Casey Jones #2

there is a 100 watt metal halide but its expensive like a hudo. have to skip the 150 hps becuase of heat even though cheap and awesome (i cry). 100 watt mh would work. the 300w old model is really bright lol. i relaly wonder if the 100 watt led would actually work in my environment and better than hid? i expect 40 grams between two plants with 100 mh and 100 led ?? :lot-o-toke:

i need my weed to grow i love it a bit cannabis is known to kill mrsa and common staph (which colonizes the nose) and therefore decreases inflammation. smoking properly and properly grown weed will kill mrsa in nose sinus and even benefit throat and lungs. it reminds me of tea tree oil a bit. im pretty sure it kills many microbes.

Just read about the MRSA thing very interesting, I don't know if I would go as far as saying it kills MRSA they are just saying it acts as an anti biotic. MRSA is just a buzz word to catch attention. They also didn't specify how they were applying the cannaboids to the lab culture. If you have MRSA since you seem concerned about it lol you should go to the hospital not wait for your plants to grow to treat it. I know you are not I'm just fing with you.

If you are asking about which would be preferable it all depends on the brand of LED you are using, sadly not all are created equal. People on here tend to have good results with the Chinese reverse engineered brands. From my understanding your 100 LED will and or should replace something equal to at least a 200 watt mh or hps system. Like I said though not all are created equal. There would be an energy savings using the LED's. You would be able to get closer to the plants, but if your room is cold mh might be a better option to provide some form of heat. Also LED's have a very limited spread area, distance wise during flowering, so that should be taken into consideration with stretch. I've never used MH or HPS only LED's so I don't know the other two only what I read/research.

I know you are no novice just found your post interesting and wanted to try to help. Seems like a good topic to debate as well.
hi dutty and addonexus. its snowy and windy here today as its been all month. im currently using hampton esates potting mix and neptunes harvest fish fertilizer. when my fish fertilizer runs out i may buy synthetic nutrients. ive stopped using organic "meals" because of the spread of disease thats going on with the increase in organic gardening. ive used this soil and nutrients with success for a while now. it has to be the light. i actually sold the light today. the buyer asked for a picture of it plugged in right before we met up and i didnt realize how bright it is until it was on its side aimed at me. i guess since leds are directional you really need distance for high powered units.

i really like the prison tunnel comparison my mom used to be scared about that space i dont feel anything when im in there in there digging :) a lot of us have mrsa and dont know it. you can be (and probably are) colonized/a carrier but that doest mean you have symptoms. if youve ever been in a hospital you are colonized with mrsa. i used mrsa as an example because thats the latest research being done. i know it kills A LOT of microbes and conditions like mrsa, sinusitis, lung flukes, asthma, bronchitis etc. there are many plants that have medicinal properites that we dont use enough of today. a lot of the plants work the way they do because they create stuff like oxalic acid which helps keeps bugs and disease away from them and helps them absorb nurtients as theyre growing. the kombucha tea thats made for ailments creates acetic acid which is vinegar. unfortunatley when i was in the hospital for crohns/colitis infection (c diff infection) i caught a mrsa blood infection through my iv line becuase i was on a lot of prednisone (cortisol immune suppressant). i miss my veins :/ our bodies dont just create inflammation unless their is mechanical harm (injury or microbes). almost all if not all autoimmune disease can be linked to microbes.

i dont think im going to get a 100 watt mh because my plants are going to be right up against it even with low stress training. im still debating between a 60x3w led unit and a 2 foot 4 bulb t5 unit and who knows maybe even a 100 watt mh. i was about to buy the 150 watt hps was on the phone with htgsupply about a 150 watt hps with a detached ballast at a great price but the guy actually talked me out of it. he said figure you probably need 300 watt cfl to equal heat and i had just over 200 cfl and was hitting 90s. im still on the fence.

i didnt see your post till now potchimp. hydrofarm just released a 100 watt mh. 250 watts is really pushing it lol.
I get pretty decent height control with that bulb, though. Check out my Raspberry Cough plant at 6 weeks from seed @ 18/6 (I supercrop almost daily also):


i might have to try super cropping cause thats an awesome looking plant. heres how mine look today. i cant wait for these things to take off.

Super cropping helps a lot to even out canopy height :thumb:
Happy Skunkday to ya Brotha Br :thumb:
happy skunkday to you too. i think im going to give led growing one more try before i call it quits. i really want to see what i can yield with leds. think i can get as close as 6" to a 60x3w unit? ill have about 26" between the floor and the light. subtract 5" of container height and ill have 15" to grow to 6" away from the light. my plants dont usually get taller than 18". if i lst i can keep them about 10" away from the light. can i grow 2 plants under a circular panel thats about 9" in diameter?
That's the spirit B.
I don't see why not you've seen mine touching the lights but they were well into bloom by the time its touching
may or may not make a difference
but I have seen OMM put his pretty close above his seedling before maybe a foot or so but seedlings
im not sure why either cronic. i did order one. i think i can make it work. i measured 10000 lux 24" away from the 100x3w light and i should measure 10000 lux 16" away from the 60x3w light.
im sure itll work for you i guess for me since i veg under flouros once theyre in bloom
im not afraid of the led
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