylem embolism (Bartlett et al., 2016). The importance of πtlp in plant–water relations has long been recognized (e.g., Tyree & Hammel, 1972). However, only recently has a relatively fast method to measure πtlp been developed (Bartlett, Scoffoni, Ardy, et al., 2012), resulting in a surge of studies that have assessed πtlp across multiple species (e.g., Bartlett, Scoffoni, & Sack, 2012; Kunert et al., 2021; Maréchaux et al., 2015; McFadden et al., 2019; McGregor et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2018). Most of these studies have related πtlp to species distributions across natural moisture gradients, including at local, regional and biome scales. In woody plants, species with lower πtlp have been generally associated with drier sites (Baltzer et al., 2008; Bartlett, Scoffoni, & Sack, 2012; Kunert et al., 2021; Maréchaux et al., 2015; McFadden et al., 2019; Mitchell et al., 2008; Rosas & Mencuccini, 2019; Zhu et al., 2018). πtlp has therefore frequently been explicitly or implicitly assumed to determine species distributions by being negatively related to species drought resistance, that is, their ability to withstand periods of low water availability (ensu Larcher, 2003). However, the direct relation of πtlp to differential survival of woody species under drought conditions has, to our knowledge, only been addressed in one study, which found no relation (Powers et al., 2020). Moreover, studies on πtlp have focused on adult trees (but please refer to Baltzer et al., 2008), whereas seedlings, which are a bottleneck in the life cycle of trees (Harper, 1977) and determine future forest composition, may respond differently to stressors.

Survival of plants under drought conditions in the field, as well as species distribution across moisture gradients, are not only shaped by water availability, but also by other abiotic and biotic factors, namely light, nutrients, herbivore and pathogen pressure, competition, as well as dispersal limitation (Engelbrecht et al., 2005). Because these factors may modulate or even override direct effects of drought in driving species' survival and distributions, experiments are required to isolate the direct effects of reduced water availability on species performance from other factors that determine drought survival (Engelbrecht & Kursar, 2003). To be able to rigorously test the relevance of πtlp for plant survival responses to drought, we need to directly link πtlp to experimental multispecies assessments of comparative whole-plant drought resistance, based on survival responses. However, such studies are still lacking (reviewed in Delzon, 2015). To our knowledge, the only study explicitly linking πtlp to comparative drought performance responses across multiple species was conducted on herbaceous perennials (Sun et al., 2020). They found the opposite of what has been assumed for woody species: herbaceous species with higher πtlp exhibited higher (rather than lower) drought survival. This highlights the need to directly test the relationship between πtlp and drought performance in different life forms and/or ecosystems. At the same time, we need to evaluate if πtlp is a useful proxy for species survival responses to natural drought conditions, such as those associated with El Niño Southern Oscillation (Powers et al., 2020).

Here, we explicitly tested if πtlp of tropical woody species is negatively related to seedling drought resistance by directly linking πtlp to seedling survival under dry, relative to irrigated, conditions in a common garden soil moisture manipulation experiment in the forest understory in central Panama. Using long-term seedling survival censuses across multiple forests, we also tested whether πtlp is related to decreased seedling survival in response to an extreme El Niño event that caused severe drought conditions in the region (Burton et al., 2018; Spinoni et al., 2019). We hypothesized that tree species with lower (i.e., more negative) πtlp exhibit higher experimentally assessed drought resistance (as determined by seedling survival in dry vs. irrigated treatments) and smaller reductions in seedling survival in response to El Niño-related drought."

We are not alone watching LWA. These folks refer to turgor as (πtlp, MPa). We call it leaf wilt angle.

That was my first thought Carmen! Then I realized how lucky I was to have seen it! Vaping has to be my first choice. Combusting, though it's my favorite, has to be put in the moderation bin. Edibles are nice too but don't float my boat like a good smoke!
Otter I feel you on this. I smoke a pipe because I can't roll a joint anymore. I have a dry herb vape but I don't get properly high from it. Edibles don't do it for me either and only serve a limited purpose.
I know you used the MeJA I sent you. We must look at doing that again. I have gotten real close to saying that MeJA will trigger SSR in cannabis without the need of actual drought.

We need a source of MeJA as the big pharma folks have caught on and are securing all access to MeJA so us home runners cannot get any. I have about 3/4 of a gallon remaining.

One application in late stage bloom can trigger SSR. now I have said it. hehe
What is MeJA? It sounds alarming to hear that pharma are sitting on stocks of something needed in the market.
Otter I feel you on this. I smoke a pipe because I can't roll a joint anymore. I have a dry herb vape but I don't get properly high from it. Edibles don't do it for me either and only serve a limited purpose.

What is MeJA? It sounds alarming to hear that pharma are sitting on stocks of something needed in the market.
Hi Carmen Ray,
MeJA is short for Methly-Jasmonate
Methyl jasmonate (abbreviated MeJA) is a volatile organic compound used in plant defense and many diverse developmental pathways such as seed germination, root growth, flowering, fruit ripening, and senescence. Methyl jasmonate is derived from jasmonic acid and the reaction is catalyzed by S-adenosyl-L … See more
Plants produce jasmonic acid and methyl jasmonate in response to many biotic and abiotic stresses (in particular, herbivory and wounding), which build up in the damaged parts of the plant. The methyl jasmonate can be … See more
Defense chemicals
MeJA can induce the plant to produce multiple different types of defense chemicals such as phytoalexins (antimicrobial), See more
Cancer cells
Methyl jasmonate induces cytochrome C release in the mitochondria of cancer cells, leading to cell death, but does not harm normal cells. Specifically, it can cause cell death in See more!&&p=2029...kaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvTWV0aHlsX2phc21vbmF0ZQ&ntb=1!&&p=2029...kaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvTWV0aHlsX2phc21vbmF0ZQ&ntb=1
This stuff makes her think bugs are attacking. She will respond. Might could make her better at killing cancer cells. Read that again.
I was told to try meja by a professor from Cornell University Biology Department as I argued with him over the primacy of ABA during all phase of plant life. I was correct BTW. But he was correct in MeJA will stimulate her defense mechanisms. He has since retired from his post with Cornell. God bless this man for his honesty with me. He knew what I was up to and still helped me.

Stone, sorry again. I will go home now. LOL
Hi Carmen Ray,
MeJA is short for Methly-Jasmonate
Methyl jasmonate (abbreviated MeJA) is a volatile organic compound used in plant defense and many diverse developmental pathways such as seed germination, root growth, flowering, fruit ripening, and senescence. Methyl jasmonate is derived from jasmonic acid and the reaction is catalyzed by S-adenosyl-L … See more
Plants produce jasmonic acid and methyl jasmonate in response to many biotic and abiotic stresses (in particular, herbivory and wounding), which build up in the damaged parts of the plant. The methyl jasmonate can be … See more
Defense chemicals
MeJA can induce the plant to produce multiple different types of defense chemicals such as phytoalexins (antimicrobial), See more
Cancer cells
Methyl jasmonate induces cytochrome C release in the mitochondria of cancer cells, leading to cell death, but does not harm normal cells. Specifically, it can cause cell death in See more!&&p=2029...kaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvTWV0aHlsX2phc21vbmF0ZQ&ntb=1!&&p=2029...kaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvTWV0aHlsX2phc21vbmF0ZQ&ntb=1
This stuff makes her think bugs are attacking. She will respond. Might could make her better at killing cancer cells. Read that again.
Freaking mind-blowing.
That was all tar destined for your innards. Im doing so much better in the chest since I mostly retired all combusting. Im using the @MagicStone Alchemy and yeah never going back to combusting as a regular method. I feel better, I can actually taste all of the terp profile from flower, and if I have to buy flower Im buying way less because the highs are so much more deep hitting.

I cant get past the tar worms. Just wow :thedoubletake:
Yeah it was! That @MagicStone is a beauty! Vape it up!
OK I give whats combusting ? Please
The old fashioned way of lighting up. A joint or pipe but with a fire and until it burns. Not vaping.
I know you used the MeJA I sent you. We must look at doing that again. I have gotten real close to saying that MeJA will trigger SSR in cannabis without the need of actual drought.

We need a source of MeJA as the big pharma folks have caught on and are securing all access to MeJA so us home runners cannot get any. I have about 3/4 of a gallon remaining.

One application in late stage bloom can trigger SSR. now I have said it. hehe
You're the best Maritimer! I have no recollection of that. I remember buying something that ended up resembling but it wasn't it so I never did use it. I'm still a virgin at enhancement that way.
Otter I feel you on this. I smoke a pipe because I can't roll a joint anymore. I have a dry herb vape but I don't get properly high from it. Edibles don't do it for me either and only serve a limited purpose.
That's the thing! Even very good vapes don't give me the smack in the face I want sometimes unless there's rosen being vaped.
I was told to try meja by a professor from Cornell University Biology Department as I argued with him over the primacy of ABA during all phase of plant life. I was correct BTW. But he was correct in MeJA will stimulate her defense mechanisms. He has since retired from his post with Cornell. God bless this man for his honesty with me. He knew what I was up to and still helped me.

Stone, sorry again. I will go home now. LOL
Learn a lot just trolling . Never know what you can learn.
Now I have to read it a hundred times again and i'll get a little more.
Freaking mind-blowing.
Maritimer's the man!

Hi all, she's hanging tough! All her leaves on colas I'm watching are only slightly affected so far. It's trich day. I don't see coraling yet. You? I'm not sure I'd know it if they were.

Something's going on in this pic I just know it!

Highya SO,

Very nice trichome shots! Nice and clear! I remember seeing some like that @InTheShed posted pictures of. Some had hardly any amber, mostly cloudy. Then some pics had30-40% amber. Depends on where they are on the plant. I like taking my loupe out to see the trichomes. One can instantly judge readiness from where she is on the plant. Happy Smokin'
Glad I got here in the middle of the drought, so fewer days of anxiety (save that for GDB!). The colas look stacked and fat and the trichomes are :drool: worthy (and much better than mine but thanks @Bode :) ).
Then you helped me realize that @InTheShed was not just hating on me, but actually trying to help me learn the craft.
All in the name of better results Maritimer, and I'm glad my questions didn't scare you away!
K. Couldn't remember the name but new it was something like that. I don't watch things others do. I'm more nature channel. Or old.cowboy movies. The duke type things.
I watch a 💩 load of PBS, really enjoy it but was surprised @ how much it improved my trivia knowledge. I watch a lot of nature shows also science

It's Friday everyone! The mail came and with that a wonderful package from @GeoFlora Nutrients and @GeoPot ! Some winnings for Journal of the Month Feb. This is going to be awesome for the summer grow outdoors! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Thank you both very much!
Any thoughts on what you’re going to be growing outdoors this year? CL🍀
Highya SO,

Very nice trichome shots! Nice and clear! I remember seeing some like that @InTheShed posted pictures of. Some had hardly any amber, mostly cloudy. Then some pics had30-40% amber. Depends on where they are on the plant. I like taking my loupe out to see the trichomes. One can instantly judge readiness from where she is on the plant. Happy Smokin'
I'm more comfortable with my little scope for this too Bode. Indoors and outdoor trichome doneness color are different too. A plant grown outdoors will go amber and be done where an indoor plant will be overdone at that point. But you know that. :)
The colas look stacked and fat and the trichomes are :drool: worthy (and much better than mine but thanks @Bode :) ).
Your buds are always better looking than mine Shed! I'm always trying to grow plants as nice as yours!
I watch a 💩 load of PBS, really enjoy it but was surprised @ how much it improved my trivia knowledge. I watch a lot of nature shows also science

Any thoughts on what you’re going to be growing outdoors this year? CL🍀
Likely one South African from TableMountain and another. Since growing this Cherries DubeLee seeing it took 50 to 60 days to flower. She was pretty done at 50, that helps for my location! That's the list today subject to change.
I'm more comfortable with my little scope for this too Bode. Indoors and outdoor trichome doneness color are different too. A plant grown outdoors will go amber and be done where an indoor plant will be overdone at that point. But you know that. :)

Your buds are always better looking than mine Shed! I'm always trying to grow plants as nice as yours!

Likely one South African from TableMountain and another. Since growing this Cherries DubeLee seeing it took 50 to 60 days to flower. She was pretty done at 50, that helps for my location! That's the list today subject to change.
Sounds very interesting, I have a Panama X Bangi ordered but not sure if it’s going to be inside or not. CL🍀
Sounds very interesting, I have a Panama X Bangi ordered but not sure if it’s going to be inside or not. CL🍀
My season can be fickle. I've finished 70 day finishers before outside but have to be lucky. Comfortably my season is done last of September. Last year the whole month of October was good!
My season can be fickle. I've finished 70 day finishers before outside but have to be lucky. Comfortably my season is done last of September. Last year the whole month of October was good!
I’m dealing with the same thing here, one year you are ok until mid November and the next? Who knows? September? October maybe? CL🍀
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