Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Three plants. Two have shown male and are tall and lanky. The one plant left is not showing sex and is shorter and growing perfectly female. It could be that I'm wrong and it's a pheno difference, that's the only thing about my speculation I don't like.
There is a good chance you're right about that Otter. When I planted out my seedlings from regular seeds, I really wanted to hope that I'd get females growing in the 2 biggest pots, so I chose the shortest seedlings for those 2 pots and luckily they turned out to be female, so fingers crossed for your's!
There is a good chance you're right about that Otter. When I planted out my seedlings from regular seeds, I really wanted to hope that I'd get females growing in the 2 biggest pots, so I chose the shortest seedlings for those 2 pots and luckily they turned out to be female, so fingers crossed for your's!
Thanks Stunger, I'm hoping to take a historical assessment containing almost all the information I need. Pistols seems to be the only thing out. Too bad it's such a biggie! I'm going for another peek.
So getting inspiration is good! After all my hemming and hawing and brain bleeding I've done I can't conclude with anything but getting the suspect into the SIP and here's why.
If this plant is a male I will have waited anyway and lost the time anyway. A new seed needs to get going at that point. If female then bully for the good guys, no more wait.

It's going In most likely Sunday, maybe sooner. The males are asking for magnesium. The pots are getting small for the plants. I call them 1 gallon pots but no way are they. More like 3/4 or 1/2 gallon next to a 1 gal water bottle. It's done, whew! All I have to do is it! Off to light up and chill!
Whatever sex they are they all look terrific so far, though I can see where they might be asking for bigger homes given their size! And neither of my fems have signs of sex yet on day 50, though maybe there's something there if given a good Stungerspection®. :)
50 oh my! I don't remember it taking this long before. Maybe i wasn't waiting for the next stage of things to progress. I'm still going in tomorrow. If it males out then so be it. I'll start over with a seed ala fem. the next day. For science! I'm convinced it's female with the said data. We're going to find out!
So have we decided it’s better to just throw them all in a SIP and hope for the best? I think in your situation it’s quite economical and efficient to take that route since your overhead is low. If she’s a female we’re losing SIP transition days.. if it’s a male, we’re still losing those days waiting for it to show. This one is gonna take some data to break it down and figure it out.. I only recommend this since you build out your soil at large volumes.. It may not be the best in more limited situations hence the data requirement.
So have we decided it’s better to just throw them all in a SIP and hope for the best? I think in your situation it’s quite economical and efficient to take that route since your overhead is low. If she’s a female we’re losing SIP transition days.. if it’s a male, we’re still losing those days waiting for it to show. This one is gonna take some data to break it down and figure it out.. I only recommend this since you build out your soil at large volumes.. It may not be the best in more limited situations hence the data requirement.
I don't know about in general but now yes! Just the one not showing. I'm wasting time with this one not putting it in the SIP I believe. If I were running 4 SIP's in the 4 x 4 then I couldn't with the pots I chose, there wouldn't be room to start them all. Having sexed clones or fem seeds is the way to go in SIP land.
I don't know about in general but now yes! Just the one not showing. I'm wasting time with this one not putting it in the SIP I believe. If I were running 4 SIP's in the 4 x 4 then I couldn't with the pots I chose, there wouldn't be room to start them all. Having sexed clones or fem seeds is the way to go in SIP land.

Classic conundrum.. which is more valuable, your time or your money.. That’s a very personal question though.. Either way you’re doing the work which I appreciate.

Here we go! Last day of the year and we're SIPping away! Lets see how it goes! This plant has my full attention! It's beautiful to me, growing like a champ! Nice close nodes and if there's any blems I did it fondling it looking for lady parts to come.

I'm glad to have watched some vids of folks who have run these pots before. They come with a weakness easily fixed! The tray holding everything has two corners that come quite unsupported and the weight of things pushes both corners into the water making an anaerobic nightmare in roottown!

So there's an easy fix and here it is. I had a 2 inch piece of pvc pipe that I cut to length to fit just right. I held it up to a corner and penned a line and cut there. Perfect, no measuring! Stuck it in a vise and made a slit on one end to fit onto a structure part of the shelf, and a couple of holes for water flow on the other end.

After that it was smooth sailing, filling the two wicking sections and pressing it down and dampening it. Then using the reverse sand castle method to get it in.
I mixed a proper bunch of @DYNOMYCO in with the LOS soil and made a slit in the cover that I gorilla taped to make the cover keep.

Then misted with water and myco'd the roots of my mystery plant lady/man Cherries DubeLee
17 days in the pot for these roots.
Here we are now waiting for it's next move,
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year Otter and congratulations on the upcan! :party:Moving on to the real growing phase. Nice hack BTW. :)

Question: don't you want a certain amount of evaporation from the top of the soil? I mean I understand mulching the top, but sealing it with plastic seems off somehow. [edit: it looks like that's custom made by the manufacturer so they must know what they're doing, but still...]

Also, did you score the roots before you transplanted it? It's already got some girdling happening.
Great work, SO!

You would think they would have molded some support into the container as they were making it. :rolleyes:

edit: it looks like that's custom made by the manufacturer so they must know what they're doing, but still...]
That covers really a holdover for growing outdoors to keep the rain off and out of the planter. I'd agree with a mulch indoors, though, especially for some Supernatural organic soil.

Also, did you score the roots before you transplanted it? It's already got some girdling happening.
No need as the plant won't be needing them and will be growing new ones for the wetter environment. That's I think why there seems to be a pretty consistent 2-3 week transition phase for these things. Spending time building a traditional root ball is essentially wasted time since the plant has to transition over to the new roots anyway and that's why I like to get them into the SIP early.
No need as the plant won't be needing them and will be growing new ones for the wetter environment. That's I think why there seems to be a pretty consistent 2-3 week transition phase for these things. Spending time building a traditional root ball is essentially wasted time since the plant has to transition over to the new roots anyway and that's why I like to get them into the SIP early.
Azi, when I upcanned my two seedlings a couple of days ago I found their roots hadn't formed a root ball. Is that because they were wicking water from day 1? Will their roots develop in the same way that you describe in the SIP?
it looks like that's custom made by the manufacturer so they must know what they're doing, but still...]
My answer is your question. I feel the same way Shed! It seems weird as hell however every word you typed is true. Keeping the soil near the top moist may be done well like this, I don't know. I hope so. I'm not that comfortable with it. Won't take 2 seconds to cut it off if need.

Well now I'm off to look up girdling! I suppose it's what I think, like getting too tight and having less than best circulation? Anyway, no I didn't. There were actually no roots on the bottom of the pot, which I thought weird, and it looked like one layer of them along the outer so I didn't. I was on the fence and chose not. You were on my mind at the time actually 😃 .
You would think they would have molded some support into the container as they were making it.
Certainly! The utube vid I saw shows a definite need. Multiple container fails.
That covers really a holdover for growing outdoors to keep the rain off and out of the planter. I'd agree with a mulch indoors, though, especially for some super duper organic soil.
So do you think this is super edgy? I have plenty of bark to cover it if so. I'm not hard sold that it's for cannabis indoors, but it may be. Hmmm, signs to look for when a planter has a too o2 tight mulch cover?
Maybe, not really, so what if I really want to roll the dice and plant this one? I won't pot up again unless it's to the SIP and that may leave me with that choice. I effed up choosing this cultivar! Should have gone with a fem seed of which I have plenty. DOH!
This plant compared to the others from the same seeds is growing way differently from the 2 males next to it. I have to assume it's female? I don't know, I'm convinced it's a female today and am only able to continue this for so many more days before the pot's too small and I have to feed Geoflora or something like that. I don't want to start that either.
I'm pretty sure the SIP is on in a few days regardless of the plants desire to show me sex. Patience is a virtue, I'm almost out!

50 oh my! I don't remember it taking this long before. Maybe i wasn't waiting for the next stage of things to progress. I'm still going in tomorrow. If it males out then so be it. I'll start over with a seed ala fem. the next day. For science! I'm convinced it's female with the said data. We're going to find out!

Mine are on Day 65 and I still can't tell.


Happy New Year, Stone!
May you and your family have a happy and healthy 2023!

Here we go! Last day of the year and we're SIPping away! Lets see how it goes! This plant has my full attention! It's beautiful to me, growing like a champ! Nice close nodes and if there's any blems I did it fondling it looking for lady parts to come.

I'm glad to have watched some vids of folks who have run these pots before. They come with a weakness easily fixed! The tray holding everything has two corners that come quite unsupported and the weight of things pushes both corners into the water making an anaerobic nightmare in roottown!

So there's an easy fix and here it is. I had a 2 inch piece of pvc pipe that I cut to length to fit just right. I held it up to a corner and penned a line and cut there. Perfect, no measuring! Stuck it in a vise and made a slit on one end to fit onto a structure part of the shelf, and a couple of holes for water flow on the other end.

After that it was smooth sailing, filling the two wicking sections and pressing it down and dampening it. Then using the reverse sand castle method to get it in.
I mixed a proper bunch of @DYNOMYCO in with the LOS soil and made a slit in the cover that I gorilla taped to make the cover keep.

Then misted with water and myco'd the roots of my mystery plant lady/man Cherries DubeLee
17 days in the pot for these roots.
Here we are now waiting for it's next move,
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year to you and yours. CL🍀
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