Carnival: A Community Grow Experience

Just beautiful such a vibrant green!!! Hope the move goes smoothly!!!

Thanks Cav. I’m having dinner with them in two days. I’ll pass on the compliments. I think he’s doing a bang-up job.

Oh! I forgot I wanted to get out a reflector and some lights for their cloning area. I’ll pull them out later. Thanks for juggling my memory Cav. :hug:

The move is still 2-3 weeks out. Starting to get butterflies. Lol!
Dammit! Now I’m drolling. Lol!

I’m also reaching for the tray of Carn and the bong. :slide:

Those are nice colas, GT. Very impressive. I know you've grown a lot, and they're still impressive! I hope you enjoy smoking those ladies!
@Blew Hiller, I’m recalling my first Carnival in hempy that went 6’ tall and only produced an ounce of buds. Let’s begin to assume you’ll do much better than that in your lovely greenhouse.
I had to harvest her early due to a 2 week run of crazy high humidity (85%+ RH) and a scourge of rot in the GH. I ended up getting about 3 ounces from her...many lessons learned and I hope to run her again next summer.
I had to harvest her early due to a 2 week run of crazy high humidity (85%+ RH) and a scourge of rot in the GH. I ended up getting about 3 ounces from her...many lessons learned and I hope to run her again next summer.

Good to hear. When my first hempy one got away from me I was lucky to get an ounce from her, so good on you. :high-five:
It's a Carnival day.......:green_heart:

On my way to cooking class, following about six teeny-tiny hits of my recent harvest. I'll be honest, I grow some bad-ass sativas. Not a single one of them, deliciously euphoric as they may be, does for me what Carnival does.

It never ceases to surprise me how superior a buzz this is. :battingeyelashes:
You somehow have a way of describing a strain to the point I have to try it. Hope all is well today my sweet friend!!!

All is well Cav. :hug: In my world it’s always a little better than well. Lol!

You have a wonderful day yourself. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Hiya SweetSue, guys and gals,

Chop day has arrived. Yesterday I chopped all 3 ladies and have 2 of them trimmed and drying. 1 more to go. Humidity was so bad this year. Had troubler hanging in there this long, lol. Bad news - all the girls are riddled with botrytis. Very disheartening to throw some huge colas because of it. Good news- I still harvested enough (and more) to go until next years harvest. I couldn't get many pics because it was raining. When I went to the site, 4 branches were laying on the ground. Overcome with the weight of the bud, and soaking up so much rain.
The pics I did get are of a couple colas. First one:

I don't know where the purple color went, but it's gone. Some residual color, but not much. Next:

And a couple trimmed colas:


Again, my apologies on the photos. I'm not a photographer. I gotta tell ya, These colas are awesome to me. I've never seed colas like that for real. Can't wait for these to dry and sample. I will also make some cobs tomorrow. Thanks for your attention. Cheers guys
Hiya SweetSue, guys and gals,

Chop day has arrived. Yesterday I chopped all 3 ladies and have 2 of them trimmed and drying. 1 more to go. Humidity was so bad this year. Had trouble hanging in there this long, lol. Bad news - all the girls are riddled with botrytis. Very disheartening to throw some huge colas because of it. Good news- I still harvested enough (and more) to go until next years harvest. I couldn't get many pics because it was raining. When I went to the site, 4 branches were laying on the ground. Overcome with the weight of the bud, and soaking up so much rain.
The pics I did get are of a couple colas. First one:

I don't know where the purple color went, but it's gone. Some residual color, but not much. Next:
And a couple trimmed colas. Again, my apologies on the photos. I'm not a photographer. I gotta tell ya, These colas are awesome to me. I've never seen colas like that for real. Can't wait for these to dry and sample. I will also make some cobs tomorrow. Thanks for your attention. Cheers guys
Congrats Bode! Amazed you stuck with them so has been CRAZY.

I did a final trim after a week of drying and still found one or two spots of rot...luckily it was nuked by the H202 I used in the washing. Local stores are sold out of H2O2!
Mine had a very "dank" smell. That's the only way I know how to describe it. Trimming in the house definitely has a "cannabis" smell. Thanks for asking.

Almost finished with trimming. Dry for a few days, then will weigh.

Edit: Oh, I did find a cola with purple in it. Drying now. Will get a pic when dry, just before cobbing.
Oooo... I’m glad you found purple Bode. :yahoo: Take your time with the pictures. Once it’s cobbed it’s too late. Lol!

I’ve tried to describe the smell of Carn and I keep coming back to “It smells like Carnival.” Lol! It’s very distinctive. My last genetic line lacked the lime we all hope for, but dang, it does the trick regardless.

@Graytail, my recent DDA harvest is almost overwhelming with the scent of lime. I keep wishing you were right around the corner so I could turn you on to some. :battingeyelashes: This was the first time I got that strong a citrus expression in the DDAs.
Man! Someday I want to grow a Carn outside. :green_heart:
This is one Carnival I’d enjoy attending :thumb:

Yes you would Cannamusic, providing you have an appreciation for high-quality sativa goodness. Lol!
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