Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow


Hehe, hello all :ciao: these green wonders grew leaps over night! Thought for sure they'd tell me what I want to know but...........Denied! The small one pulled out of her shell and grew! I can almost see where the lady parts are going to be, I hope. The other two are becoming massive for the time spent in the one gallon pots. I'm eyeballing them for who's going to be the donor! 36 days old now.

Tapping foot waiting

Oh, so I'm looking at my rh through the phone app and when I backed up in time I saw an interesting fail. I set my light to come on at 0800 on the programmable timer. The temp and rh say the light is coming on at 0530! That's no good! I'm feeding them almost 22 hours of light a day:eek: when I asked for 18. That timer is going out asap! Always somethin to stay awake for!
Have a great day!
Looking great Stone! Pretty plants bud
Omg Mr O! That is disgraceful!

You need to move to Appalachia! It’s considered your god given right there! In fact I think they’ve just brought in a No Sex She Sleeps in the Barn bill, which only seems fair. This is exactly why we should never have given women the power to vote!

Hehe, hello all :ciao: these green wonders grew leaps over night! Thought for sure they'd tell me what I want to know but...........Denied! The small one pulled out of her shell and grew! I can almost see where the lady parts are going to be, I hope. The other two are becoming massive for the time spent in the one gallon pots. I'm eyeballing them for who's going to be the donor! 36 days old now.

Tapping foot waiting

Oh, so I'm looking at my rh through the phone app and when I backed up in time I saw an interesting fail. I set my light to come on at 0800 on the programmable timer. The temp and rh say the light is coming on at 0530! That's no good! I'm feeding them almost 22 hours of light a day:eek: when I asked for 18. That timer is going out asap! Always somethin to stay awake for!
Have a great day!
Omg awkward.

You were talking about your plants….
Looking great Stone! Pretty plants bud
Thanks Gains!
Omg Mr O! That is disgraceful!

You need to move to Appalachia! It’s considered your god given right there! In fact I think they’ve just brought in a No Sex She Sleeps in the Barn bill, which only seems fair. This is exactly why we should never have given women the power to vote!
You're about the funnest person I know Tra!
I'm 9 pages behind but I did want to stop by to post this:

Have a Dope Christmas.jpg
The AK-47 was an actual mini autoflower, the lights I photoshopped in!
I was about to say YOU WIN had you said that was a real plant naturally I probably would have sold my grow equipment :rofl:
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