Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

This is new to me so it's hard to tell you. You have to look at the first pages and see what the pot looks like inside and out. I just assembled it and stuffed it with my LOS soil and a plant. Now I water it from a tube. We'll have to wait and see how it turns out. Some folks are having good grows so I wanted to try one. This one hasn't taken off yet. Could ne a week and it'll be zoom time! Maybe.
I'm always up for new sht.
Highya SO,

Love the picture in the SIP! Leaves look like a 3D picture! Very crisp, and a Nice shade of green, even the new growth! ITS is right about the hopefully male is taking off! Crazy big.

Oh, we had 2 inches here! But you're right about it looking angelic! I had to walk around for awhile to enjoy it!! Happy Smokin'
I'm sure that fe(we hope)male will turn into a monster with a bit more time, but that female (we hope) is already monstering up!
A little better each day now! A smidge a day!
Highya SO,

Love the picture in the SIP! Leaves look like a 3D picture! Very crisp, and a Nice shade of green, even the new growth! ITS is right about the hopefully male is taking off! Crazy big.

Oh, we had 2 inches here! But you're right about it looking angelic! I had to walk around for awhile to enjoy it!! Happy Smokin'
Yeah it's getting better 3d lift and color is coming back! WooHoo!

Just an inch of wet snow here almost gone by dayend yesterday. 40's yesterday.
I'm crossing my fingers, doh! They won't cross today so I'll hold thumbs!
I’ve also discovered in the past week that crossing my thumbs for luck is much easier and painless then the old finger crossing.:thumb: Tuck we need a tuck/cross thumb emoji.
Hiya Weffy.

I’m really sorry I didn’t keep up with your thread, Weff. I’ve been absent from 420 for around a month or so, unexpectedly. I had said I’d be following along closely so I offer my apology.

Things went sideways when I got mugged/assaulted coming out of my pharmacy, resulting in a few broken ribs, broken wrist, and (another) concussion (I fought back very hard) . My pharmacy is in a bad neighborhood but the owner is a personal friend and former mentor so I refuse to go someplace else. Strangely, I was also physically assaulted a year ago (approx) after coming out of the same pharma and broke 6 ribs, and lotsa torn rib cartilage. Thankfully the response from the pharmacy and a couple of local businesses this time has been to hire some full time security guards.

Anyway, I ended up having some serious emotional difficulties cropping up this time. I have some serious disabilities that keep me from my former career or even working now, so things aren’t easy without external traumas - and I just sort of melted down after this. Nothing hurts like busted ribs mate, nothing.

Anyway, I’ve been getting some help for a while and it’s helping a lot. I’m gonna get all caught up now on your thread. Looks pretty good!
Hey RD, geez that's a right shitter of thing to happen. I am glad you've back on your feet, but what a lousy thing to happen. The world's gone effing mental these last couple of years. It is good you are back and all the best for a good continuing recovery.
Hiya Weffy.

I’m really sorry I didn’t keep up with your thread, Weff. I’ve been absent from 420 for around a month or so, unexpectedly. I had said I’d be following along closely so I offer my apology.

Things went sideways when I got mugged/assaulted coming out of my pharmacy, resulting in a few broken ribs, broken wrist, and (another) concussion (I fought back very hard) . My pharmacy is in a bad neighborhood but the owner is a personal friend and former mentor so I refuse to go someplace else. Strangely, I was also physically assaulted a year ago (approx) after coming out of the same pharma and broke 6 ribs, and lotsa torn rib cartilage. Thankfully the response from the pharmacy and a couple of local businesses this time has been to hire some full time security guards.

Anyway, I ended up having some serious emotional difficulties cropping up this time. I have some serious disabilities that keep me from my former career or even working now, so things aren’t easy without external traumas - and I just sort of melted down after this. Nothing hurts like busted ribs mate, nothing.

Anyway, I’ve been getting some help for a while and it’s helping a lot. I’m gonna get all caught up now on your thread. Looks pretty good!
It's always something when folks drop off the site for a while without warning, but that's one hell of a ride! :eek:

I'm glad it's only taken you a month to pull yourself out of that hole, and I'm glad it wasn't a bigger one.
Hiya Weffy.

I’m really sorry I didn’t keep up with your thread, Weff. I’ve been absent from 420 for around a month or so, unexpectedly. I had said I’d be following along closely so I offer my apology.

Things went sideways when I got mugged/assaulted coming out of my pharmacy, resulting in a few broken ribs, broken wrist, and (another) concussion (I fought back very hard) . My pharmacy is in a bad neighborhood but the owner is a personal friend and former mentor so I refuse to go someplace else. Strangely, I was also physically assaulted a year ago (approx) after coming out of the same pharma and broke 6 ribs, and lotsa torn rib cartilage. Thankfully the response from the pharmacy and a couple of local businesses this time has been to hire some full time security guards.

Anyway, I ended up having some serious emotional difficulties cropping up this time. I have some serious disabilities that keep me from my former career or even working now, so things aren’t easy without external traumas - and I just sort of melted down after this. Nothing hurts like busted ribs mate, nothing.

Anyway, I’ve been getting some help for a while and it’s helping a lot. I’m gonna get all caught up now on your thread. Looks pretty good!

Hey ReservoirDog, man... I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles, that really sucks and I completely understand experiencing emotional trauma after such an event... things can be tough enough and nobody needs violence in their lives on top of everything else. I hope you are on the mend physically at least and can work towards being okay mentally.

I'm glad to hear your getting help mate and I'm very happy to hear it's helping a lot, sending good vibes and well wishes your way on your path to recovery <3

Don't worry about not following my journey so closely! I appreciate you checking in though :) I think you replied to the wrong thread here (We're in Stone's journal right now :D) but no big deal I'm sure he doesn't mind!

Here's to this year being a positive one mate :peace:
Hiya Weffy.

I’m really sorry I didn’t keep up with your thread, Weff. I’ve been absent from 420 for around a month or so, unexpectedly. I had said I’d be following along closely so I offer my apology.

Things went sideways when I got mugged/assaulted coming out of my pharmacy, resulting in a few broken ribs, broken wrist, and (another) concussion (I fought back very hard) . My pharmacy is in a bad neighborhood but the owner is a personal friend and former mentor so I refuse to go someplace else. Strangely, I was also physically assaulted a year ago (approx) after coming out of the same pharma and broke 6 ribs, and lotsa torn rib cartilage. Thankfully the response from the pharmacy and a couple of local businesses this time has been to hire some full time security guards.

Anyway, I ended up having some serious emotional difficulties cropping up this time. I have some serious disabilities that keep me from my former career or even working now, so things aren’t easy without external traumas - and I just sort of melted down after this. Nothing hurts like busted ribs mate, nothing.

Anyway, I’ve been getting some help for a while and it’s helping a lot. I’m gonna get all caught up now on your thread. Looks pretty good!
Welcome back Dog! Glad you're getting help and getting better!
Are you noticing any abnormal widening of the trunk or stems? Even though it looks somewhat stunted, I bet that a lot is going on.
Not yet. It's a week in so it's early. I see leaves getting a good green again and some getting a lift but not all. Branches are starting to push. I expect this week may bring some real motion!
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