Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Highya SO,

Boy, I'll say! She's really happy looking! Hopefully it'll only get better! Happy Smokin'
Who doesn't love perky?
From quirky to perky! Just a little though.
Highya SO,

Boy, I'll say! She's really happy looking! Hopefully it'll only get better! Happy Smokin'
New things make me shiver Bode! This one still has to come out for us too!
just wait till you see how hard she can pray. Her conversion is coming and you are not going to believe it. Keep watching your stalk and branch sizes too as she seemingly just sits here. You will watch her widen out all by herself, knowing the weight she is going to be gaining soon. There is a lot going on.
I love that kind of talk Em!
It's perking up! Whew!

I would really like all new growers to see this comment if possible. Stone has been growing for long enough he’s invented his own soil mixing stations, and even he still has the “whew” feeling from time to time.
YUP! I've never grown autos, but I do plan on dabbling in the future after I get through my last seed order.
But from what I've seen historically from autos a SIP would totally be an amazing fit.
Final pot, less watering or no overwatering rather. Add on the fact that when they do get rootbound they've reached the reservoir so have access to as much water as they want and can air prune in the air gap.
theoretically it sounds like a match made in heaven.

Although in my SIP journal @Weffalo just this to my attention

We still have to compare notes to see what differences have caused this.
but it's important to note that although it sounds like a match made in heaven that like everything results can vary.
Sorry I'm useless at keeping up with all these wonderful threads especially during the holiday period. Conclusion on that one was definitely because I used a coco mix for the seedling and underfed nutrients... then it had to be up-potted to the SIP. I think the best method would be direct into the SIP to avoid any stress and judging by the photoperiod that I planted directly, it works VERY well :D

Happy new year Stone! I'm ready and waiting for this lady to start BULKING :cheer:
Sorry I'm useless at keeping up with all these wonderful threads especially during the holiday period. Conclusion on that one was definitely because I used a coco mix for the seedling and underfed nutrients... then it had to be up-potted to the SIP. I think the best method would be direct into the SIP to avoid any stress and judging by the photoperiod that I planted directly, it works VERY well :D

Happy new year Stone! I'm ready and waiting for this lady to start BULKING :cheer:

What we’ve discovered as well is the types of roots the plant builds when in the SIP are not the same as those in a container. In a container we get lots of thick roots built for chasing and competition. In the SIP we’re seeing lots of fine hair like feeder roots designed to maximize water (and nutrient) intake in a given area.

It takes the plant quite some time to convert its root growth since it needs to send a hormone shift signal as well as realign it’s meristem cells. It’s well worth the wait from what I’ve seen, if you can afford it. If not, then you got it, straight into the SIP is best.
What we’ve discovered as well is the types of roots the plant builds when in the SIP are not the same as those in a container. In a container we get lots of thick roots built for chasing and competition. In the SIP we’re seeing lots of fine hair like feeder roots designed to maximize water (and nutrient) intake in a given area.

It takes the plant quite some time to convert its root growth since it needs to send a hormone shift signal as well as realign it’s meristem cells. It’s well worth the wait from what I’ve seen, if you can afford it. If not, then you got it, straight into the SIP is best.
That makes a lot of sense Keffka.

"It’s well worth the wait from what I’ve seen, if you can afford it. If not, then you got it, straight into the SIP is best."
- What do you mean by this though sorry mate? Is it beneficial to develop the thicker roots from a normal container and then have them adapt if you have the time?

For autos you obviously don't have time to waste so it makes sense to avoid any transplant stress at all but for photos are you saying there are some benefits to starting in a normal container? Or have I just misunderstood sorry? :D
That makes a lot of sense Keffka.

"It’s well worth the wait from what I’ve seen, if you can afford it. If not, then you got it, straight into the SIP is best." - What do you mean by this though sorry mate? Is it beneficial to develop the thicker roots from a normal container and then have them adapt if you have the time?

For autos you obviously don't have time to waste so it makes sense to avoid any transplant stress at all but for photos are you saying there are some benefits to starting in a normal container? Or have I just misunderstood sorry? :D

I did word that oddly lol What I meant was, if you’ve already started growing in a container it’s worth the wait for the transition. Otherwise, I personally believe it’s best just to start in a SIP right off the bat. I know @Azimuth was saying he even has a custom SIP for his seedlings so if one could use that then you’d be really cooking with gas!
I did word that oddly lol What I meant was, if you’ve already started growing in a container it’s worth the wait for the transition. Otherwise, I personally believe it’s best just to start in a SIP right off the bat. I know @Azimuth was saying he even has a custom SIP for his seedlings so if one could use that then you’d be really cooking with gas!
Aha I gotcha now lol! Yeah agreed completely. Azi mentioned his seedlings often start a little droopy in a larger SIP container but my personal experience with this latest attempt (following @ReservoirDog's expert instructions on how to prepare your SIP for the seed initially) has had a very perky and happy seedling the full time with 0 root transition issues so I'm delighted :)
Aha I gotcha now lol! Yeah agreed completely. Azi mentioned his seedlings often start a little droopy in a larger SIP container but my personal experience with this latest attempt (following @ReservoirDog's expert instructions on how to prepare your SIP for the seed initially) has had a very perky and happy seedling the full time with 0 root transition issues so I'm delighted :)

I can definitely see it playing out like that. We see it with topping as well. That hormone shift by itself takes a few days to complete, and that’s just above ground growth. The plant having to shift its entire method of building out roots can definitely take some time. However if it’s been growing in a SIP from the start, there’s no need to shift anything.
I would really like all new growers to see this comment if possible. Stone has been growing for long enough he’s invented his own soil mixing stations, and even he still has the “whew” feeling from time to time.
Every grow is a new one to be experienced for me Keffka 😃
Sorry I'm useless at keeping up with all these wonderful threads especially during the holiday period. Conclusion on that one was definitely because I used a coco mix for the seedling and underfed nutrients... then it had to be up-potted to the SIP. I think the best method would be direct into the SIP to avoid any stress and judging by the photoperiod that I planted directly, it works VERY well :D

Happy new year Stone! I'm ready and waiting for this lady to start BULKING :cheer:
Happy New year Weffalo!:thumb:
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