Casey Jones #2

thanks guys. gd I agree they're pretty and I'm a proud papa bear thank you lol. CO I check to make sure if they're healthy lights off.. they don't drink very fast at 60 f let me tell you. very different for me.. but just gotta let em be. I do see a couple "holes" on the new leaves like skipped parts of leaf. could I be too close to light? hope not. SM roger that and 9 leaves is cool to me you got a whole joungle on your court you see a lot of em lol ch I've had my seeds in the fridge for some time now. only ones that don't come up all the time for me are blackout kush stock even though they look like beautiful beans o_O
you can actually see one of the holes on the leaf in the pictures the leaf in front of you on the left plant. just an anomaly?
Hope you're feeling better, bro. Plants are looking really good. :goodjob:
thanks AMK and D. luckily our bodies have the ability to heal. the thing I'm most bummed about is my tooth :/ if only we could regenerate. it feels good to finally be growing again. the only thing I don't like is that they take long to go through their water. today is day 5 since I last watered them. I'm used to watering them about every 3 days.
and throw it in a drawer in the fridge

We keep our beans in the little ziplocks they come in & throw all of them in a packing envelope that has the bubble wrap inside, fold it closed with a clothes pin & store it in the vegetable drawer at the bottom of the fridge with the humidity slider closed. We no longer have a vegetable drawer; just a seed drawer. LOL
We've just popped beans that had been in there over 2 yrs.
It looks as though your earlier mishaps never really happened. Good recovery B, now all we need is for your body to recover.
hi BAR, CHH, M, DS, and GD.

thanks for sharing how you guys store your seeds. keeping the humidity in check is something that I've been neglecting, but it's seems like a must.

got my plants back on track now I have to help heal myself. in regards to my plants I should have listened to the guys who told me to start the plants farther from the leds than I did.. gotta realize we have some good people here that only want to help.
I should have listened to the guys who told me to start the plants farther from the leds than I did.. gotta realize we have some good people here that only want to help.
Don't knock yourself in the head B. I think that's how we all do; Listen to all the good advice afford then make a decision with what feels comfortable. If we were 420 robots we'd all be growing the same exact way.
Nice to see a great turn around , sorry bout your railings, got mine smashed out , not all but even 4 is hard living with and most dentists are butchers working part time on teeth , unless u got 1k spare to fix up. Need to earn me loads of paper and get sorted.
Keep the faith my friend
I've also neglected humidity issues, and though Capn told me months ago to focus on air movement, I was looking at other ways. I have since taken that advice and though my air is definitely not moving quickly in my flower room, it is still moving and I inlet 15mins on, 15 off, and exhaust 24/7. RH went from an average of 80-85% to 48-52% just by using 2 small duct fans I got from HD for $45 a piece. Had I dealt with this issue before my odors escaped, I would feel comfortable to keep growing here, but my mistake has led me to no longer want to grow here. Live and learn, right?
thank you D.

you're right BAR. me thinks you'd do good raising kids lol.

hi S66. thanks and yeah the only solution I have right now is to try to ignore the things I can't change.

SB that stinks, but it's also a good thing because it leaves room for improvement. live and learn indeed.

the girls main colas aren't stretching like crazy (like my past plants) which is a good thing. it allows the bottom of the plants to be closer to the light. also I'm seeing a bit of side branching that's actually winding it's way up towards the light.
I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far as a single parent. I'm proud of the young lady she's becoming.
I didn't know that BAR. kudos to you.

thank you akisunni and GD. I love me a good groove. I didn't smoke yesterday so I'm looking forward to coming home after work and getting blitzed.

picture update tomorrow :)
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