Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

im late...can i watch? this SIP technique is way cool. im gonna have to try this too.
Hi kahoona, glad to have you! This is exciting! This one is starting to catch on in the SIP. I'm seeing improvement every day now. It's different not having to think about a watering schedule. I'm hoping mine takes off like others have. Looks like it's going to happen!

The ones who know say 2 weeks before a noted blast of growth happens. 4 or 5 more days to go! Here she is yesterday looking perkyish.

Hi kahoona, glad to have you! This is exciting! This one is starting to catch on in the SIP. I'm seeing improvement every day now. It's different not having to think about a watering schedule. I'm hoping mine takes off like others have. Looks like it's going to happen!

The ones who know say 2 weeks before a noted blast of growth happens. 4 or 5 more days to go! Here she is yesterday looking perkyish.

Good Morning Stone. :ciao:
Your sip is doing well.:thumb:
Nice healthy girl.
Hope your having a nice day. :high-five:
Take care.

#Vivosun #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Stone this is like watching a ticking timebomb about to explode!👀
Like GDB, I missed all the New Year festivities but in my case, I've just been busy. Happy New Year, Stone! I feel like I already gave you this greeting but since I didn't see it in the 6 pages I was behind, maybe I didn't. Stoners! :laughtwo:

Your plant looks good. Way more lush than the Purple Satellite I'm trying to sex.
Like GDB, I missed all the New Year festivities but in my case, I've just been busy. Happy New Year, Stone! I feel like I already gave you this greeting but since I didn't see it in the 6 pages I was behind, maybe I didn't. Stoners! :laughtwo:

Your plant looks good. Way more lush than the Purple Satellite I'm trying to sex.
:hug: Happy New Year HashGirl! I think we may have done this but it's always nice! :love: Busy is a good thing! Keep doing that! Thanks for coming by for the catch up!

Hello all! I have news! Both good and better! First I found a pistol! She's a lady! I could just feel it! The grow goes on! Where's the arrow police when you need them! ;)

Second, my temp is too cold in there on light out! 59f is not for these girls. That's one reason she's on a very slow grow!

So being a tightwad and having a couple of seedling mats around, and this plastic bucket, I figured I'd tape 2 to the sides and warm this cold girl up!

No seedling mat controller for these but I have a fan controller on low. Last I checked the outside shot at 80F. A little warm, not above my mental threshold though. I was hoping for 70 to 75f. I can put a timer on it and have it come on at light out and off at light on. This is going to make a difference!

I can't wait to see some faster growth and top to train for a scrog!
She's pushing nodes now but very slowly. I'm encouraged by seeing this and at 17.5 watts x2 may be on track to make some progress!! Mid 40's # of days in veg now.
You all have a great day!
Edit: Yay! Found a controller to use! Plus temp was hovering where I hoped!

Hello all! I have news! Both good and better! First I found a pistol! She's a lady! I could just feel it! The grow goes on! Where's the arrow police when you need them! ;)

Second, my temp is too cold in there on light out! 59f is not for these girls. That's one reason she's on a very slow grow!

So being a tightwad and having a couple of seedling mats around, and this plastic bucket, I figured I'd tape 2 to the sides and warm this cold girl up!

No seedling mat controller for these but I have a fan controller on low. Last I checked the outside shot at 80F. A little warm, not above my mental threshold though. I was hoping for 70 to 75f. I can put a timer on it and have it come on at light out and off at light on. This is going to make a difference!

I can't wait to see some faster growth and top to train for a scrog!
She's pushing nodes now but very slowly. I'm encouraged by seeing this and at 17.5 watts x2 may be on track to make some progress!! Mid 40's # of days in veg now.
You all have a great day!
Edit: Yay! Found a controller to use! Plus temp was hovering where I hoped!
I got that same temp thing and it don't work now. Turn it on says 100 degrees and all messed up . Idk if it works now or not. Just throwed it over on a shelve somewhere
🌸 🌺 🌹 ahhhhh the relief 😮‍💨
Looking very good!

Be patient with the SIP but don’t take your eye off it!

I’m updating the Suzanne journal tonight with a bunch of comparison stuff.
The power of the SIP is not to be underestimated fr!

glad we finally got last parts confirmed now we can really get going 😈

Not a plop, plop nor a fizz, fizz but "Oh what a relief it is!" :Rasta:
Way more lush than the Purple Satellite I'm trying to sex.
I had to read this sentence 3 times before I got the correct context.

I was initially thinking “you go Hashgirl! Get that freak on! You do what ever tickles your inner tingler”

I got that same temp thing and it don't work now. Turn it on says 100 degrees and all messed up . Idk if it works now or not. Just throwed it over on a shelve somewhere
Bummer, this one's from 2017.
It's a girl Mr Otter, it's a girl! :yahoo:

Nice work with the heat mats...don't you also have a panel heater tucked away somewhere in case you wanted to raise the air temps as well?
Only 45 days to tell. I'm so glad! Was ready to do what it takes. :eek:

I do. I think it's 2 or 300 watts and it helped! Having the plastic pot and these extra flexible mats I thought I'd try this at a max 35 watts. The heat is right there where I think it counts.
Are you sure. Idk might be a boy dressing like a girl. Lmao.
I'm sure!
🌸 🌺 🌹 ahhhhh the relief 😮‍💨
Looking very good!

Be patient with the SIP but don’t take your eye off it!

I’m updating the Suzanne journal tonight with a bunch of comparison stuff.
The power of the SIP is not to be underestimated fr!

glad we finally got last parts confirmed now we can really get going 😈
I'm waiting for her to open up her hands and relax. Soon now! I'm right behind you Lootz!
It sure is! Whew! :high-five:

Jeepers Dust, look at her cola ends. They look like arthritis hands !
Bro I can't tell my own plants. Untill I see a flower. Lmao. I bat 50/50 on it. And most time I'm wrong. I had to get bill and y'all to tell me. . I suck at that.

Heck u probably told me male or female on them plants I had. And your going have tell me on these I got from u. Lmao. Bet ya
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