Casey Jones #2

thanks guys. that picture was taken with my mobile phone which is why there are vertical frequency lines through the photo. when I use my older digital camera that doesn't happen.

nothing better than a doobie and some hot cocoa while it's snowing. it's mesmerizing to watch the snow dance as you toke.

I was doing some reading and learned that I shouldn't let the temperature drop below 50° fahrenheit. the plants are off the floor thanks to potchimp.

:thanks: for the good green vibes. my plants are finally growing properly. good vibes to all :)
That $hit starts toying with your mind trying to troubleshoot, b.real. A dead stop in growth. No real reason. Then you see pale and you think "feed them"; that usually does it right there :( It yellows more, withers, gets brown spots on the soon-to-die leaves. Man, the pot they're in stays wet forever when it happens and the roots lock up more. I've got 6 more plants starting to do it for the same reason; small pots get cold fast and easy. Light waterings and feedings and off of the floor, along with checks every day by hand to feel if the pots or bags are too cold to the touch. Hope things get going the right way for you :thumb:
They make a pop-up alarm for cooking turkeys and they can't make an alarm that lights up if you stick it in a growing pot and your root temps get too cold? Three cheers for science..... :cough:

Hmmm, A soil temp sensor was one of the options I was considering for my grow room automation hardware project. I wasn't sure if it was core or add on type feature. I have about 10 test units on my garage table for building into a design but I never got around to it.

I guess I will. The current Minimum Viable Product (MVP-1) has soil moisture, Digital PH, Temp and Humidity. I am pondering a series of diagnostic LEDs that turn on when a setting is out of range. So if the Temp for the roots hit below 55 or the PH in a reservoir went above 6.5 a bright RED LED light would turn on for each specific event, besides the basic digital screen with a print out of ambient conditions.
Turning on an LED (code wise) can be turned into switching a 110v AC switch with a heating pad plugged in. That's easy. The turning off at X temp is also pretty easy.

The hard part might be getting it to do it all at once with other stuff too. Maybe this is a stand alone product. A root temp sensor and on/off for automating warming. I was going to move this type of action toward using our API with the Database and send it to the net for monitoring, but for the first units, no net is easier. Way easier.

I might be coding a test unit tomorrow. Its winter time, and soil temps is important... hmmm...

ok, the two casey jones sprouts are 3 weeks old, but I can't determine their gender yet. do they look a bit pale to you guys? could it be light intensity stress? I moved them from farther from the leds last night when I noticed the paleness..


Another tightly stacked B. Real bud in the making.
Hey Br have you seen the article on hash tips?
Away has it on his journal
how far is the led's now?
thanks guys but I'm not loving it unfortunately lol. flower girl is tiny but at least she's pretty. sprouts are coming along decent size just looking a tad slow. I can usually determine gender at week 3. moved the sprouts to 18" at 15k lux. fed all three tonight with fertilizer let's grow come on.
Pushing real good!!!
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