Casey Jones #2

the stretch is basically over and they didn't get very tall. the girl in bloom is handling the light the light well. she's sitting 2 inches higher than the other plants because of container design. think it's safe to move the other plants up 2"?
I forgot to say thanks for the love mono, LA, and ranger. I want to be able get 6" away from the light (cause when I grow "full size" plants that's where they'll be). I'll give them a couple more days to stretch for the light then they're moving up to about 12" away from the light.
the grow log lol. the hps and t5 numbers might not be right because I haven't measured the amount of light under them. I figured out that the light factor goes like this


all plants are now 12" away from the light sitting just under 20,000 lux and the real number for 60x3w 24" reading is 6666 lux. my floor prevented me from measuring correctly.
they turned into two decent little bushes.. am running 12" in flower now for a couple days on this 100 watter I'll get pics in a minute. didn't stretch much more like I thought but did get a bit bushy which I like. hoping for like 20 grams each :)

the lux number might be a little off ignore that I posted that. peace and love :allgood:
my yield estimates might be a bit high but either way they look pretty good. light cost us as much as a 150 watt hps or t5 system would. I need more than 40 grams to beat hps efficiency.

one nice thing about hps or t5 would be that I would have warmer plants becuase hps draws more and t5 I can keep closer like 6" away even though it draws about the same as this this led fixture. only running 60 f at top of soil right now. ran 75 f at the soil with the ?170? watt led fixture I had. that thing was nice. I wish I could have made it work.


poor girl that was stressed is 11 weeks in bloom.
thanks buddy :) I just got my other seeds too. should I put them in the fridge or should I store in a cabinet? hope your chest is feeling better.. that stuff can heal if you take it easy on it and gently stretch it. I'm beating myself up at this job as a package loader for shipping company. hurt my tooth my shoulder my achilles and the bottom of what feels like my tailbone. I need to quit somehow.
Looking good B, I hope you reach your target weight bro. If you plan on using your seeds this year, they'll be fine in a cabinet. For longer storage the fridge is a better option but make sure they are in an air tight container as fridges are very humid :thumb:
thanks subnoise, ranger275, and skunnymonster.

I didn't know the fridge gets humid. maybe I'll put some baking soda or rice near the seeds.

I was pleasantly surprised to see 9 bladed leaves. that's not something I see everyday. not sure if it's a sign of health or casey jones genes. maybe a combination of both?

here they are "tonight":

Great Looking plants Brotha love the small space you make Great use from
id put it in a dark as in blackout container put some rice in it to help absorb the moisture and throw it in
the fridge if your not gonna use it anytime soon :thumb:
I use a container I taped up with black ductape have my seeds in a paper bag have rice taking up the rest of the space
and throw it in a drawer in the fridge
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