Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Bro I can't tell my own plants. Untill I see a flower. Lmao. I bat 50/50 on it. And most time I'm wrong. I had to get bill and y'all to tell me. . I suck at that.

Heck u probably told me male or female on them plants I had. And your going have tell me on these I got from u. Lmao. Bet ya
We'll be here bro!
Sweet a new lady in the house :cheer: cheers
Hey Nev! We're on the brink!
Highya SO,

So glad for you finding out it's a she! Certainly helps with her already in the SIP planter! I hope she tickles your lights!! Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

So glad for you finding out it's a she! Certainly helps with her already in the SIP planter! I hope she tickles your lights!! Happy Smokin'
Whew! I know! After all the logic leading the way, I still had the jitters! I think putting some heat on her soil is going to show us some movement fight away. It's in the time frame folks are saying they take off when in good health. I think she is.
Hey stone I need to make plant fiber for consumption purposes. Out of the roots and stems. Not get cbd.but the fiber it's self. .
How can I do that. Beside getting a round stone and horses to crush it like flour.
I wouldn't know Dust. Roots are tough to break down. Only thing I can think of is to chop em up and put them in a food processor? After that I couldn't say what to do with it but it may be a fine pulp.
Very exciting. Any change today?
Most certainly yes Carmen! No pics yet but she's relaxed and pushing! :woohoo: :high-five:
Glad you caught the temp. thing and getting some heat to them babys , Looking healthy for sure !!
Thanks Smokes! I can't say it was the only thing because of the timing. It's been almost two weeks in SIP and as I see it from others that's when it should happen. But it happened over night! She's made the change to growing!

That's right, out of the tent and into the drying/pollen collecting office for some 12/12 x 2 low watt cfl's. Stretch time for the man of the hour!
I waited a week + longer to put him here so he could mature. I grew a Red Sky male that had pollen that may have been affected by a too young plant, I'm not sure, just trying to make good.

That's right, out of the tent and into the drying/pollen collecting office for some 12/12 x 2 low watt cfl's. Stretch time for the man of the hour!
I waited a week + longer to put him here so he could mature. I grew a Red Sky male that had pollen that may have been affected by a too young plant, I'm not sure, just trying to make good.
Whatcha making. What strain hope to get few seeds for purple spice . U need this plant bro.
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