Casey Jones #2

thanks you four :circle-of-love: I have 2 zip ties holding it now and I might add a shoelace or something just in case.

any suggestions on how to hang directly against the 2x4 besides zip ties?
Zip ties are fine B. My original DIY light rack is held together with nothing but zip ties & it's on it's 3rd yr.

thanks guys and hi cron. yeah all those pictures were mine last post. jalapeno pepper plant grew great last season it had so many tops.
welcome addonexus and thanks. I have a different type of pepper to grow this season. I purchased seeds so they should be here soon.

here are the plants today. the girl in bloom actually gained a bit of weight since last week. I'm going to let her grow till she has no more white pistils.

the two casey jones plants have about 2 more days to stretch. ideally I would have received the light sooner than I did, but it is what it is. I didn't know it was gonna take almost three weeks to arrive.

I have two zip ties and a piece of fabric holding the light.



thanks you five. let's see how much bud I can pull from it. the sticker on it says it draws about 100 watts.
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