Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Highya SO,

I just checked our forecast, and it said a 30% chance of snow for Wednesday. Not much of a chance, but it's there. Julie wants snow that takes 3 days to clear away! Oh, well! I think we're getting the benefits of global warming here!! Happy Smokin'
Julie's a trouble maker snow lover huh? I have to say since I retired and don't have to drive the 30 miles in, I want to see a good one too! The western half of MA is in for a half foot but we're likely just a smidge here.
I don't mind the better summer growing weather lately! Looking forward for next season already!

Their first microbial rootzone treatment came today in the form of insect frazz, to whip up their fight against insects, and bokashi because it offers lots of good microbes to carry the load. Happy Sunday!

They're lovin' all you're doin' for 'em!! Very happy! Happy Smokin'
They're lovin' all you're doin' for 'em!! Very happy! Happy Smokin'
Thanks! It's been a while since I've had a plant that didn't need fixing along the way. I'm getting elevated right now! The kids brought over apple cider donuts for tea today from a local farm that's on it's last day of the season. We're yumming it up too! Like Homer and Marge.
Thanks! It's been a while since I've had a plant that didn't need fixing along the way. I'm getting elevated right now! The kids brought over apple cider donuts for tea today from a local farm that's on it's last day of the season. We're yumming it up too! Like Homer and Marge.
Ya gotta love livin' the good life!!

GOOD 12/13 ALL! I've been waiting for the day when I come to check and they greet me with a droop and today is it! My sign they want a new home. They won't keep without water for 2 days without wilting is the line.
So I mixed some @DYNOMYCO into my LOS to get all fungi'd up
And made my pots up with plenty of myco in the holes
And lot5s of myco on water sprayed roots!
Let's see these get all poofy again! The sooner the better!

It's Tuesday right? :) :hookah::peacetwo:
Fat leaves on those girls Stone!

Looking forward. :Rasta:
Highya SO,

Ladies look happy! I'm sure with the mycos you put in there, they won't be long adjusting to the new digs!

We got the smallest dustin' up here day before yesterday. Been below freezing ever since. Still a dusting on the ground where the sun doesn't shine. Happy Smokin'
Must be nice fresh snow.. we get ours in few weeks I'm sure. Y'all get crazy snow
Some years almost nothing others 100+ INCHES go figure.
Fat leaves on those girls Stone!

Looking forward. :Rasta:
2 of then especially chubbers. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for sex! Nothing new:eye-roll:
Highya SO,

Ladies look happy! I'm sure with the mycos you put in there, they won't be long adjusting to the new digs!

We got the smallest dustin' up here day before yesterday. Been below freezing ever since. Still a dusting on the ground where the sun doesn't shine. Happy Smokin'
I gave them extra this time to see what happens. I'm more conservative usually.
I gave them extra this time to see what happens. I'm more conservative usually.
Ok because I definitely looked at that like “wow I need to be adding waaaay more myco” 😂
Transplant awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! 🪴🪴🪴

Roots look great and the mycos looks free. :cheesygrinsmiley:
:rofl: Good guess but paid in full. I use dynomyco for the soil mix only. The myco for the root and pot up layer is something way less expensive. I'd have to have it in hand to say what it is. I kept sprinkling and it kept sticking so I went for it.
Transplant awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! 🪴🪴🪴

Roots look great and the mycos looks free. :cheesygrinsmiley:
:rofl: Good guess but paid in full. I use dynomyco for the soil mix only. The myco for the root and pot up layer is something way less expensive. I'd have to have it in hand to say what it is. I kept sprinkling and it kept sticking so I went for it.
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