Carnival: A Community Grow Experience

Most of the Carnivals I've run have stretched like a typical hybrid, double to triple from flip. I typically flip at 14 inches tall, give or take a few. There's a shorter pheno that only doubles at most.

Most of the Carnivals I've run have stretched like a typical hybrid, double to triple from flip. I typically flip at 14 inches tall, give or take a few. There's a shorter pheno that only doubles at most.


Ok..... See, the problem with me is I don't ever remember measuring the stretch. Lol! I depend on you to do these important things Graytail. :kisstwo:
Very nice looking lady, SweetSue, Nice Job!
Sorry so late Sue, but I know you like Pictures. Carnival week 6

Well thank you so much for that beautiful shot drift. :hug::hug::hug:
Ooooo...... Graytail...... I’ll say it again Master Graytail, you inspire me. Wait until I’m set up again. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Would like to be the first to welcome you to the south, I like to thank it's paradise.:thumb:

I'll be there by the end of next month, but thank you kindly in advance drift. :hug: I spent five years in West Texas getting my Bachelors, which is a very different part of the south than the high heat and oppressive humidity of NOLA. Lol!

I'm certain I'll find the South as wonderous as you do. :battingeyelashes: I wanted to be near water. I got my wish. :yahoo:
The Carnival has become my go-to bud ever since I harvested it. I should have never doubted you guys :)

I do notice that little bit of indica in it. A trace of munchies, maybe a little red-eye when I smoke too much. But only a little. It’s just the kind of high I like- the sort where I just feel good, and still feel like myself. Love that lime scent too.

The Carnival has become my go-to bud ever since I harvested it. I should have never doubted you guys :)

I do notice that little bit of indica in it. A trace of munchies, maybe a little red-eye when I smoke too much. But only a little. It’s just the kind of high I like- the sort where I just feel good, and still feel like myself. Love that lime scent too.



Told you so. :rofl:

Oooowweeee! This made my morning Weaselcracker. :slide:

It tickles Graytail to no end that this little chemovar caught my eye and my fancy, and with every single one of you that discovers the special qualities the genetic line has to offer the joy we share increases.

That tiny bit of indica never registers as such in my system. I knew you’d like it Weaselcracker, but Oh My Goodness does it please me mightily to hear it. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Woo-f'n-Hoo! :yahoo:

You already know how delicious she is grown in kit soil, you lucky man. Lol!

Oh Doob, I can't wait to come visit and smoke your Carnival with you. :slide: I bet it stays in constant rotation. Hehe! If you make yours look like Graytail's I'm gonna develop a complex. :rofl:

I'm excited Doob. It's one thing to appreciate the smoke, but another thing entirely to grow one. They have an energy distinct from the rest, something that can be said about most of what we grow, but Carn..... There never seems to be enough growing, isn't that the case @Graytail? Lol! Although sir, it appears you may have found the steady supply we all dream of under your ceiling of light.

Let's celebrate. :battingeyelashes:

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