Carnival: A Community Grow Experience

How are you determining that? Previous experience?

If those need another 4 weeks mine won't be done until November!

Carnival1 is a clone and its mother went 81 days, and Carnival2 looks similar so ... :)

Carnival always goes 10+ weeks for me. :Namaste:
Ack, I forgot you're outside. :confused:

But I grow in HB soil which tends to extend the blooming period, so I can push a 70 day strain another 10 days before it poops out. They can look pretty fine at 70 days.

In what way are they lagging? Is it a slow start, or just no sign of maturity? Mine usually bloomed well, and as fast as other strains.

At least if they go too long for the climate, you'll probably get some blue colors from them. :)
Ack, I forgot you're outside. :confused:

But I grow in HB soil which tends to extend the blooming period, so I can push a 70 day strain another 10 days before it poops out. They can look pretty fine at 70 days. In what way are they lagging? Is it a slow start, or just no sign of maturity? Mine usually bloomed well, and as fast as other strains. At least if they go too long for the climate, you'll probably get some blue colors from them. :)
I'm in a GH so I'll be ok...first time for most of the strains I currently have going so it's good to get input from those that have experience. Carnival is slow in bud stacking comparatively to others (DTF, Blueberry, Critical). That could change in a week, but for now it looks light next to the others. She is 8'+ tall in a 45-gallon pot, so hopefully I can keep her happy till the end.

I'm also using LOS and I can guarantee she'll see some cooler temps before she is done...the other night hit 50F in the GH :)
Shed, mine tend to start building buds slowly, but the progression is constant, and in the end they’re nice and dense.
I’ve been smoking fresh Carn, cut just last week and removed from the low and slo process after one week. Stuff that shouldn’t be at all effective, right?

This stuff is kicking my butt. :rofl: The head rush is immediate and makes me go “Whoa!” at the start of each session.

Grow more Susan. Grow more. :slide: .
How nice for you, SweetSue! I'm hoping to try some soon. Will be cobbing a large portion of the buds! Perfect opportunity!

I took a couple pics of my Carnival in my garden. I asked previously if anyone had some purple in their carnival buds. Now, it's more pronounced. Stalks are very strong. Can't bend the top down (over 8') without breaking. Without further adieu:


And a closet look:


Different shots. Had trouble getting clear pics with bending and holding plant with one hand, and snapping photo with other (unsteady) hand. The pics with more purple didn't focus right (too much unsteady). These are a small example. A couple branches are mostly purple. Very pretty!
How nice for you, SweetSue! I'm hoping to try some soon. Will be cobbing a large portion of the buds! Perfect opportunity!

I took a couple pics of my Carnival in my garden. I asked previously if anyone had some purple in their carnival buds. Now, it's more pronounced. Stalks are very strong. Can't bend the top down (over 8') without breaking. Without further adieu:


And a closet look:


Different shots. Had trouble getting clear pics with bending and holding plant with one hand, and snapping photo with other (unsteady) hand. The pics with more purple didn't focus right (too much unsteady). These are a small example. A couple branches are mostly purple. Very pretty!

How amazing Bode! I’ve never seen a Carn with color.

Anyone else come across one?

That’s absolutely fascinating, staining on the leaves and all. I wonder how different the effect would be, if at all. I’d assume some difference, wouldn’t you? That purple suggests a slightly modified terpene profile.

We’re gonna have to talk off site after your harvest Bode. :battingeyelashes:
@Blew Hiller, I’m recalling my first Carnival in hempy that went 6’ tall and only produced an ounce of buds. Let’s begin to assume you’ll do much better than that in your lovely greenhouse.
Hiya Guys,

Here are the Carnival pics that have purple in the buds. These pics are a little better. Still a lot to learn.


Yeah, my next lesson is getting the sun on the buds. My bad, I'm still learning. Anyway, more purple:

Wow, one came out not half bad. Next:

I'll see if I can find more:

And one more:

Lastly, I wanted to show a pic of overall plant size. The stepladder is 8 ft. tall. They're bulking up well. I'm pleased with the bud production.

I started this post last night, and got sidetracked to the point of not posting until this morning, lol. Must've been stoned. Well, there they are.
Oh my goodness Bode! She’s huge! Hard to get out of the way when taking outdoor shots huh? Lol! I have the same challenge.

That girl looks like she’s gonna be really good to you.

Good God......make it possible for me to grow outdoors before my next 30 years passes. :green_heart:
@Graytail, you seeing this one?

Oops! 14 seconds. Lol!
Wow those carnivals are looking so good!!! I will have to looked into it.for the wife. She's not a smoker maybe a few times a year, but that's because she doesn't like the couch lock effect you get from 99% of the smoke around here. Thanks for the info guys!
Hiya guys, and gals,

Thought I'd share a couple more bud shots of the purple in the bud.

And a second one


These are the two that came out well enough to post. I changed out the stepladder to a ten footer. It's above the plant tops, but not by much. I hope to get a shot of that next time or it's not happening, I know, lol. But the top colas are getting sticky, and a little botrytis picked daily. Hoping to go at least 2 more weeks. The pistils are just starting to turn. Til next time ...

Edit - Most buds have no purple in them, only about 20%, the rest are green and white pistils (starting to turn).
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