Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow


It's here! The zooming is a thing! These next pics are 24 hours apart. Keep in mind this plant sat there for the last two weeks!

Again just 24 hours ago below! Man @Azimuth the hydro thing is happening!
Wow, that's phenomenal!! Holy Fast Buds, Batman!! They are liking the setup!! Tune in tomorrow to see her going through the roof!! Lol! Happy Smokin'
That's happy plant there, 👍👍💚💚💚
Thanks, she finally made up her mind!
Wow, that's phenomenal!! Holy Fast Buds, Batman!! They are liking the setup!! Tune in tomorrow to see her going through the roof!! Lol! Happy Smokin'
I'm not used to seeing that, and I'm happy to see good color! Nice green stems, leaf stems a light purple shaded green last I looked. Going to have to drop the net in a few days maybe ;).

So as the playbook is being written on these SIP's this one has acted as the ones before it. Pretty much 2 weeks to the day it took for her to get situated in the container and like a a clock she's on the grow! I conveniently potted her up for a Jan 1 day one. @InTheShed
Tic...tic....BOOM! :Rasta:
I get what you mean.. your privacy is gone and you’ll never have another new person in your life you won’t be suspicious of, and even then some of the current ones would become suspicious. It sounds like you’d need to purchase a lifetime supply of antacid and Xanax, which you could afford lol.

@Lerugged makes a good point about all the good you could do, but even with that, your entire life as you know it is done forever. It’s an intimidating thought. Thankfully it’s nothing more than a pipe dream for 99.9% of us 🤣
It’s ok I could live with the downside of winning. CL🍀
It’s ok I could live with the downside of winning. CL🍀
I think I could struggle through it too Captain.

Moreover, the winners can remain anonymous. You just need to get an attorney to handle all that stuff. I doubt it'd be hard to find one willing to take that on for a "small fee." :)
I think I could struggle through it too Captain.

Moreover, the winners can remain anonymous. You just need to get an attorney to handle all that stuff. I doubt it'd be hard to find one willing to take that on for a "small fee." :)
Some states are different but if you put it in a trust you can be anonymous and yeah I got caught up in Mega-Mania. 1.5 billion I investigated different options like I really had a chance. 1 in 300 million sure I’m just lucky enuff to win. CL🍀
I think I could struggle through it too Captain.

Moreover, the winners can remain anonymous. You just need to get an attorney to handle all that stuff. I doubt it'd be hard to find one willing to take that on for a "small fee." :)

Not all states allow you to be anonymous. However in that instance, I would wait to declare I was the winner. First thing I’d do is approach my credit union and get a bunch of my affairs in order so when I declare I’m already able to just disappear.

@CaptainLucky we’re humans, adapting is what we do best 😂 I could definitely figure it out, I just have no interest in it. I prefer my life as a nobody that nobody knows and no one thinks about.
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