Casey Jones #2

try to sprout them under LED but 4 ft away.

I've got Osram SSL80's in my panels & as soon as they get their 1st leaves they get moved around 12-14" away. Any further & they stretch like mad. There's no signs of stress & they love it :) The Osrams were designed for horticulture though, so there's the difference :)
yeah I'm thinking how the hell do people get 12" from strong mars panels? maybe it's just cause my plants aren't big? I should have never put them up on the tray warmer things. that close as babies? no way bro I can't picture it. I would like to see how led yields but idk if I'm gonna run them long term.

I don't have 4 ft, but I had inches of extra space smh maybe they'll grow through it did decrease couple thousand lux.
ok they don't look that bad. the leds do highlight problems very well. under there all the tips looked sad, but really only a couple are truly sad. they're four weeks in bloom today and I had my camera. don't look much different from update two days ago, but you can see the leaf tip issues.

I was at home depot today and picked up a seed starting tray for my outdoor garden. I should have got two clay pots for the cannabis plants.

im surprised your getting stress from the led's
Hope it gets better for you Brotha Br
They don't look too bad, mate. Especially if it's isolated to only a few leaves. Rest of her looks great. :thumb:
ok they don't look that bad. the leds do highlight problems very well. under there all the tips looked sad, but really only a couple are truly sad. they're four weeks in bloom today and I had my camera. don't look much different from update two days ago, but you can see the leaf tip issues.

I was at home depot today and picked up a seed starting tray for my outdoor garden. I should have got two clay pots for the cannabis plants.


In your second picture the 3'rd set of developed nodes down seem to be stunted compared to the second set and 4th set. One would think it should be some what in between, no? (3rd set are shorter and less developed compared to the second and 4th set). Don't know how to delete this post but it just seems to be the angle since that particular set of nodes is facing the camera vs being parallel like the 2nd and 4th set. As I were.
thanks for the encouragement CHH, AMK, SM, and A. I know it's nutrient and led stress because I've (unfortunately) encountered both before. all the nodes are actually growing a bit differently than they do under other types of lighting. as long as they aren't stunted.

edit: I just checked them and it looks like the led stress is spreading. ugh.
I checked them today and unfortunately the stress spread. I'm going to move them out from under the light and hope they cheer up.
I have 12" between the light and the plants when they're directly under the light. I moved the plants out from under the light to simulate them being farther away. it's a shame because they were doing really good. I hope that it's just because they were stressed in the past and that they'll grow out of it.
I have 12" between the light and the plants when they're directly under the light. I moved the plants out from under the light to simulate them being farther away. it's a shame because they were doing really good. I hope that it's just because they were stressed in the past and that they'll grow out of it.
Hey B....was in the area ...thought i'de say hello! Just reading you have a slight lighting issue. I can tell you from my last grow that 12" is way too close bud.Try and keep LED's 24" or so away from the tops.I noticed as you, that growth is really great for a time then they get bleached calxy's.Really strange looking....still ok to smoke in the end but that was the final thing that clued me in.Hey B...good to be here btw.Sorry, no time to read all that's here but i did check out your Cheers B.:cheer:
hi duggan. unfortunately I don't have anymore vertical space to work with. hopefully the next batch of seeds will grow without any problems. I can always low stress train the next batch. for now I'm going to run my cfls and see if they "pray" when the lights go out because they haven't been lately like they did a week ago. I'm not sure if it's because they're stressed or because they're done stretching. I'm going to keep a close eye on them.

did you come across any pictures of my plants that I grew under a 150 watt hps?
hi duggan. unfortunately I don't have anymore vertical space to work with. hopefully the next batch of seeds will grow without any problems. I can always low stress train the next batch. for now I'm going to run my cfls and see if they "pray" when the lights go out because they haven't been lately like they did a week ago. I'm not sure if it's because they're stressed or because they're done stretching. I'm going to keep a close eye on them.

did you come across any pictures of my plants that I grew under a 150 watt hps?

Ya that's tuff B....when you run out of vertical space. Maybe try and supercrop and ,or LST them real early next grow to get a "bush" growing instead of a tall lanky and leggy looking plant.Just a thought B. Have a great day bud1 Cheers.
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