Casey Jones #2

yeah guys just wanna give leds a good go. i made a little lux par chart and i think i found the number to multiple lux by to get par for leds thanks to some good peoples research. .0135 * lux for fluor and *.0141 for mh. i think led supposed to be above that but i need to give it a good go. the yield will tell.

girls are kicking under the cfls finally. look to be showing some sativa traits despite the cold.

thanks guys. i think it was because they were young and because they were stressed by leds in the past. believe it or not the 100x3w is as strong as a 600 watt hps (if my calculations are correct from some good peoples research).

on pro sources led website they actually say this: "Important Note: Too much light will cause serious damage to seedlings and young plants! Plants at the earliest stages of development must be placed the farthest distances from the light."

not only is the light very strong but leds are directional so i really needed to place them 24" away as youngsters under a 100x3w. maybe if i started them out from under the light they would have been fine? when they were in the corner as far as possible they were at 9000 lux. they werent growing good till the cfls kicked in though so we gotta hope and grow folks! i kept the 9000 lux on till i sold the light over the weekend cfls are recent couple days hoping for sex real soon :laughtwo:

what would you guys say like 50/50 sativa/indica or even 60/40 sativa/indica by looks so far? gotta be the white rhino seeds i lost and labeled bagseed lol. widow and kush or something afghan :)
agreed skunny. tonight i'm going to look for pistils. fingers crossed. hopefully my led light ships soon.

thanks guys. no sign of the parts yet :laughtwo: i bet soon though. just means they got more growing to do.
thanks guy. what should I grow this year? I'm thinking tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, melons, berries, grapes, spinach, basil, parsley, cilantro, dill, etc. last year I did have some plants in the ground, but the bugs got to them.

I think I've got two girls. I'll transplant them tonight. I hope my light shipped today.
Sounds like a great list, B. Have always thought melons were hard to grow, or at least supply enough water for on a domestic scale:)

really? I'm probably going to have a tough time with a melon plant in a pot then? I was thinking watermelon or honeydew.
You're pretty far North to be growing melons. I grew Crimson Sweet in straw bales, in Chicago, and they did great. Tidier than it would have been on the ground too. And the year after? Whole area was crawling w/worms! Eggplants may need the same special treatment.
All the rest would work just fine up there. Johnny's Selected Seeds has some good vars for your latitude.
Good luck!
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