Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

SO, can you tell Miss Cherries that we're tired of waiting for her to declare? Asking for a friend...
She's (hoping I am) looking so sweet today next to the ruffians in there with her! Perfect compact shape/grow pattern as far as I can see and good color. I'm really hoping she shows she's a she! Not one bump yet to wonder about though!
Post some macro close-ups and I'll let you know what sex they are. Guaranteed! (Believe that shit if you want to.) :laughtwo:
Just went through the same thing a few weeks ago when waiting for sex to show on a couple of (new) strains that i hadn't run before from reg seeds. I basically raised them from germination until right before flower under a more blue-ish spectrum than i have in my flower tent. I mean they both (veg and flower) tents have quantum boards with regular clear sunlight spectrums, you know not blurples, but the veg side has like 5500-6500 kelvin and my flower tent has 3000 kelvin.
Point being is that while they were in the veg tent it was taking forever for them to show sex one way or the other. But once i moved them to the 3000 kelvin lighting in the flower tent but still under about 18/6 light schedule they all within about a week showed sex. Even the feminized beans hadn't showed anything until then. Except for one plant. But it was so small it was very hard to tell.
Just thought id share my story with you. Maybe you can try something similar. Good luck StoneOtter! 😊
Just went through the same thing a few weeks ago when waiting for sex to show on a couple of (new) strains that i hadn't run before from reg seeds. I basically raised them from germination until right before flower under a more blue-ish spectrum than i have in my flower tent. I mean they both (veg and flower) tents have quantum boards with regular clear sunlight spectrums, you know not blurples, but the veg side has like 5500-6500 kelvin and my flower tent has 3000 kelvin.
Point being is that while they were in the veg tent it was taking forever for them to show sex one way or the other. But once i moved them to the 3000 kelvin lighting in the flower tent but still under about 18/6 light schedule they all within about a week showed sex. Even the feminized beans hadn't showed anything until then. Except for one plant. But it was so small it was very hard to tell.
Just thought id share my story with you. Maybe you can try something similar. Good luck StoneOtter! 😊
Spectrum change for a jumpstart huh? Hmmmm
read as Mr Subliminal(Kevin Kneeland) would
Good morning folks! My favorite girl/I hope, is holding out so I want to show her/maybe, off anyway! She/oh I do think so, has a grip on my heartstrings and is pulling hard!
Here she/with some luck, is at 41 days old!

And in with her/almost sure, are her man friends. On the right is a more thirsty guy.
I wish a patient day to you all! Any interesting New Year's menus happening?

Practicing what you preach, SO?
Maybe, not really, so what if I really want to roll the dice and plant this one? I won't pot up again unless it's to the SIP and that may leave me with that choice. I effed up choosing this cultivar! Should have gone with a fem seed of which I have plenty. DOH!
This plant compared to the others from the same seeds is growing way differently from the 2 males next to it. I have to assume it's female? I don't know, I'm convinced it's a female today and am only able to continue this for so many more days before the pot's too small and I have to feed Geoflora or something like that. I don't want to start that either.
I'm pretty sure the SIP is on in a few days regardless of the plants desire to show me sex. Patience is a virtue, I'm almost out!
Maybe, not really, so what if I really want to roll the dice and plant this one? I won't pot up again unless it's to the SIP and that may leave me with that choice. I effed up choosing this cultivar! Should have gone with a fem seed of which I have plenty. DOH!
This plant compared to the others from the same seeds is growing way differently from the 2 males next to it. I have to assume it's female? I don't know, I'm convinced it's a female today and am only able to continue this for so many more days before the pot's too small and I have to feed Geoflora or something like that. I don't want to start that either.
I'm pretty sure the SIP is on in a few days regardless of the plants desire to show me sex. Patience is a virtue, I'm almost out!
Ha! I hear you. Hopefully that reddish cfl you put in will change the hormones enough before too long to be able to tell.

OTOH, you could just plant a sprouted fem seed directly into the SIP and go to town. That would be one way to make the original plant to show it's sex as soon as you did it. Show that damn thing who's boss and have it quit screwing around! Then, if it did show and you were ok with sacrificing the seedling, you could just yank out the sedliing and pot up the plant yoiu actually wanted to grow.
Ha! I hear you. Hopefully that reddish cfl you put in will change the hormones enough before too long to be able to tell.

OTOH, you could just plant a sprouted fem seed directly into the SIP and go to town. That would be one way to make the original plant to show it's sex as soon as you did it. Show that damn thing who's boss and have it quit screwing around! Then, if it did show and you were ok with sacrificing the seedling, you could just yank out the sedliing and pot up the plant yoiu actually wanted to grow.
I won't have to Azi. I'm almost positive that with the information I have on them that the odd one growing is a female plant. It's going in on Sunday showing or not. Maybe. There I go again! You did this to me Azi!

Three plants. Two have shown male and are tall and lanky. The one plant left is not showing sex and is shorter and growing perfectly female. It could be that I'm wrong and it's a pheno difference, that's the only thing about my speculation I don't like.
It's going in on Sunday showing or not. Maybe. There I go again! You did this to me Azi!
Ha, Ha! Glad I could help. :laughtwo:

The one plant left is not showing sex and is shorter and growing perfectly female.
That's been my experience. Males are often taller and leggier and show sex earlier. We're behind you SO!

(Of course it's easy for us 'cause their not our plants. :rolleyes:)
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