Casey Jones #2

hey B when you started your first journal weren't you using cfl's?

this guys seems like hes running a tight space like you with cfl's maybe you can help him out on what bulbs to use
First Grow - Auto Assassin
I hear added co2 works well with high temperatures. I need to spend more time with them. I haven't because I haven't had anything growing :/

hi jesstar. feel free to ask any questions. I've completed a bunch of cfl grows. they say to use cool white bulbs during veg and warm white bulbs during bloom, but I like a combination of both.


casey jones seedlings (one week old)

bagseed (white rhino?)

blackout kush doesn't look good
Yo b seen you around but not had the pleasure of visiting ya grow but ive been contemplating a 12/12 seed lady for a while (I did 2reg sleeskunk) 1 was male one female but she took too long for my grow schedule (I can only have 11weeks grow/flower time at an one time) so I had too snap and reveg her but my lights went 12/12 as of yesterday with mixed ages and stages the one I am worried about is sweet black angel she was a sprout at flip in a 11l pot will she have the time to grow or am I better a: potting her down too a smaller pot? B: put her in with the misses autos 300w led 125blue cfl and veg her this cycle or c: leave her be she will just about finish? I have some serious lighting this grow so im thinkin c (600w true power sunblaster hps 300w led) and feeding biobloom and top max ive not got a journel running for it as of yet due to personal issues restricting 420 time but I will be sorting this asap...too your ladies they look great except black kush I would repot her into some fresh medium and place her in low light levels looks like the light intensity too me also you added extra calcium too soils for the led grow? :volcano-smiley:
thank you for the kind words cronic, c526, and wildwelshman.

hi subnoise and welcome to my journal. I don't use silica, but I have in the past. it gave my plants big knuckles at their nodes. currently I only use fish fertilizer, but I'm thinking about getting some synthetic fertilizer soon.

scottish I think you'll be fine growing in big containers, but be careful not to overwater.

thanks for the info jimmy6000 and welcome. I enjoy learning new things :)

drziggy my plants usually grow to 15-20" tall.
you've got it KJC :)

thanks for the love danishoes21 and hoochkid.

no problem c526. learning and sharing is what it's all about.
I hear added co2 works well with high temperatures. I need to spend more time with them. I haven't because I haven't had anything growing :/

hi jesstar. feel free to ask any questions. I've completed a bunch of cfl grows. they say to use cool white bulbs during veg and warm white bulbs during bloom, but I like a combination of both.


Impressively Gangster setup sir, I bet those ladies think they are going to burn from being so close to the sun!!. Question I don't follow your grows, but do you typically get decent yields with CFL's? And it just more economical in your position or do you choose CFL over say HPS or MH for a reason?
b.real, if that black pipe is for plumbing, I gotta tell ya they're not the best way to join pipe in that they are very susceptible to leaks. Not implying you should change the fitting, but you might consider hanging a piece of plastic between the pipe and all that voltage. Also, it might be wise to ensure those power strips are elevated enough that if the pipe ever does leak, and water gets under that dividing plastic, it will not find it's way into the power strips and start arcing.
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