Casey Jones #2

yea I feel that my face was pretty swollen Saturday on my right side cause of a tooth called the dentist got some antibiotics and its way better now hope your grill is doing better too :circle-of-love:
thanks guys but I'm not loving it unfortunately lol. flower girl is tiny but at least she's pretty. sprouts are coming along decent size just looking a tad slow. I can usually determine gender at week 3. moved the sprouts to 18" at 15k lux. fed all three tonight with fertilizer let's grow come on.

Seems like things are looking OK in your grow right now. LED's don't heat up the grow like other lights...maybe they just seem slow because it's colder than you're used to in your grow area? That's what I have going on ATM.

hey guys. the plants have been moved as far from the light as possible (about 20 inches). I can't tell if the slow growth is because of the leds, the temperature, and/or the small containers they're in. as soon as I can determine their gender I'll transplant them. I'll post a picture update tomorrow.
they're four weeks old today. im getting the same leaf tip issue as when I had my other plants too close to the leds. I hope they pull through.

thank you LA and skunny. I fed them all tonight cause it's been a week since food and I tried to get the small girls to 10k lux. it's 20k above the girl in bloom and she seems to be growing good. she's 5 weeks in bloom tonight. she's fully matured and won't get taller because I see 3 and 1 bladed leaves at the top of her. I want to put her a bit closer, but I need the sprouts to grow fast as they should. sigh. maybe I'll just kick her up 2 inches with those tray warmers right now.. youngins getting too much light anyway.
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