Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Highya SO,

Love that recipe! Was that from the Rev's book? Looks very effective. Where do source all those items? I somewhat tried to get a lot of those things local, nd ran into so many problems (about 5 years ago), so I decided to find a different way.
Love the workplace look! A place to spread out and clean up when done.

Looks like we'll get all rain from this mess! Upstate they're looking for a blizzard. I hope you are having a nice day! Happy Smokin'
Hey Stone! Sorry man I wasn't getting notifications since Dec1. They have progressed nicely! Hopefully more gals than dudes👍👊 They look very nice and the roots look very healthy too. I'm curious though, wouldn't it be beneficial to SIPS them right from day 1 or is there a benefit to starting them conventionally?

I’m interested in this as well. I assume it has to do with trying to form tight root balls and/or perhaps there is no SIP you can use under a certain size?

Highya SO,

Love that recipe! Was that from the Rev's book? Looks very effective. Where do source all those items? I somewhat tried to get a lot of those things local, nd ran into so many problems (about 5 years ago), so I decided to find a different way.
Love the workplace look! A place to spread out and clean up when done.

Looks like we'll get all rain from this mess! Upstate they're looking for a blizzard. I hope you are having a nice day! Happy Smokin'

If you have a hydro store or grow store nearby that will be your best bet. Also try nurseries, and hardware stores. There’s also a few online marketplaces where you can find everything and have it delivered. It’s much easier to find a lot of this stuff than it was 5 years ago thanks to legalization.
It’s from a book called True Living Organics by The Rev.. it’s what’s used to recycle your soil.. If you do it right your soil gets better with each grow
I recycle mine but I end up adding to it all the time. But after like 4th time I ditch it
Want know my latest thing I'm doing . Not using cal.mag anymore. I'm using this. . 4.95 and get it at Wally world. So far it works. Lmao.

I recycle mine but I end up adding to it all the time. But after like 4th time I ditch it
I don't know how many cycles this has in it. I think it has 4 or 5 so far. We'll see.
Telling ya. Took me three days to make this in a 8ft area.

Came out nice!
Lol! You really did mean a whole barrel, well, two 😂. This is crafty.. I was looking at my bins thinking how annoying it is to have to drag multiple bins outside to mix up in the driveway then parcel back into bins. Yours looks more organized and less weather dependent.

😂 my first journal saw me doing everything in my power to avoid moving my light down and keeping my plants high so I didn’t have to bend. Contemplated lashing together a bunch of milk crates and creating a raisable floor but got distracted. I use tables whenever possible to mix stuff and lay stuff out, bending over isn’t what it used to be 😂
Necessity is the mother of invention is a sign we had up in our work area in maintenance at GE when I was there. It's true! There's always a way to get things done regardless of how difficult it seems! So far anyway. All my tent grow is contained indoors. Just the llama poop is inputted untouched. I don't like inviting bugs.
Thats a wild looking recipe
Some soil folks say it's overkill. I use it because when I didn't know anything at all, I picked this recipe up and it worked beautifully! Plus it comes with proper reuse of itself directions! I still don't know much!
Hey Stone! Sorry man I wasn't getting notifications since Dec1. They have progressed nicely! Hopefully more gals than dudes👍👊 They look very nice and the roots look very healthy too. I'm curious though, wouldn't it be beneficial to SIPS them right from day 1 or is there a benefit to starting them conventionally?
Glad you made it GEE! I was thinking of you the other day. Just before potting up as they were only making through one day and needing water in their solo's I noticed a slight mag def starting. So remembering our talk in Keffka's place I realized I may be making them stay too long in the solo's by a day or two. Am I right in saying that my root system wasn't enough to support the foliage the plant was able to make for the amount of light I want to give them? All the new growth is coming in nice since the pot up.

It would be beneficial but these are regular seeds so I need to know sex before I set one in a SIP.
Highya SO,

Love that recipe! Was that from the Rev's book? Looks very effective. Where do source all those items? I somewhat tried to get a lot of those things local, nd ran into so many problems (about 5 years ago), so I decided to find a different way.
Love the workplace look! A place to spread out and clean up when done.

Looks like we'll get all rain from this mess! Upstate they're looking for a blizzard. I hope you are having a nice day! Happy Smokin'
Hi Bode. I get most stuff local. Amazon is good for the hard to find things. Yep, The Rev recipe. We're getting rain all day too. I'll take it!
I’m just guessing here but I don’t believe today is a laundry day at the Otters residence.
nice on the recipe.
Haha, I have to clear it with the boss first! I never want her to see this! She's not like me when it comes to this kind of thing.
I’m interested in this as well. I assume it has to do with trying to form tight root balls and/or perhaps there is no SIP you can use under a certain size?
Naw, just waiting for sex.
Want know my latest thing I'm doing . Not using cal.mag anymore. I'm using this. . 4.95 and get it at Wally world. So far it works. Lmao.

Son of a gun! Good find Dust!
I’m interested in this as well. I assume it has to do with trying to form tight root balls and/or perhaps there is no SIP you can use under a certain size?
Nope. I build them as small as 9oz/ 265 ml, so you can build them pretty much any size you want if you DIY. The commercial versions seem to start out with an insert for a 5 gallon bucket and go up from there. My grow space is too small for that size bucket so I build all of mine. SO has what he thinks is a 12 Gal, and I think he's just waiting for a confirmed female before begining his SIP journey.

The normal root balls don't seem to help with SIPs as they form nearly all fine, hair-like feeder roots, so any time spent developing a root ball doesn't seem to help much. Once you convert to a SIP it seems like there is a transition period of a couple of weeks for them to catch and my theory is that that is the time needed to convert over the roots.
I don't know how many cycles this has in it. I think it has 4 or 5 so far. We'll see.

Came out nice!

Necessity is the mother of invention is a sign we had up in our work area in maintenance at GE when I was there. It's true! There's always a way to get things done regardless of how difficult it seems! So far anyway. All my tent grow is contained indoors. Just the llama poop is inputted untouched. I don't like inviting bugs.

Some soil folks say it's overkill. I use it because when I didn't know anything at all, I picked this recipe up and it worked beautifully! Plus it comes with proper reuse of itself directions! I still don't know much!

Glad you made it GEE! I was thinking of you the other day. Just before potting up as they were only making through one day and needing water in their solo's I noticed a slight mag def starting. So remembering our talk in Keffka's place I realized I may be making them stay too long in the solo's by a day or two. Am I right in saying that my root system wasn't enough to support the foliage the plant was able to make for the amount of light I want to give them? All the new growth is coming in nice since the pot up.

It would be beneficial but these are regular seeds so I need to know sex before I set one in a SIP.

Hi Bode. I get most stuff local. Amazon is good for the hard to find things. Yep, The Rev recipe. We're getting rain all day too. I'll take it!

Haha, I have to clear it with the boss first! I never want her to see this! She's not like me when it comes to this kind of thing.

Naw, just waiting for sex.

Son of a gun! Good find Dust!
Drop one pill in gallon water 250 mlg. To gallon should be ether 2.5 ppm or .25ppm which ether way is enough.. dont need much mag just a little
Good morning everyone!
I think you should be able to re-use soil for quite a long time. But what i do is i have an older "many times used and re-amended soil" and a first run amended soil side by side in different tubs, and when i up-pot, i mix about half and half of each. The fresh peat and amendments seem to work great with the older more broken down minerals and the "meals" like kelp meal, alfalpha meal, neem/karanja, ect. Ive always been a big believer in the old saying..."if aint broke...dont fix it!" Lol! 😁👍
And btw, i source alot of my stuff from like hydro stores that carry "Down to Earth" products or the Zon, or buildasoil.
Good morning everyone!
I think you should be able to re-use soil for quite a long time. But what i do is i have an older "many times used and re-amended soil" and a first run amended soil side by side in different tubs, and when i up-pot, i mix about half and half of each. The fresh peat and amendments seem to work great with the older more broken down minerals and the "meals" like kelp meal, alfalpha meal, neem/karanja, ect. Ive always been a big believer in the old saying..."if aint broke...dont fix it!" Lol! 😁👍
And btw, i source alot of my stuff from like hydro stores that carry "Down to Earth" products or the Zon, or buildasoil.
This makes a lot of sense. The minerals have such a lengthy breakdown process I can see it becoming more efficient as bonds breakdown.

Down To Earth is a good company. I use their products as the standard when looking for stuff. I believe you can order direct from their website as well.

I highly recommend people try to find a brick and mortar store nearby for their stuff because it’s almost always cheaper than Amazon (the ones around me purposefully undercut Amazon prices so locals go to them instead of online). If you can’t find a grow store, nursery, tractor supply, etc. and online is your only choice then it is what it is, just make sure you shop around a little for deals, Amazon won’t always have the best price and for some reason it’s often more expensive to order direct from the manufacturer (In my experience)

It’s much easier to find this stuff these days than it was even a couple years ago, legalization in America has really helped a lot in the availability of this stuff.
This makes a lot of sense. The minerals have such a lengthy breakdown process I can see it becoming more efficient as bonds breakdown.

Down To Earth is a good company. I use their products as the standard when looking for stuff. I believe you can order direct from their website as well.

I highly recommend people try to find a brick and mortar store nearby for their stuff because it’s almost always cheaper than Amazon (the ones around me purposefully undercut Amazon prices so locals go to them instead of online). If you can’t find a grow store, nursery, tractor supply, etc. and online is your only choice then it is what it is, just make sure you shop around a little for deals, Amazon won’t always have the best price and for some reason it’s often more expensive to order direct from the manufacturer (In my experience)

It’s much easier to find this stuff these days than it was even a couple years ago, legalization in America has really helped a lot in the availability of this stuff.
I'll smoke to that! Cheers! 😁👍
Good morning everyone!
I think you should be able to re-use soil for quite a long time. But what i do is i have an older "many times used and re-amended soil" and a first run amended soil side by side in different tubs, and when i up-pot, i mix about half and half of each. The fresh peat and amendments seem to work great with the older more broken down minerals and the "meals" like kelp meal, alfalpha meal, neem/karanja, ect. Ive always been a big believer in the old saying..."if aint broke...dont fix it!" Lol! 😁👍
And btw, i source alot of my stuff from like hydro stores that carry "Down to Earth" products or the Zon, or buildasoil.
Morning Sparks! They say it gets better every cycle. I won't say it doesn't. Fresh coco goes in this every time. Not peat but good.
legalization in America has really helped a lot in the availability of this stuff.
That's a fact!
Morning Sparks! They say it gets better every cycle. I won't say it doesn't. Fresh coco goes in this every time. Not peat but good.

That's a fact!

Hows it going StoneOtter? Im doing great! Yeah i think as long as you continue to add some sort of fresh coco/peat and a lil more pumus stone or perlite to keep the mix fresh and light it will only compliment the already highly mineralized and amended soil.
The normal root balls don't seem to help with SIPs as they form nearly all fine, hair-like feeder roots, so any time spent developing a root ball doesn't seem to help much. Once you convert to a SIP it seems like there is a transition period of a couple of weeks for them to catch and my theory is that that is the time needed to convert over the roots.
This makes sense. There’s no reason for the plant to devote any resources to creating a protective area, nor does it need to compete for water. I agree with your theory on root conversion. This would also explain the tendency to appear overwatered during the transition. Redirecting meristem cells from aggressive chasing to wholesale feeding takes time.

It seems to me a SIP would be at its peak efficiency when used from start to finish to avoid such an abrupt hormonal change, especially if you plan on topping. This means you either plant feminized, cloned, or be willing to take the L on a SIP wasted to Males.

This is good knowledge.. I can see organics being able to reach synthetic yields easily with this.
It seems to me a SIP would be at its peak efficiency when used from start to finish to avoid such an abrupt hormonal change, especially if you plan on topping.
I think so. It also avoids the up-potting process. I don't like to disturb the roots of these SIPs although I know @ReservoirDog advocates for the up-potting step.

This is good knowledge.. I can see organics being able to reach synthetic yields easily with this.
They way I look at these is that the pot structure allows you a much better chance to max out the plant's internal genetics since ample air and water are always available and the plant can be in constant growth mode, unlike the wet/dry cycle where there are slow periods during the dry phase of each cycle.

I think you'd get bigger plants in an organic SIP than organic in most other pots, and same with synthetic nutes. Not sure how a SIP of each type would compare to the other. Depends on the quality of each of the nutes, I imagine.
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