Casey Jones #2

another $20. damn. I'm gonna try without it for now I think. probably not the best choice, but I don't want to spend money right now and the idea of plants and water on an electrical mat that gets hot doesn't sit well.

I found these videos pretty neat, what do you guys think?


I went back and stared at the pictures... you don't have CO2 supply down there. You can blast them with light, water and perfect silence, but if they can't process it, its locked.

You need some cheap yeast, sugar, disposable water bottle CO2 engine in there so the plants have their own food type.

Just call me CO2 Jack at this point... lol
Me personally, I discontinued making CO2 with yeast because my rooms were not completely sealed coupled with the fact I had no way of measuring how much CO2 was being produced. I am definitely a proponent for the use of CO2, but for me, I have to know that it produces and maintains a higher level than the natural CO2 levels in our air. So a CO2 sniffer is definitely a sought after item to include in the arduino project.
I've always liked GSC's videos, especially the strain-hunters ones, and these are pretty cool too imo. I wish I knew more about their logic of drying out soil so much and then flushing it during the weeks 2-5 of flower in the organic soil >.< that would really harm my soil, so there's must be something entirely different. Plus salts? Salts shouldn't be in organic soil either >.< I really wonder what they're using. Very cool that they end up with such fat buds so fast though - and interesting that the organic would beat the hydro's yield still.

as for CO2 - I imagine if I made one of your little CO2 setups aki I probably would lose all of it too. I really wish I had a grow room/tent for that.

I really want to try soma seeds or some other organic breeder too. :dreamy:
I watched those strain hunter videos too but they're pretty long so I didn't post them. they're pretty cool. in the india one the guys almost drank water from an indian village which I know is no good because I saw how they live on youtube. it's not sanitary at all. I'm not sure what they mean either about drying out the medium. I mean I have noticed that they drink slower towards the end of their lives, but that's about it. in my opinion their hydro vs. soil grows weren't fair because they didn't use fertilizer at all on the soil plants.

I've grown nirvana seeds (master kush, nypdiesel, snow white), paradise seeds (acid/diesel), serious seeds (serious 6, kali bubba), jamaica seeds (blackout kush), head seeds (casey jones), bomb seeds (thc bomb) and I think my bagseeds are green house seeds white rhino. I've grown decent plants down there before akisunni I think and hope co2 levels are normal :p

hopefully I will have one more very special plant soon. I need to contact simon to see if I can buy some chronic from them :)
I ran Co2 in my flower room......sealed.....couldnt control temps so discontinued, but with mmy autopilot which monitors Co2 levels i noticed sitting with them for 5 to 10 minutes breathing regular it raises the co2 ppms in upwards of 200-300 just spend a little timme iwht you r girls talking sweet to them.....get alll close and personal:)lol.....jsut remember to brush your teeth first.......i dont think they like funky breath:)lol.........but i dont think Co2 is our have had how many successful grows down there and not a problem before:)
I watched those strain hunter videos too but they're pretty long so I didn't post them. they're pretty cool. in the india one the guys almost drank water from an indian village which I know is no good because I saw how they live on youtube. it's not sanitary at all. I'm not sure what they mean either about drying out the medium. I mean I have noticed that they drink slower towards the end of their lives, but that's about it. in my opinion their hydro vs. soil grows weren't fair because they didn't use fertilizer at all on the soil plants.

I've grown nirvana seeds (master kush, nypdiesel, snow white), paradise seeds (acid/diesel), serious seeds (serious 6, kali bubba), jamaica seeds (blackout kush), head seeds (casey jones), bomb seeds (thc bomb) and I think my bagseeds are green house seeds white rhino. I've grown decent plants down there before akisunni I think and hope co2 levels are normal :p

hopefully I will have one more very special plant soon. I need to contact simon to see if I can buy some chronic from them :)

as far as not using fertilizer on the soil plants I understand why you wouldn't do that in a typical organic soil, all the fertilizer is in the soil it doesn't need to be added, but for them - I'm not sure that was the case, were they only flushing for caution or because their soil had salts?...dunno, which is why I wonder about the salts and flushing and drying...

...I don't know a single purely organic grower that would worry about salts in their soil, because they aren't adding any, ever. I can't imagine salts getting in their soils without adding some kind of bottled liquid or dry nute. and the flushing and drying, if you have mycorrhizal chains in your soil, that drying would devastate them (as well as salts). But they do touch on an interesting point, plants can be grown faster in optimal conditions, I just don't know that I agree with their evaluation of optimal, at least for organics. - in these videos if they really want to teach people, they should include every ingredient in their mix, every bottle of stuff they use, and how they control the NPK/ppms they mention.

Idk about their results either frankly- I think the way GSC grows works for GSC because its a huge company. I doubt many people trying to replicate their results on a small at-home scale are going to succeed. That's not to say there's nothing you can learn from them though :) thats my 2 cents haha. edit: right now I'm remembering that PeeJay, a reisdent 420 mag horticulturalist, who helped teach many here about no bottles organics, also recommended going long times between waterings, really letting it dry out, before really really flushing his soil. Maybe there's something us un-learned simpletons are missing :laughtwo: - but for now, I'm going to do what I know will keep fungi alive in my soil.

right those strain hunting vids were really interesting, but long for sure. I loved the India one, with all the charas rubbing and hiking. Crazy. The one in uhm.... Mozambique I think? Maybe Swaziland? Can't remember which African country exactly but... was also epic. When they found that one strain with vibrant pink and purple pistils, :circle-of-love: :trance: I'll never forget that. SO pretty. And its very educational as far as the socio-cultural aspects like you said, I was really struck by how many people depend on Charas rubbing in India, or guerilla growing in Africa.

Good luck getting your Chronic!! You've grown some amazing strains, I've sampled many of those, and would love to grow them. :love:
What's the deal B? If I wouldn't have been sending someone to you interested in 12/12 I would have never known you started a new journal. We live close enough to each other to have a rock fight. Let's not let this happen again; from now on send me an invite.

I see your hitting a few stumbling blocks with LEDs but I think you shouldn't throw in the towel yet. Not because I'm riding the LED wave but because of the fact that I'm sure it took you a minute to get your 12/12 style so in tune with CFLs. It would only take a minute for you to get it down pat with your LED panel.
OK B I gotta apologize I didn't even realize you still had a journal going very late but im here :thumb:
do me a favor drop me a link if/when you start a new one

edit I just read BAR's post I guess I wasn't the only clueless one :rofl:
Well B, BAR pointed to your journal for a 12/12...which I want to do from seed...3 glad he did the pointing.

Then I saw some pics, some vids....OMG

So, I'm subbed :) That's for sure...I'm going to do some reading... :)

AWESOME vids... I never knew they existed like that...there you go!

Thanks! :)
hi BAR, cronic, and tassie, and :welcome: next time I'll make sure to send out invites.

the plant with the pink pistils that they found in africa is serious 6 which I've grown :cool:

unfortunately added co2 in my grow area would be a waste because I have an extraction fan and can't contain it. come to think of it I remember researching if there is enough co2 in basements to grow plants because I was worried about it. thanks for looking out.

the seedlings are doing well and will be a week old tomorrow. I'll do a picture update tomorrow, 1/17. I plan on switching to the leds sometime next week.
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