Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

With how the roots develop for the SIP it makes efficiency sense to start from the beginning.

Yep exactly what I was thinking. This also makes me believe a SIP would be a better option for autos as well. No transitions, no shocks, and you can plant straight into your final container. You’re not trying to aggressively form a root ball for max efficiency so it seems like a natural fit for autos. I think when I start my first autos I’ll use a SIP for them. This also alleviates having to water very carefully and specific like you do in big pots with small plants.
YUP! I've never grown autos, but I do plan on dabbling in the future after I get through my last seed order.
But from what I've seen historically from autos a SIP would totally be an amazing fit.
Final pot, less watering or no overwatering rather. Add on the fact that when they do get rootbound they've reached the reservoir so have access to as much water as they want and can air prune in the air gap.
theoretically it sounds like a match made in heaven.

Although in my SIP journal @Weffalo just this to my attention
Very interesting to see how big Suzanne is in just a short period of time, my SIP'd autos are more than double the time along and I think only marginally bigger :rofl:

We still have to compare notes to see what differences have caused this.
but it's important to note that although it sounds like a match made in heaven that like everything results can vary.
Yep exactly what I was thinking. This also makes me believe a SIP would be a better option for autos as well. No transitions, no shocks, and you can plant straight into your final container. You’re not trying to aggressively form a root ball for max efficiency so it seems like a natural fit for autos. I think when I start my first autos I’ll use a SIP for them. This also alleviates having to water very carefully and specific like you do in big pots with small plants.
I've long maintained that very thing about auto's and SIP's, especially for new growers trying to figure out the watering and up-potting thing, since we have none of that.

The only thing I would say about the watering is that in the first 2-3 weeks in the SIP, watering should be fairly minimal otherwise you get the standard overwatering droop while the roots transition. To do that, I keep some water in the reservoir but not much until they show strong new growth.

Maybe the idea of starting out in RR or a water based cloning method would be a way to at least shorten that transition time, much like when transitioning from a spray bucket cloner to soil we keep the soil a bit more moist at first. Seems like the SIP environment might actually be perfect for that transition. I may have to build a water based cloner to find out. 🤔
YUP! I've never grown autos, but I do plan on dabbling in the future after I get through my last seed order.
But from what I've seen historically from autos a SIP would totally be an amazing fit.
Final pot, less watering or no overwatering rather. Add on the fact that when they do get rootbound they've reached the reservoir so have access to as much water as they want and can air prune in the air gap.
theoretically it sounds like a match made in heaven.

Although in my SIP journal @Weffalo just this to my attention

We still have to compare notes to see what differences have caused this.
but it's important to note that although it sounds like a match made in heaven that like everything results can vary.
Oh no doubt.. SIP is an efficiency booster, definitely not a foundational piece. It will work beautifully if you’re balanced and haul ass when dialed in. However like with all efficiency boosters things can go horribly wrong or appear to have relatively no effect at all. The nature of SIPs to deliver more oxygen and water requires you account for it nutrient wise and if you’re not dialed in I imagine it’ll seem lackluster at best.
I've long maintained that very thing about auto's and SIP's, especially for new growers trying to figure out the watering and up-potting thing, since we have none of that.

That’s a very good point. Watering and transplanting can be pretty large hurdles especially if you’re already shaky with your plant knowledge. A SIP cuts that out and helps create the kind of growth that keeps you coming back.
Maybe the idea of starting out in RR or a water based cloning method would be a way to at least shorten that transition time.

This is worth exploring. It’s a natural transition from no need for aggressive exploratory roots to no need for aggressive exploratory roots. Myco would likely also have exponential effects as well.
Be there in half hour!


Hello and the best to you today! The 3 starts are cooking with gas! To my surprise..........we have some sex action! I can't see any hairs yet so it's a no guess for me but they'll soon emerge if they're ladies! I'd gladly accept either of them! I'm so excited to be getting to the SIP soon!
Here they are. :woohoo:
First the group all together.
Now one


At a time.

Now for the excitement!!! The two tall ones are showing the hints of sex. I can't tell yet what these are but soon! looking for hairs to come out of these nubs next hopefully!

It's a good day to grow some weed and keep love in my heart!
SoooooOooo awkward!

I should have read the whole post first.

My mistake. You meant your plants. Please don’t report this as “sexual harassment” to 420 Mag’s HR Team. Mod Teddy says I’m on my last warning.

Hehe, hello all :ciao: these green wonders grew leaps over night! Thought for sure they'd tell me what I want to know but...........Denied! The small one pulled out of her shell and grew! I can almost see where the lady parts are going to be, I hope. The other two are becoming massive for the time spent in the one gallon pots. I'm eyeballing them for who's going to be the donor! 36 days old now.

Tapping foot waiting

Oh, so I'm looking at my rh through the phone app and when I backed up in time I saw an interesting fail. I set my light to come on at 0800 on the programmable timer. The temp and rh say the light is coming on at 0530! That's no good! I'm feeding them almost 22 hours of light a day:eek: when I asked for 18. That timer is going out asap! Always somethin to stay awake for!
Have a great day!
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